Hampshire Fostering Network
Hampshire Fostering Network
Date / Thursday 9 June 2016Time / 1930hrs
Location / Northfields House, Off Shipley Road, Twyford
Hampshire Fostering Network
Present / BC Vice Chair, NF Secretary,JT, SW,DS, BM, SF,JC, EM, MM, Lynne Tripp, East FP Team Manager (LT).Apologies / LH, JL,SF, GS,AL, LB, DE, JP, MT
BC / Welcomed all and thanked everyone for attending.
BC – Treasurer’s Report / LH advised the balances in the following accounts;-
- Current account £975.02
- Deposit account £4137.88
BC – HFN Conference 09/09/16 Update / BC advised that LH confirmed that she has a meeting at Winchester University on 13/06/16, to assess the available space being offered and to finalise arrangements. LH will provide a full update next month.
BC urged carers to book their place at the conference quickly to ensure a place as they were going fast.
NF – HFN Christmas Party Update / NF advised that the ticket sales were going very well with over 80 sold and there are very few left until the venue is filled and that if anyone wants tickets to book them quickly. NF advised that all monies need to be received asap in order to confirm your place.
NF confirmed there will be a raffle and asked if anyone has any donations they would be gratefully received and can be passed to any committee member.
BM – AQA Awards Update / BM advised that all is going well and she has received very good feedback, and we must keep the message out there about AQA’s from all areas. BM was happy to confirm that people are working on them successfully, but there have been no requests for additional support yet with completing them, but that is good as it shows the information and training already provided is sufficient, but if help is needed it is there so please just ask.
BM also advised that she has met with Maria Calway-Kennedy who works with children’s homes and this year’s batch is being submitted by 15/08/16, which is the deadline. BM advised that the AQA’s have raised the profile of HFN across county which is a positive step. DS advised that when she asked one of her LAC social workers about an AQA, she said she knew nothing about it, which raised concern as Team Managers and IRO’s, etc are fully aware of them. Discussions were held and agreed that this would be reported back to Amber James, as a communications concern.
Post Meeting Note (AJ) – I will raise this at the county Children in Care Manager’s Meeting.
BM advised that she has spoken with Lee Culhane and has asked him to discuss with Care Ambassadors’/LACs about what they feel they need as an AQA and to feedback accordingly.
BM met with the Innovation Project who are very keen to participate, however, BM added that we are happy for them to use the Virtual School but they would need their own budget, which attendees agreed with.
BC – Payments Update / BC advised that he had produced a long list this week to Amber James, which he received an email back saying her understanding was that the longstanding issues have been paid. However, BC stated that carers are advising that this is not the case, so BC and Amber James will investigate again.
BM advised that previously after following the process and after a further 8 months of still no payments, she formally complained via an email, and then received an acknowledgement of complaint letter within one week and then full payment within two weeks. BM has experienced this twice so she advised foster carers to try in the future.
BC advised that some of the P60’s are wrong so please can all carers check them, and advise their FPSW and the Payments Team if incorrect. BC has advised that Amber James will investigate.
BC advised that carers who receive OOH placements where, for example they are told that a child will arrive that evening, and then gets dropped off after midnight, which then means that they have not only lost a night's sleep but a night’s payment as it then starts a day later too, is still occurring even though this has previously been raised with Amber James. Lengthy discussions were held among attendees and other examples given, so BC will take this up with Amber again and will provide an update next month.
LT advised that she has spoken with Amber James who had discussed the issue with Sarah Smith, FPSW Team Manager West, regarding carers not getting paid for OOHs and one reason is when the child/young person is from out of county, eg, Southampton/Portsmouth council.
DS said that she had done OOH once and on her payslip it just showed as OOH, with no child’s name, etc, so she was not aware she had been paid. BM said you also do need the name of the child for your tax return, so it is important it’s processed correctly.
Lengthy discussions were held about how carers possibly should put in formal complaints about late payments, etc, in order to highlight the serious issues, especially if over six months. MM asked LT why can’t FPSW’s approve a payment. LT advised that the budget from the CIC teams won’t allow them to approve payments as they must manage their own budgets.
BC advised the new Payments Team has now been appointed and they are in the process of being trained. They do deal with all the different types of payments issues across the whole of HCC.
Post Meeting Note (AJ) – The Payments Team commenced on 4 July 2016 and has begun to pick up some of the issues raised on Facebook. There will be a formal launch in a few weeks’ time once the Team has put its processes together and had the training required. In the meantime they will work on issues so please continue to send to me until they are able to receive calls directly.
BM – Social/Craft Events Update / BM advised there were no further updates, and all details are on the HFN website and BM has emailed all the support groups too.
BC – Marwell Zoo Family Event / BC advised that the Marwell Zoo Family event currently has 90 places already booked with 38 adults and 52 kids, which is amazing.
EB – Carers’ Own Children’s’ Events / EB advised that the first event is being held on Sunday, with the 30 places already fully booked and with a waiting list too. EB was extremely pleased that there had been an excellent response for Rock Up and will, of course, provide feedback at the next HFN meeting. EB confirmed that there will be another event in September 2016 with details to be confirmed. Discussions were held regarding different ideas for events, eg Flip Out, a Roller Disco to name a few. EB will look into any future ideas and put questions out on the HFN facebook page and for the under 6’s too. So if anyone has any ideas don’t hesitate in sharing them with EB.
BC – Duke of Edinburgh Award Update / BC provided an update from Charley Farley who advised that the DoE is for Yr 9 and Y 10’s, for LAC’s and own children too. SW and BM wanted to express their thanks to CF as their LAC’s are participating in DoE and they are really enjoying it, and have received £100.00 each to spend on the DoE kit. BC also reported lots of positive feedback from other carers, also saying that communication has been excellent and HFN wants to say a BIG thank you to CF for organising and running it.
BC – Care Matters Board (CMB) Feedback / BC advised that Lisa Hayes has attended a meeting last month, where updates were given by each of the sub group chairs. LH was introduced to Stephanie How, the new Lead for CIC. Stephanie is arranging for LH to attend CIC managers meetings and will also be meeting with Amber James and LH every 12 weeks or so. Attendees agreed that this was very good news.
CMB Your Voice – JC advised he has received no information or emails regarding meetings at all. LH had previously advised that they would be in contact with him but he still has not heard anything
CMB Your Education – No attendance as no contact or information provided.
CMB Your Health – No attendance as no contact or information provided.
CMB Your Accommodation – NF advised that they have been changed to quarterly and has received notification of future meetings throughout the next year.
CMB Your Future – BM attended one today which was a small group at present and staff have moved and needed to be replaced. It was mainly about how to raise awareness of AQA’s this month.
Post Meeting Note (AJ) – I will raise this again as all HFN reps are now known by the groups.
SW – HFN Rep Feedback for Adoption
BC – HFN Rep Feedback for PCT
HFN Reps for Recruitment, Training, Virtual Schools / 1.SW advised that she is meeting with Rachel Reynolds on 20/06/16 for an update, but so far has received alot of feedback from carers who are not having early contact with the child. One feedback was the IRO wants feedback from a Doctor regarding the issues with no early contact. Once this has been obtained, SW will feedback accordingly.
MM raised that a baby she had for adoption in 2013 still does not have a life story book. Discussions were held with attendees who shared other examples of this and it was agreed it was very important to have life story work completed for the children.
2. PCT
Recruited to 2-part time posts, both people have not yet started and are going through the HR Process. Currently have a full time Agency worker, Jacqui Hillier until the end of July, and she is proving to be very capable.
Keeping track of vacancies continues to be a challenge, and finding spaces with Carers who may be able to offer a short term bridging placement, would be helpful. Lisa’s proposed form has not yet got up to speed, but we are very hopeful that this will improve the information that PCT have available to them.
PCT continue to have high demand for young people 11-15 with some complexities and risk, some without. Sometimes carers are put off by the referral, however we have seen some young people settle well.
Placement / Referrals Last Month
March 2016 / Referral Numbers this month
April 2016 / Placement Numbers last month
March 2016 / Placement Numbers this month
April 2016
Fostering / 80 / 84 / 23 / 35
IFA / 0 / 0 / 12 / 19
Family Link / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0
Respite / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0
Total / 84 / 86 / 35 / 54
Currently 40% of placements are same day placements, the need for Carers able to accept short term placements are essential to meet this demand. We use IFA frequently to meet this need. Not all same day placements are complex or have high risk.
Low demand for babies and toddlers on their own, we do have sibling groups coming through occasionally, often as same day placements.
JC raised serious concerns about a LAC he has who turns 18 shortly and is refusing to move on and the young persons social worker is not doing anything about it, which means that on her 18th birthday JC will have to call the Police to have her removed, which clearly he does not want to do but feels desperate as there has been no response from the relevant social worker. BC advised he needs to chase this, as there are only four weeks to go. LT has agreed to take this up for him as a matter of urgency and he will report back accordingly.
3. BC advised there is no update this month from Recruitment.
4. BC advised there is no update this month from Training, and it was agreed HFN needs to check if Damion Ettridge is even getting asked to attend these meetings. SF suggested putting a training survey onto the HFN FB page asking carers what training do they want.
Post Meeting Note (AJ) – I have suggested that Lisa Willis attends the August HFN committee meeting with me to discuss training – if members would be agreeable to this?
5. BC advised there is no update this month from Virtual School.
Support Group Feedback / EB advised that there was no feedback from the Alton group this month.
BC provided the following updates;-
Andover Support Group
Speaker on The Edge of Care Project which the Department hope that working with some young people will prevent them coming into care. More foster carers needed as mentors for the young people spending time with them and possibly overnight respite
Update on HFN events
General discussion on placement issues (mainly teenagers) also training when it was mentioned that carers have received notification of evening training however it was noted that the venue was Totton and started at 18.00 which for those who had placements was not a good time
Teenager Support Group
Again this month only 2 carers attended so very little discussion
As previously discussed low attendance possibly down to Mondays not being suitable day for carers therefore FPSW agreed to contact Northfield to enquire the availability of a room for another day during the first week of the month.
BM – advised that she had been unable to attend the Basingstoke group, which is held on the second Thursday of the month, but had emailed the social worker to raise the events and conference again.
LB – advised that the Gosport support group was good in attendance, and his coffee and cakes fortnightly group was also well attended and
continues strongly, providing a useful service to many with a normal mix of simple conversation/sharing, passing of news/updates (eg HFN/HCC), offering advice and mentoring amongst other things (it is for Foster Carers only, so not attended by SWs, which gives a slightly free-er dynamic), andit's now a tradition each one concludes with a magic trick!
NF – advised that there was no update from the Links, Waterlooville.
JT – advised that there was no update from the Ringwood group.
SW – advised that there was no update from the Totton group.
LT – HCC Update / LT provided the following update from HCC;-
- Personal Development Plan (PDP) for all carers will be promoted in July, and HCC will be running working workshops. Most of the attendees at HFN had not heard of this at all, and requested that information regarding it be communicated to all carers urgently, which LT agreed and she would liaise with Sarah Smith and Amber James accordingly.
- The new Connected Carers support groups are now county wide, and the Connected Carers specialised training has also commenced and there has been very positive feedback from both, as the connected carers needs can be different to county carers.
- Lorraine Frampton is back in PCT from 11/7/16.
AOB1 - JC / JC raised his concerns that he has alot of short term placements that arrive from emergency breakdowns of placements, and that they have all come with no savings from the previous carers. Why is this, as he understands that there is a savings policy for carers to implement for their placements and he does always put savings up even if the placement is only for two weeks. What is the policy and more importantly, why is it not being enforced across county, as he chases up with the children’s’ social workers all the time.
Discussions were held and attendees said alot of their placements came with no savings, but they have all started them now. BC agreed that he would forward to Amber James for a response.
Post meeting note (AJ) – I have recently discussed this with Steph How as CIC lead and we are working on ensuring that the guidance is up to date and then will relaunch.
AOB2 – BC / BC raised the following email on behalf of another carer;-
The subject of placements arriving from out of hours without any paperwork or even basic information and unaccompanied by a social worker is one which has come up on at least two occasions at HFN this year, and continues to be a growing issue.
The other worrying trend is that, increasingly, young people are arriving on carers doorsteps having been delivered by the police in the early hours when clearly that young person has been with the police and therefore known to Hampshire CSD since the afternoon of the previous day. As often the police are calling the carer directly to deliver, this can mean carers are losing a full night’s sleep arranging and receiving these placements.
This, coupled with the unhelpful and often hostile response given by ooh’s staff means that many carers and placements are being put at risk, as too often even basic information relating to potentially life-threatening allergies (eg nuts and other dietary allergies) is not clearly flagged and made available to carers and is only revealed by the placements themselves. The ooh’s service is often unhelpful and uncooperative, which only serves to compound the issue.