Current Mailing Address: 3636 Coleman Rd. Apt. 512 Lansing MI, 48823
Cell #: (815) 409-6654
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Ph.D. in Sociology
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI August 2013-
Committee Members: Daniel Menchik (Chair), Zhenmei Zhang, Hui Liu, Clifford Broman
Expected graduation: 2017
M.A. in Sociology
DePaul University,Chicago, IL 2010-2012
“Gender and Stigma Representations in Media Health Advertisements-a Content Analysis”
B.A. in Biology and Spanish
Augustana College, Rock Island, IL 2006-2010 Minor: Biochemistry
Member of the Foundations Honors Program
Areas and Interest:
Gender ideology and inequality, marriage, mental and international health disparities, life course, stress, medicalization, and biodemography
Teaching Experience:
- Instructed lectures, monitored student progress, and designed lesson plans, rubrics, and assignments.
- Challenged students enhance higher levels of thinking skills.
Adjunct Faculty Professor 2016-Current
Kischwaukee College, Malta, IL
- Teaching Marriage and Family online
- Taught Criminology online
Teaching Assistant Fall 2015-Fall 2016
Michigan State University, Department of Sociology
- Introduction to Sociology (Fall and Spring Semesters)
- 2 recitation sections for 3 Semesters
Adjunct Faculty Professor 2013
Kankakee Community College, Kankakee, IL
- Introdction to Sociology (Spring)
- 1 weekly class section.
- Introduction to Sociology (Summer)
- 2 weekly class sections.
Related Teaching workshops, internships, and training:
College Teaching Institute Workshop Summer 2014
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
- Learned about recently developed interactive teaching supplements.
- Explored methods to monitor student progress.
Completed a class called Teaching Sociology Spring 2012
Depaul University, Chicago, IL
- Examined complications in teaching at the collegiate level and their potential solutions.
- Developed teaching portfolio
Teaching Intern Spring 2012
Joliet Junior College, Joliet, IL
- Helped design lesson plans and teach classes
- Learned problem based learning techniques
De Vries, R. G., Tomlinson, T., Kim, H. M., Krenz, C. D., Ryan, K. A., Lehpamer, N., & Kim, S. Y. (2016). “The moral concerns of biobank donors: the effect of non-welfare interests on willingness to donate” Life sciences, society and policy,12(1): 1.
Tomlinson, T; DeVries, R; Ryan, K; Hyungin, M; Lehpamer, N; Kim, S. (2015). "Moral concerns and the willingness to donate to a research biobank."JAMA 313(4): 417-419.
Conference Presentations:
Nicole Lehpamer. 2016. “Gendered Differences in Self and Spousal Perceptions of ADHD Status and
treatment” Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, August 20th-24th, Seattle, WA.
Nicole Lehpamer. 2015. “The Effects of ADHD Status on Intimate Relationship Status and Quality”
Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, August 22nd-25th, Chicago, IL.
Nicole Lehpamer. 2014. “International Generation and Sex differences in Self-Perceptions of Autonomy” Presented at the Michigan Sociological Association Conference, October 24th-25th, Muskegon,MI.
Nicole Lehpamer. 2014. “Gender and Stigma Representations in Media Health Advertisements- a Content
Analysis” Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society Conference, April 3th-6th, Omaha, NE.
Nicole Lehpamer. 2014.” Gender and Stigma Representations in Magazine Health Advertisements Have Increased Over Time”Presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, August 16th-19th, San Francisco, CA.
Nicole Lehpamer. 2010. “The Effects of Consumerism on One’s Pursuit for Individuality Throughout U.S. History”. Presented at the Augustana Celebration of Learning in 2010.
Social Research Experience:
Research Assistant Fall 2013-Summer 2015
Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
PI: Tom Tomlinson and Ray DiVries (University of Michigan)
- We designed, implemented, and analyzed a survey and a series of democratic deliberations to assess whether exposure to knowledge about social concerns influences individual consent for biobank donation.
Social Research Intern Summer 2011-October 2011
Mercy Care Program HIV Clinic, Chicago, IL
- Created, issued, and assessed a patient health survey
- Researched patient risk and stages of patient change for clinical application
Professional Associations:
American Sociological Association 2014-2016
Midwest Sociological Society 2010, 2012-2015
Michigan Sociological Society 2013-2015
Illinois Sociological Society 2011-2012
Alpha Kappa Delta Inducted in 2012
Proficiency in Related Professional Software:
- Microsoft packages (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Stata
- Mplus
- Mechanical Turk
- Dedoose
- NVivo
- Angel
- D2L