FP Chapter Meeting Minutes 05/13/04

Family Preservation Chapter Meeting Minutes / 5/13/2004
10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
34 Peachtree Street, Suite 1710
Conference Room
Type of meeting: / Regular Monthly Meeting / Next Meeting / Tuesday, June 8th 2:00 p.m.
GAHSC Conference Room
Attendees: / Transitional Family Services, Debbie Atkins
Cornerstones Counseling Center, Bonnie Lockwood
Cornerstones Counseling Center, Cindy Driggers
ProFamily Associates, Diane O'Brien
GAHSC, Joe Wassell
Other Attendees: Normer Adams (GAHSC)
Welcome & Introductions / Debbie Atkins / 5
Discussion: No new members to report on.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
None. / None / None


FP Chapter Meeting Minutes 05/13/04

Minutes Review / Debbie Atkins / 5
Minutes Reviewed - One Correction. Add Janae Combs from Gwinnett Children's Shelter to the attendee list.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Correct Minutes / Joe Wassell / 09/08/04
Completed / 05/13/04


FP Chapter Meeting Minutes 05/13/04

FPBP Restructuring / Joe Wassell / 15
Current status of provider's response to the FPBP Restructuring Proposal was discussed. To date, no response has been received from the State. GAHSC has been assured that one is coming and that the initial response was never meant to be the final response. Providers will have a chance to meet again with the State with all issues on the table and open for discussion.
GAHSC passed out a handout containing comments from some providers on potential problems that the State will face if restructuring goes ahead at their proposed rates. The responses were classified into five categories: (1) child safety, (2) capacity, (3) Impact of caseloads, (4) psychologicals on children, and (5) qualifications of assessors. The list also contained some specific examples from providers on how these changes could affect possible cases.
Conclusions: This represents a good start on getting more specific. GAHSC will build on this initial attempt to get information that is more definitive from all providers when a response is heard on from the State.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
GAHSC to keep chapter members and providers informed on response. / Joe Wassell / TBD
Completed / Ongoing


FP Chapter Meeting Minutes 05/13/04

GAHSC/DHR Family Preservartion Taskforce / Joe Wassell / 5
Joe and Debbie reported that nothing is happening with this initiative. Kathy Herren from DeKalb supposedly is going to represent the State, but she is not familiar with the issue. Joe is still trying to get a meeting with Kathy to discuss.
Conclusions: GAHSC will proceed with agenda with or without the State.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Continue to pursue with the State. / Joe Wassell/Debbie Atkins / Ongoing


FP Chapter Meeting Minutes 05/13/04

Level of Care / Debbie Atkins / 5
The State is using the Child and Adolescent level of Care Utilization System (CALOCUS) for Psychiatric and Addiction for leveling kids. It has a new name and is now called the Child and Adolescent Service Intensity Instrument (CASII). Discussion centered on chapter members testing this instrument as part of the assessment.
Conclusions: No conclusion reached. Further information is needed on how the State is using this instrument and whether FPBP providers should become direct users also.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Debbie Atkins will continue to attend the LOC implementation/services committee meetings and report back. / GAHSC/Debbie Atkins / Ongoing


FP Chapter Meeting Minutes 05/13/04

Outcome Measures / Debbie Atkins/All / 30
Discussion: Major discussion item. Those present felt chapter needs to move forward now on this issue without waiting for the State to act or the Taskforce to develop. TFS discussed four possible instruments that looked promising based on cost and domains being measured. TFS set its own parameters in looking at instruments that the committee members present felt were reasonable (1) cost and (2) 20 minutes or less to administer.
(2)Parenting Stress Index (25 questions, self-scoring)
(3)Family Assessment Device (60 questions, self-scoring)
(4)Screening for Problem Parenting
Conclusions: Outcome measurement is critical to best practice and GAHSC should take the lead in developing outcome measures in Family Preservation that could eventually be adopted by the State
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
(1)Review possible outcome measurement instruments at next meeting (June 8)
(2)Decide on instruments to use.
(3)Implement on July 1. / FP Committee Members / 07/01/04
Additional Information
Topic: Child Life Histories / Bonnie Lockwood / 2
Cornerstones Counseling requested GAHSC check on status of Child Life Histories RFP for 2004;
Conclusions: None
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Contact State Office. Report back to chapter. / Joe Wassell / ASAP-
Completed / 06/08/04
Topic: Chapter E-Mail List / Bonnie Lockwood / 2
Members requested GAHSC provide a current contact list for all chapter members to include Organization, Contact Person(s), e-mail address and telephone number
Conclusions: None
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
GAHSC to develop and e-mail to all members / Joe Wassell / ASAP
Completed / 04/17/04
Topic: Criminal Background Checks / Normer Adams/All / 10
Discussion: Issue centers around advocating for a streamlined the process that will get these accomplished quickly. Normer Adams reported on actions already taken by GAHSC.
Conclusions: GAHSC continue to lead and push for a faster process for all providers.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Ongoing Advocacy as a major GAHSC initiative. / GAHSC / Ongoing
Topic: Training / All / 10
Discussion: Chapter continues to request GAHSC develop and include more training opportunities for Family Preservation members. One specific training identified was "Parenting with Love and Limits". The trainer is a Dr. Scott Sells out of Savannah. Dr. Scott uses live families when doing this training.
Conclusions: GAHSC need assistance from all chapter members in identifying the needs of FP Providers and possible topics/trainers.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Members should each develop a topic and trainer list of subjects and trainers they would like to see GAHSC pursue for individual trainings and for inclusion in the various sponsored GAHSC Conferences. / Chapter Members / 06/08/04
Topic: Other Family Preservation Activities / All / 10
Discussion: Providers are being asked by Counties to assist in some CPS types of activities such as:
(1) "Babysitting" in motels - being done using crisis intervention wrap-around services to keep kids from staying in DFCS offices overnight or on weekends. Providers are negotiating individually for this service depending on whom they have available, from behavior aides to clinicians. However, providers are concerned that no one is looking on who is actually performing these services and the specific credentials on the individuals actually performing the babysitting.
(2) Some providers are being asked by Counties to do some investigations, using therapists.
Conclusions: These types of requests point out the extreme pressure DFCS is under with mounting caseloads and more and more children coming into care. Relying on the private community for increasingly help is good, but oversight and accountability is still lacking.
Action items: None. / Person responsible: / Deadline:
None / None
  • Meeting Minutes - May 13, 2004
  • CALOCUS description.
  • Impact on FPBP Restructuring
  • AJC Article naming new Gwinnett County DFCS Director
  • AJC Article on Fingerprint plans on all adults in homes where there is suspicion of abuse and neglect.