Group Name:* / Finance Committee
Title:* / 2016 Budget : Update needed
Source:* / ETSI -Corinne ELENA, Laurent Velez, Karen Hughes
Date:* / 2016 January 13th
Abstract:* / Document contains the rationale for asking a small increase of the 2016 budget in order to cover the cost for software repository in link with interoperability testing.
Agenda Item:*
Work item(s):
Intended purpose of
document:* / Decision
Other <specify>
Decision requested or recommendation:*
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2016 Budget update
After having addressed the need of interoperability testing, the WG TST has started the development of Conformance testing as defined into the WI-0032.
Conformance test is needed to verify if an implementation complies with the defined oneM2M specifications.
The oneM2M conformance testing methodology defined in TS-0015 is applied to properly produce oneM2M conformance test specifications. In summary, this methodology includes the production of “Implementation Conformance Statements" (ICS TS-0017), “Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes" (TSS&TP TS-0018) and the “Abstract Test Suite and Implementation eXtra Information for Test” (ATS&IXIT TS-0019). The ATS document contains the detailed Test Cases written in a specific testing language such as TTCN-3.
In order to run conformance testing, these testcases are executed in a test environment. Developing TTCN-3 test suite in a collaborative way like within a WG, would require a software repository like SVN, GIT, … The oneM2M portal is designed for text contributions but not adapted for contributing software. A software repository includes versioning, branches, committing mechanisms, etc … which is required in a software development process.
It is so requested the creation of a software repository to be able to contribute to conformance testcases.
The estimated cost for such software repository is 1800 $ per year.
In 2016 in addition to the recurrent annual cost, a one-time set up fee has to be added and is estimated to amount to 1000 $.
2 man days per year are as well foreseen to be necessary.
It is proposed to cover these unforeseen expenses by using the remaining 2015 budget carried over to 2016.
If this proposal is approved at FC#35, the 2016 Budget commitment file will be updated accordingly and SC will receive the information through the FC report to SC.
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