Really Important Things to Remember at
Raven Stream……..
~ 2014-2015 ~
(Details are available in the Parent Handbook on each of these topics)
* Students cannot be Dropped Off prior to 8:55 a.m. Students must be
Picked Up by 3:50 p.m.
* Attendance is taken at 9:10 a.m. each day. Students arriving after this time need
to be signed into the office. Late Arrivals, without a note or call before
9:10 a.m.,will be recorded as an unexcused tardy. This includes medical and dental
* The Attendance Phone number is 952-758-1505 (available 24 hours/day).
For attendance recording we need to receive the information in the office. You may
also leave a message for your child’s teacher if you’d like. Students will receive an
unexcused absence if a call isn’t received in the office before 9:10 a.m. each day they
are absent.
* See back side for Start, End &Lunch times…
* GuestLunchprices are:
Adult: $3.60 Child: $2.75 You may choose to charge guest lunches
to yourchild’s lunch account now.
~ lunch may be brought in for your child, but NO POPplease~
* Payments for your child’s LunchAccount should be placed in an envelope and should
include the family name andthe child’s name (in the memo area) for accurate deposits.
- please allow two days for receipt of payments submitted this way.
* Questions regarding your child’s Lunch Account are best answered by the Food Service
Department at 952-758-1320.
* Pick-upnotes should be sent to school with your child. Please send a note, separate
from the planner/notebook, so that it can be easily sent to the office. Please include
the child’s name and the teacher’s name. If a call is necessary, please call by 2:00 p.m.
to ensure that your child has time to see their name on the pick-up screen.
*Students being picked upearly from school need a note or a phone call prior to
9:10 excuse the absence.
* Please don’t leave Pick-up messages at 952-758-1500 during the day. If your call isn’t
answered, please try back and someone will gladly take the information.
* No regular, Earlypick-ups for after school activities will be allowed.
* After school you must legally park in the lot and come into the building to pick up
your child outside of the office at 3:40 p.m. (K) or 3:45 p.m. (Gr. 1-5).
* If your family is going to be on Vacationplease send a note to the office prior to
the trip so that the absence can be excused. Homework should be requested from your
child’s teacher as well.
* Please send a note or call 952-758-1500 with name, address, or phone Changes
during the school year to ensure that we can contact you in any situation. You can also
make these corrections yourself on the Infinite Campus site.
Daily Schedule for
Teachers on Duty 8:00
Bus Drop Off8:55 – 9:05
School Start Time 9:10
Tardy 9:10
Trimester 1 thru 3 Lunch Recess
Kindergarten12:15– 12:3512:35 – 12:55
1st Grade11:40– 12:0012:00 – 12:20
2nd Grade12:05 – 12:2512:25 – 12:45
3rd Grade12:40– 1:00 1:00 – 1:20
4thGrade12:30– 12:50 12:50 – 1:10
5th Grade11:50– 12:1012:10 – 12:30
Prepare For Dismissal 3:35-3:45
Kindergarten Dismissal 3:40
Dismissal for Gr. 1-53:45
Buses leave Raven Stream3:50
Teacher Dismissal4:00