Q & A
Do I need to boil water?
No, at this time you do not have to boil water.
Is the water safe to drink?
Yes, the water is safe to drink. The City of Parlier has implemented additional measures to ensure the health and safety of the drinking water.
Was the City of Parlier’s water wells contaminated or breached?
The City of Parlier has determined that no water well was contaminated or breached. You may continue drinking and utilizing the water for routine usage.
Why I am receiving this notice?
Section 64426.1(c) of the California health and Safety code requires a public water system to notify the Division and the consumers of the water system, when a violation of Section 64426.1(b)(1) through (4) the total coliform MCL occurs.
What was contaminated if the water wells were not contaminated?
One sample tube tested for Coliform during a routine testing of our water testing stations. The water station that produced the tube of water that contained the samples that tested for coliform.
“64426.1 Total Coliform Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL).
(a) Results of all samples collected in a calendar month pursuant to Section 64423, 64425 that are not invalidated by the Division of the laboratory shall be included in determining compliance with the total coliform MCL”.
What has the city done to correct the matter?
City of Parlier Water System believes the positive samples were due to old sample taps with leaky packing. All sample taps were replaced with new sample taps. The City of Parlier will also be replacing all water testing stations that are older than 20 years old with new technology systems in order to prevent future errors during the testing of water system.
The City of Parlier and the City Council wants to ensure the residents of Parlier that all reasonable measures to ensure the quality, health and safety of the drinking water are in place. The City would like to thank the residents for their patience and understanding during this process.