Primary Maternity Services Notice 2007
Error Catalogue
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Department: / HealthPAC - Strategy and Development GroupDate: / 17 April 2007
Version: / 0.08
Status: / Final
Primary Maternity Services Notice 2007 – Error Catalogue
Table of Contents
2.Claim Header Errors
3.Claim Item Errors
3.1Claim Validation Rule Errors
3.2Date of Service Rule Errors
3.3Supporting Rule Errors
3.4Item Business Entity Validation Rule Errors
3.5Generic Data Errors
3.6Item – Conditional Data Rule Errors
4.Baby Data Field Rule Errors
[The introduction provides an overview of the entire document. Present any information the reader might need to understand the document in this section.]
[The purpose of this document is to …]
This document presents the List of Errors that can result from the processing by the HealthPAC system of a maternity claim submitted under the Maternity 2007 notice.
[A brief description of the scope of this document.]
This document is a comprehensive listing of the error codes and error messages provided by the HealthPAC system for claims made under the Maternity 2007 notice.
The error codes and messages correspond to those implemented in the HealthPAC Business Rules engine, wherein the coded logic is identified with a URN. For Maternity 2007, URN numbers are identical to the Error Codes, but are prefixed with “URN”.
[This subsection describes what the rest of this document contains and explains how it is organized.]
The errors are grouped under the following categories of implemented rules, each of which has a separate section / sub-section:
- Header Field Rules
- Claim Item Rules, divided into :
- Claim Validation Rules
- Date of Service Rules
- Supporting Rules
- Item Business Entity Validation Rules
- General Item Data Rules
- Item – Conditional Data Rules
- Baby Data Field Rules
2.Claim Header Errors
Code / Error Message1001 / The Claim Type is missing
1002 / The Claim Type is invalid
1003 / The Message Type is missing
1004 / The Message Type is invalid
1016 / File date should be on or before Date Received
1029 / Duplicate claim file
2001 / Claims received after [2002 Notice Cutoff Date] for services under the 2002 notice will not be paid
2002 / Grand Total Amount Claimed (GST Excl) has not been provided
2003 / Grand Total Amount Claimed (GST Excl) is not a valid number
2004 / Total GST claimed has not been provided
2005 / Total GST claimed is not a valid number
2006 / Grand Total Amount Claimed (GST Incl) has not been provided
2007 / Grand Total Amount Claimed (GST Incl) is not a valid number
2008 / File Date has not been provided
2009 / File Date is not a valid date
2010 / Agreement number has not been provided
2011 / Agreement number is invalid
2012 / Payee Number has not been provided
2013 / Payee Number is Invalid
2014 / Claim Reference has not been provided
2015 / Version Id has not been provided
2016 / Version Id is invalid
2017 / Sending Application has not been provided
3.Claim Item Errors
3.1Claim Validation Rule Errors
Code / Error Message1384 / Service cannot be referred and provided by the same Practitioner
1389 / Obstetrician Services cannot be claimed if Referring Practitioner is an Obstetrician
2102 / Agreement does not cover the service/fee claimed
2118 / LMC Service/Fee has already been claimed
2119 / Full Module has already been claimed
2120 / First Partial Module has already been claimed
2121 / Last Partial Module has already been claimed
2122 / LMC Services Following Birth has already been claimed
2123 / GP/Obs Services Following Birth has already been claimed
2124 / Services Following Birth Rural Travel has already been claimed
2125 / Additional Postnatal Visits has already been claimed
2126 / Rural Travel Full Fee has already been claimed
2127 / Rural Travel First Partial Fee has already been claimed
2128 / Rural Travel Last Partial Fee has already been claimed
2129 / First Registration was after the start of the 18th week
2130 / No Registration between the start of the 18th week and the end of the 26th week
2131 / Claim received more than 12 months after the Date of Service
2132 / Registration was after the start of the 18th week
2133 / Registration ended before the end of the 17th week
2134 / LMC Labour and Birth has already been claimed
2135 / GP/Obs LMC Labour and Birth has already been claimed
2136 / Labour and Birth Exceptional Circumstance has already been claimed
2137 / Maternity Provider/Practitioner is not the registered LMC at the Date of Service
2139 / Registration was after the end of the 3rd week after delivery
2140 / No accepted Registration after the LMP Date
2141 / No Registration on or after the start of the 4th week after delivery
2142 / No Registration on or before the end of the 3rd week after delivery
2143 / Registration ended before the end of the 3rd week after delivery
2144 / Additional postnatal visits requires at least 12 postnatal visits
2145 / Additional postnatal visits is not valid if LMC Postnatal GP/Obs has been claimed
2146 / Rural Area Unit Classification is invalid
2147 / Area Unit Classification provided is Semi Rural
2148 / Area Unit Classification provided is Rural
2149 / Area Unit Classification provided is Remote Rural
2150 / Area Unit Classification Code has not been provided
2152 / No accepted Registration before the start of the 35th week
2153 / No Registration after the end of the 34th week
2154 / Registration ended before the start of the 35th week
2155 / LMC cannot claim Non-LMC services
2156 / Registered Maternity Provider cannot claim Non-LMC services
2157 / Date of Service is after Date Received
2158 / Date of service must be after LMP Date
2159 / Registration ended before the start of the 31st week
2160 / Non LMC First Trimester may only be claimed once per pregnancy
2161 / Non LMC Urgent Pregnancy Care may only be claimed once per woman per day
2162 / Non LMC Labour and Birth (Rural Support) may only be claimed once per woman per day
2163 / Non LMC Urgent Postnatal Care may only be claimed once per woman or baby per day
2164 / Non LMC Urgent Postnatal Care must be claimed within 6 weeks after birth
2165 / Obstetrician Service may only be claimed once per woman per day
2166 / Paediatrician Service may only be claimed once per woman or baby per day
2167 / Ultrasound scan may only be claimed once per woman per day
2174 / Gestation must be greater than 20 weeks or birth weight must be greater than 400 grams
2181 / Birthing Unit Support has already been claimed
2182 / Homebirth Supplies and Support has already been claimed
2183 / LMC Labour and Birth (Rural Support) may only be claimed once per woman per day
* The 2185 error is not covered in the business rule document and is subject to confirmation as to whether or not this is required.
3.2Date of Service Rule Errors
Code / Error Message2168 / Module cannot end after the first trimester
2169 / Date of Module end must be before the start of the 18th week
2170 / Date of Module end must be between the start of the 18th week and the end of the 2nd Trimester
2171 / Date of Module end must be between the start of the 31st week and the end of the 34th week
2172 / Date of Module end must be after the end of the 34th week
2173 / Date of Module end cannot be before the start of the third trimester
2175 / Date of Module end must be between Date of Birth and the end of third week after birth
2176 / Date of Module end must be between the start of the 4th and the end of the 6th week after birth
2177 / Date of Service is not within 2 days of birth
2178 / Date of Service must be between baby date of birth and 6 weeks after birth
2179 / Date of Registration is before the LMP date calculated from EDD
2180 / Date of Registration is more than 6 weeks after the date of birth
3.3Supporting Rule Errors
Code / Error Message2100 / Incorrect data specification used for date of service
2101 / Incorrect forms used for date of service
2138 / Registration ended before delivery date
2151 / Registration ended before the start of the 3rd Trimester
1013 / Date Received is missing
1014 / Date Received is not a valid date
3.4Item Business Entity Validation Rule Errors
These rules are applied where the corresponding field is required and has been provided.
Code / Error Message2104 / The NHI Number is invalid
2108 / Practitioner Registration Number is invalid
2184 / NHI provided is not for a female
2266 / Referring Practitioner Id is not valid
231[n] / Baby NHI is invalid for Baby [n]
3.5Generic Data Errors
These are errors for data, which is mandatory for all service types.
Code / Error Message2103 / NHI Number has not been provided
2105 / Practitioner Type has not been provided
2106 / Practitioner Type is invalid
2107 / Practitioner Registration Number has not been provided
2109 / Practitioner Surname has not been provided
2110 / Service Claim Code has not been provided
2111 / Service Claim Code is invalid
2112 / Fee Code has not been provided
2113 / Fee Code is invalid
2114 / Fee Claimed has not been provided
2115 / Fee Claimed is not numeric
2116 / Date of Service has not been provided
2117 / Date of Service is not a valid date
3.6Item – Conditional Data Rule Errors
These are errors for data elements that are conditional mandatory and the condition as outlined in the HL7 specification applies.
Code / Error Message2201 / Service For is required but has not been provided
2202 / Service For is invalid
2203 / Date of Birth has not been provided
2204 / Date of Birth is not a valid date
2205 / Family name has not been provided
2206 / First or given name has not been provided
2207 / Ethnicity has not been provided
2208 / Ethnicity code 1 is invalid
2209 / Ethnicity code 2 is invalid
2210 / Ethnicity code 3 is invalid
2211 / Address line 1 has not been provided
2212 / City has not been provided
2213 / EDD has not been provided
2214 / EDD is not a valid date
2215 / Gravida not been provided
2216 / Gravida is not a whole number
2217 / Parity has not been provided
2218 / Parity is not a whole number
2219 / LMP has not been provided
2220 / LMP is not a valid date
2221 / Parity must be less than or equal to Gravida
2222 / Registration for Caregiver and no baby details provided
2223 / Height has not been provided
2224 / Height is not a whole number
2225 / Weight has not been provided
2226 / Weight is not a valid number
2227 / Smoking Status has not been provided
2228 / Smoking Status provided is invalid
2229 / Smoking Daily Quantity has not been provided
2230 / Smoking Daily Quantity provided is invalid
2231 / Module End Reason has not been provided
2232 / Module End Reason is invalid
2233 / Number of First Trimester Visits has not been provided
2234 / Number of First Trimester Visits is not a whole number
2235 / Number of Second Trimester Visits has not been provided
2236 / Number of Second Trimester Visits is not a whole number
2237 / Number of Third Trimester Visits has not been provided
2238 / Number of Third Trimester Visits is not a whole number
2239 / Maternal Death Indicator has not been provided
2240 / Maternal Death Indicator must be Y or N
2241 / LMC Attendance at Birth Indicator has not been provided
2242 / LMC Attendance at Birth must be Y or N
2243 / Date Labour Established has not been provided
2244 / Date Labour Established is not a valid date
2245 / Time Labour Established has not been provided
2247 / Number of Midwifery Visits has not been provided
2248 / Number of Midwifery Visits is not a whole number
2249 / Number of inpatient postnatal visits has not been provided
2250 / Number of inpatient postnatal visits is not a whole number
2251 / Referral to GP has not been provided
2252 / Referral to GP must be Yes or Declined
2253 / Date of Referral to GP has not been provided
2254 / Date of Referral to GP is not a valid date
2255 / Date of Discharge from LMC has not been provided
2256 / Date of Discharge from LMC is not a valid date
2257 / Specialist Referral Reason has not been provided
2258 / The Specialist Referral Reason provided is invalid
2259 / Ultrasound Referral Reason has not been provided
2260 / Ultrasound Referral Reason provided is not valid
2261 / Date of Referral has not been provided
2262 / Date of Referral is not a valid date
2263 / Referring Practitioner Type has not been provided
2264 / Referring Practitioner Type is not valid
2265 / Referring Practitioner Id has not been provided
4.Baby Data Field Rule Errors
For the baby data rules a different error code is produced depending on the baby. In the following error codes and description [n] represents a sequence number for the baby within the item.
NOTE: The corresponding URN number for these errors has [n] = 0
Code / Error Message230[n] / Baby NHI has not been provided for Baby [n]
232[n] / Baby Date of Birth has not been provided - Baby [n]
233[n] / Baby Date of Birth is not a valid date - Baby [n]
234[n] / Baby Family Name has not been provided for Baby [n]
235[n] / Baby First or Given Name has not been provided for Baby [n]
236[n] / Baby Condition has not been provided for Baby [n]
237[n] / Baby Condition is invalid for Baby [n]
238[n] / Birth Weight has not bee provided for Baby [n]
239[n] / Birth Weight is not a whole number for Baby 1[n]
240[n] / Apgar score at 5 minutes has not been provided for Baby [n]
241[n] / Apgar score at 5 minutes is invalid for Baby [n]
242[n] / Breastfeeding status at 2 weeks has not been provided for Baby [n]
243[n] / Breastfeeding status at 2 weeks is invalid for Baby [n]
244[n] / Breastfeeding status at discharge has not been provided for Baby [n]
245[n] / Breastfeeding status at discharge is invalid for Baby [n]
246[n] / Date of Neonatal Death is not a valid date for Baby [n]
247[n] / Date of Neonatal Death is before Date of Birth for Baby [n]
248[n] / Referral to Well Child Provider has not been provided for baby[n]
249[n] / Referral to Well Child Provider is invalid for Baby [n]. It must be Plunket, Other or Declined
250[n] / Date of Referral to Well Child Provider has not been provided for Baby [n]
251[n] / Date of Referral to Well Child Provider is not a valid date for Baby [n]
252[n] / Ethnicity has not been provided for Baby [n]
253[n] / Ethnicity code 1 is invalid for Baby [n]
254[n] / Ethnicity code 2 is invalid for Baby [n]
255[n] / Ethnicity code 3 is invalid for Baby [n]
Version – 0.08 17 April 2007 Page 1 of 7