A general guide to a ceremony…

MC to address guests.

Welcome and introduction:

Housekeeping/ Social Media/Cameras


Bride and bridesmaids enter.

Tribute to one another:

Tell your guests about your love story. Your engagement. Your past, present and future. There might be a significance to your chosen venue, aisle song, wedding date.

A Special Intro:

Introduction of your bridal party.

Absent Friends:

Before the formal part of the ceremony begins, you may like to mention those who are unable to be present.

Audience participation:

The Giving Away of Affirming support for thiscouple.

A Reading:

This is a chance to include other people you may wish to be involved.

Declaration of Intention:

The celebrant asks you both your intent.

Those special words:

The vows. These you exchange to each other and may be read or repeated whichever you feel comfortable with. You may keep them a secret from each other until the day.

The Exchange of Rings:

Think about what these rings mean to you. The exchange takes place as you say your ring vows.

WAHOO! The pronouncement and the kiss:

Husband and wife

Signing of the register:

2 witnesses are require and may be anyone you choose. Two copies of the marriage licence are signed by the bride, groom, the witnesses and the celebrant. Certificate is presented.

Second reading:


And they lived happily ever after… Mr and Mr


Some Tips and Tricks:

  • Bride arrives on giver’s right arm.
  • Bride traditionally stands on Groom’s left.
  • If you are only having chairs for immediate family- place the chairs at the front.
  • Parents and grandparents should be in the front row.
  • Traditionally the bride’s family is seated on the left, groom’s on the right.

Vows and Rings

I will ask you to turn to face each other and take each other’s hands to exchange your wedding vows and ring vows. Bride then passes her bouquet to one of bridesmaid. You can repeat your vows phase by phrase after me, learn them off by heart,or I can hold up a card for you to read them.

Signing of the Marriage Documents

There are two copies to be signed: Groom signs first, followed by the bride (she signs name she is currently using), both witnesses sign and print their name and afull residential address, I sign.


Make a plan of everything you want/need to do before you arrive at your wedding venue.

An emergency kit will be available- Panadol, needle and thread, eye drops, tissues, sunblock, hairspray, water, deodorant, snacks, plasters.

Be assertive with your stance on social media uploads and taking photos during the ceremony.

Waterproof mascara rocks- so do eyelash extensions.

Practice walking in your shoes and in your dress.

Sip water and eat something light whilst getting ready.

Try not to be late.

Groom and his boys should arrive 30 minutes before.

Buttonholes- men wear theirs on the left, woman on the right.

That lump in the throat feeling- relax, calm, close your eyes, breath, and swallow firmly.

Check your bridesmaids know how to look after your dress and position your train/veil.

Always double check with your vendors a month out and then a week out!

Be mindful of the weather but don’t be glued to the weather forecast. Grey days are the best for photos. Have a backup plan in place and people ready to help shift things there if need be.

Have someone in charge of music.

No matter what-this will be the best day of your life. Take a moment to look at your guests who have come to celebrate in your love story with you.
