Wheatstone Bridge
Lab-05 /
Lab Data Sheet – ENGR-43 Lab-05
Lab Logistics
Experimenter: Bruce Mayer, PERecorder:
Date: 06Jan2011
Equipment Used (maker, model, and serial no. if available)
1. Note that in this and ALL OTHER Laboratory Exercises ENGINEERING UNITS must accompany ALL Data-Entries and Calculated-Quantities
2. Check out a DMM and Power/Probe Leads for the Power-Supply and DMM
3. Go to the side counter, collect resistors, “bread board”, and leads required to construct the circuit shown in Figure 1.
4. Make the Measurements and Calculations needed to complete all Data/Calculations tables.
§ Note that when making potential measurements the POLARITY of the measurements is very important to obtain the correct positive/negative SIGN in subsequent calculations
5. Return all lab hardware to the “as-found” condition
The Wheatstone Bridge Circuit
Due to their outstanding output-voltage sensitivity to changes in the component values, Wheatstone Bridge Circuits[i] are very advantageous for the measurement of resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Wheatstone bridges are widely used for strain measurements. A resistor-based Wheatstone bridge is shown in Figure 1.
The circuit consists of 4 resistors arranged in a diamond orientation. An input DC voltage, or excitation voltage, is applied between the top and bottom of the diamond and the output voltage is measured across the middle. When the output voltage, VAB = VA – VB, is zero, the bridge is said to be balanced. One or more of the legs of the bridge may be a resistive transducer, such as a strain gage. The other legs of the bridge are simply completion resistors with resistance equal to that of the unknown resistance (such as strain gages). As the resistance of one of the legs changes, by a change in strain from a resistive strain gage for example, the previously balanced bridge is now unbalanced. This unbalance causes a voltage to appear across the middle of the bridge. This induced voltage may be measured with a voltmeter or the resistor in the opposite leg may be adjusted to rebalance the bridge. In either case the change in resistance that caused the induced voltage may be measured and converted to obtain the engineering units appropriate to the variable-resistance transducer.
For the circuit of Figure 1 the output, VAB, may be calculated by
/ Equation 1Then the %-UnBalanced
/ Equation 2Figure 1 • The Wheatstone Bridge. Vs = 12.00 Vdc. R1 = R3 = 1-3 kΩ. R2 = R4 = 2-6 kΩ. R1 and R3 Must have the SAME nominal value. R2 and R4 Must have the SAME nominal Value. The R2:R1 resistance ratio must be >1.4:1
Table I – Actual Values as measured with DMM set to the highest-sensitivity range
· COLOR-CODED Resistor Values & Tolerances
R1 =R2 =
R3 =
R4 =
· Actual (DMM) Values
Vs =R1 =
R2 =
R3 =
R4 =
After constructing the circuit and making the measurement to complete Table I, make the measurements and calculations need to complete Table II below.
Table II – Potential Measurements and Calculations
Value Determination / VA / VB / VAB / %-UnbalancedCalculated
Now Swap the position of the R1-R3 and R2-R4 resistor pairs; i.e., the resistors that were on the bottom of the diamond are moved to the top, and vice-versa. Again perform the calculations and measurements
Table III – Potential Measurements and Calculations
Value Determination / VA / VB / VAB / %-UnbalancedCalculated
Next consider this hypothetical circumstance. You have just completed the balance measurements in Table II and Table III. Just then the OHM-meter function on the DMM fails. You need to measure the resistance of a resistor with the SAME COLOR-CODE as R4 in Figure 1.Call this new resistor Rx. Replacing R4 with Rx creates the “Quarter Bridge[i]” circuit shown in Figure 2.
Since the VOLTAGE function of the DMM still operates, the value of VAB by Rx is easily measured. Also, Isolating R4 in Equation 1, then replacing R4 with Rx yields:
/ Equation 3After replacing R4 with Rx, measure the new value of VAB. Use this new VAB value, call it VABx, and DMM measured values from Table I to calculate the resistance value for Rx.
Also, since the DMM is actually NOT faulty measure the value of Rx using the Ohm-meter function. Compare the two values of Rx by calculating the Δ% using the DMM value as the baseline:
/ Equation 4Figure 2 • The Wheatstone Bridge in the ¼-Bridge configuration with Vs, R1, R2, and R3 unchanged from Figure 1 (UNswap the Resistors). Rx is a NEW resistor with the SAME COLOR-CODE as the original R4
Table IV – Rx Determination by ¼-Bridge Voltage Measurement
VABx (Measured) / Rx,CALC / Rx,DMM / RxΔ%Thus we see that the ¼-Bridge Wheatstone circuit can be used to determine a resistance if we can measure the voltage difference. In this situation we independently measure VAB to then find the dependent quantity, Rx. For this circumstance define the resistance measurement sensitivity, J[ii], of the ¼-Bridge circuit as:
/ Equation 5Approximate J for the circuit of Figure 1 using the data from Table I and Table IV as:
/ Equation 6Next, replace in Equation 1 R4 with Rx, and then take the derivative to find
/ Equation 7Use the previous DMM measurements for Vs, R1, R2, R3, R4 and Rx to calculate JΔ and Jd per Equation 6 and Equation 7.
Finally, compare the two values of J by calculating the Δ% using the EXACT (calculus) value as the baseline:
/ Equation 8Complete Table V. Be sure to include proper units
Table V – Resistance measurement sensitivity
JΔ / Jd / JΔ%EXTRA CREDIT – 2 Lab-Points
Derive the bridge output equation shown in Equation 1
§ Start with Diagram of Figure 1
§ Derivation must proceed in a logical, step-by-step fashion
EXTRA CREDIT – 4 Lab-Points
Derive the sensitivity equation shown in Equation 7
§ Start with Equation 1, with R4 replaced by Rx
§ Derivation must proceed in a logical, step-by-step fashion
Print Date/Time = 6-Jan-11/07:08
© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • ENGR-43_Lab_07_WheatStone_100711.doc • Page 1
[i] This circuit is called a QUARTER bridge because ¼ of the components has an Unknown value.
[ii] The units for the resistance measurement sensitivity are inverse-Amps, which does not have a standard symbol, so we’ll use “J”