Con Ed Business

November 16, 2016

Topics for Today

·  Prepositions

·  Verbs


Exercise 1

Exercise 2



I have to look at the book also.


·  A dazzling light; your story was amusing.




One of the worst errors in speech and writing is the use of the Past Participle instead of the Past Tense


·  I seen you ……………….. (incorrect)

·  They done that ………… (incorrect)

·  Have you broke it?...... (incorrect)

·  They have went ……….. (incorrect)

·  Tom drove his car………. (correct)

·  I had driven that car…… (correct)


Exercise 1

Underline the verbs in each sentence.

Exercise 2

Underline the verbs in each sentence.


Except in the verb to , the Present Tense has the same form as the infinitive (unless the subject is he, she, it or a noun, when –s or –es). To form the Future Tense, we place shall or will in front of the infinitive. To form the Past Tens regular verbs we add –ed to the infinitive. So we have:

Infinitive Present Tense Future Tense Past Tense

(to) look looks, look shall look; will look looked

Subject Verb Agreement

He, She It looks

I, We, They look


Exercise 1

Give the past tense of:

  1. Arise b.break c.cut d.fall e.say f.shake g. drink h. bite i. choose

Exercise 2

Give the past participle of:

  1. Bear d. give e. hurt f. ride g.sell h.speak i.come j.swim

Exercise 3

Give the present tense of:

  1. ate b.beaten c. froze d. hidden e. blew f. spoken g.awoke h.sold i.lost

Exercise 4

Give the present participle of:

a.  throw b. give c. spring d. begin

Exercise 5

Give the past tense and participle of:

a.  am b. do c. forget d.grow e. write f. sing g.tear h. hide i.go j. begin

Exercise 6

Complete the table below

Present Tense / Past Tense / Past Participle
I rise / I rose / I have risen
I forget
I cut
I sing
I blow

Exercise 7

Fill in each space correctly with the words below:

Exercise 8

Use the correct part of the verbs in th blank spaces


Choose the correct verb.

1.  We(drank, drunk) our tea before we (sang, sung) the carol.