International Rivalry and the Coming of the War

Bismarckian System: Status Quo

Three Emperors League / Ottoman Empire
Treaty of San Stefano / Congress of Berlin
Triple Alliance

New Directions

New Diplomacy / Splendid Isolation
Entente Cordiale / Moroccan Crises

Crisis in the Balkans

Bosnia Crisis / Balkan League
Second Balkan War / London Conference

World War I: Underlying & Immediate Causes

Nationalism & Internal Dissent
Outbreak of War

What were the long-range & immediate causes of World War I?

The War

1914 - 1915: Illusions and Stalemate

Expectations / Realities
The War in the West / The War in the East
Schlieffen Plan

1916 - 1917: The Great Slaughter

Battle / Outcome (This may require some additional research)
The Somme

Trench Warfare

Description / Impact on Soldiers

A Global War

The Middle East / Entry of the United States

The Home Front: The Impact of Total War

Political Centralization
Economic Regulations
Public Opinion
Social Impact
Effect on Women
Effect on Labor

Conclusion of the War and the Treaty of Versailles

1918: The Last Year of the War

US & Allied Forces / German Offensive
Allied Counterattack
Germany / Sept. 29
Nov. 03
Nov. 09
Nov. 11

Revolutionary Upheaval

Germany / Austria-Hungary
November Revolution / Disintegration & Revolution
January 1919 / Hungary

The Peace Settlement

Paris Peace Conference / Secret Treaties / Alliances
Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points / France & Clémenceau
The League of Nations / France's Defensive Alliance
Five Treaties / Concerns for Bolshevism
Versailles Treaty & War Guilt Clause / Redrawing the Map of Europe
Peace Treaty under Attack / Ottoman Empire

The Russian Revolution: Causes and Impacts


Conditions of Military / First 2 Years of War
Inefficient Government / Rasputin

The (February) March Revolution 1917

March 8
March 10
March 12
March 15 / Problems:
Socialist Revolutionaries
Bolsheviks / April 20 (Slogans)
Army Order #1 / Consequences

The (October / November) Bolshevik Revolution 1917

Lenin & Kerensky / Lenin & Trotsky
Communists' First Law / Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

1. Describe the Bismarckian System of Alliance. How successful was it in maintaining order?

2. What were some of the primary problems in the Balkans? What were some o the activities of the Congress of Berlin?

3. Who was included in the Triple Alliance of 1882? What were their primary goals?

4. Examine the long range, underlying, and immediate causes of World War I. (Make sure you understand these!!!)

5. What did the major players expect at the beginning of World War I and why did the course of the war turn out to be so different from their expectations?

6. How did World War I effect the belligerent's governmental and political institutions, economic affairs, and social life?

7. What was the Schlieffen Plan? How did it shape the course of the war?

8. How was the course of the war different between Western and Eastern Europe?

9. What was trench warfare and how did it impact the soldiers?

10. Describe some of the major battles of the war. What were the outcomes? (This may require some additional research)

Verdun -

the Somme -

Champagne -

Gallipoli -

11. How was World War I a global war? Who was Lawrence of Arabia? Why did the United States break their neutrality?

12. How did the war impact life for people on the home front?

13. How did the war come to an end for...

Russia -

The US & Allied Forces -

Germany -

14. How did military defeat lead to political revolution in Germany and Austria-Hungary? What were the outcomes?

15. What were the objectives of the chief participants at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919?

13. How did the Treaty of Versailles reflect these objectives and affect Europe?

14. What were the causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917? Why did the Bolsheviks prevail in the civil war and gain control of Russia?