Learning Resources/Textbook Suggested Material for School Board Approval & Public Review: Elementary/Secondary Language Arts
March 2010
Bound Resources
Handwriting Without Tears
- Handwriting Without Tears® is a program designed to create success in making legible and fluent handwriting an easy and automatic skill for all students. It uses fun, entertaining, and educationally sound instructional methods to teach handwriting to all students: pre-k through cursive. The lessons require minimal preparation and provide teachers with a developmentally appropriate continuum to help guide their handwriting instruction. This program supports all of the strands found in the Albemarle County Language Arts Curriculum and is consistent with the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Book Title: “I am the Messenger” Author: Markins Zusak
Publisher: Random House
- This title, brought forward by a team of teachers at CATEC, is being recommended as a resource for Academic/Honors 11th grade English. It has received the highest of standards according to the Textbook Review Criteria Form. The following link provides a synopsis for this novel. http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/info_33590.asp
Book Title: “The Book Thief” Author: Markins Zusak
Publisher: Random House
- This title, brought forward by a team of teachers from Error! Reference source not found., is being recommended as a resource for Academic/Honors at the secondary level. It has received the highest of standards according to the Textbook Review Criteria Form. The following link provides a synopsis for this novel.
- http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/27/books/27masl.html
Intervention (K-12)
Read About
- Read About is a comprehensive reading intervention program that reinforces key reading and content-area skills by enhancing knowledge in science, social studies, and life through independent reading for grades 3-8. It’s an adaptive, leveled, nonfiction reading system that uses the power of technology and high-interest nonfiction to keep kids motivated. It delivers a personalized experience for students as it provides differentiated materials based on a child’s reading level and interests. This program supports all of the strands found in the Albemarle County Language Arts Curriculum and is consistent with the Virginia Standards of Learning.
READ180/System 44
- Read 180 is a comprehensive reading intervention program proven to meet the needs of struggling readers in transitional grades 3-12. The program directly addresses individual needs through differentiated instruction, adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature and non-fiction, and direct instruction in reading, writing, and vocabulary skills. System 44 works in tandem with Read 180 and is a foundational program for the most challenged, struggling readers. These programs support all of the strands found in the Albemarle County Language Arts Curriculum and are consistent with the Virginia Standards of Learning.