Section V

Non Public / Charter School

Classification Committee

Mark Sanderson– Letchworth – Livingston Co

Joe Marchand – CG Finney – Private/Parochial

Richard Roche – NE/NW College Prep-CC

Phil Merrill – Houghton Academy-Allegany

Jeff Panek Waterloo-Finger Lakes

Rich Calkins – Alfred Almond-Steuben Co

Lee Dillenbeck – Lyndonville -Genesee Co

Jim Newby-Williamson – Wayne Co

Mike Bromley – Batavia– Monroe Co

Joe Sposato – Past President Rep.

Rod Verkey-Retired Athletic Director

Updated: December 2017

The mission of this committee is to do an annual review of the sport classifications of non-public /charter schools in Section V in accordance with the directive of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association.

  1. The committee will be made up of one member from each league recognized by Section V, one representative of the independent schools, one past president of Section V and one at large representative who is determined by the committee members.
  2. The committee will elect a chair person and a recorder.
  3. Minutes of each meeting will be forwarded to Section V Executive Director and posted to the section website.
  4. Throughout the course of each school year, the committee will review recommended Section V non-public / charter schools classification.
  5. The committee will also review any requests made by non-public / charter schools relative to their classification for the next season. (per the Section V classification policy
  6. Classification reviews can take place up through the first two weeks of each sport season utilizing the NYSPHSAA official season start dates.
  7. Procedures for the review, criteria to be used and appeal process are outlined in this document.


Item A – There will be a season end review by this committee that will assess each non-public / charter school for the following school year.

Item B – An individual public school district or league may present a written sport specific recommendation to the Section V non-public / charter school classification committee prior to the season end review meeting. A document from an individual public school district must be signed by the school district superintendent, principal, athletic director. A league document must be signed by the president of the league. (league superintendent representative, and league principal representative.)

Item C – The committee will meet with the school officials and or representatives of those non-public / charter schools prior to any determination of change in classification.

Item D – This committee will determine the classification of non-public / charter schools for the following year.

Item E – The appeals of the decision of the Section V non-public / charter school classification committee will be directed to the Executive Committee.

Criteria for Classification

  1. Bed figures from NYSPHSAA.
  2. Projected – enrollment figures from the past five years.
  1. What are the entrance standards and admissions policies including special talents for the non-public / charter schools?
  1. Examination of student enrollment and team rosters, including all changes
  2. Review the number of incoming 7-12 grade students that enter the non-public / charter schools from public schools.
  3. Review how many of these students participate in athletics.
  4. Review the number of 7-12 grade students who leave the non-public / charter schools to attend public schools.
  5. Review the number of 7-12 grade students who leave non-public /charter schools to attend public schools who were athletes.
  6. Review new players for the upcoming season which includes students who sat out a year due to the NYSPHSAA transfer rule, students who were injured the previous year, students new to the district.
  1. Review the geographic location of the present students.
  1. Review the strength of athletic program on a sport-specific basis based on the following five year information but not limited to:
  2. JV/Varsity participation numbers
  3. JV/Varsity league and non-league records
  4. League championships
  5. Section V performances with specific game scores
  6. Section V championships
  7. Upcoming / current schedule
  8. Program history
  9. Appropriate competition level
  1. Review the percentage of grade 7-12 students and student athletes who are receiving financial aid and how is it determined for the students.
  1. Review the number of athletic programs and levels of programs offered per season.
  1. Receipt of and discussion around documentation provided by the Section V sport coordinator of the sport being reviewed.

Appeal Procedures

  1. The reclassified non-public / charter school or opposing school or League, shall submit a written appeal to the Executive Director. The appeal from an individual public school district must be signed by the school district superintendent, principal, athletic director. A league appeal must be signed by the president of the league.
  1. The appeal must be made within 5 school days of the notification of the placement of the non-public / charter school to the Executive Director of Section V.
  1. The appeal shall be in writing and submitted to the Section V Executive Director. The Section V Executive Committee will be convened for a proper hearing based solely on the information that has been presented to the non-public / charter school classification committee.

Last revised Dec. 2017