May 2013

Trainer’s manual

Model training course for drug and alcohol testing authorised persons appointed by rail transport operatorsaccredited in NSW

The training material contained in this model training course is not an official ONRSR operational guideline.This material is made available for the assistance of rail transport operators in NSW to facilitate the training of suitably experienced staff for appointment as ‘authorised persons’ to conduct drug and alcohol tests for or on behalf of accredited rail transport operators in NSW.

This material may not be suitable for all rail transport operators in NSW. Rail transport operators should ensure they develop and implement a training program that is appropriate and satisfactory for their purpose, having regard to the particular railway operations for which they are accredited and their obligations under the relevant legislation and guidelines.

ONRSR accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the attached course material and makes no warranty as to the appropriateness of this model course for any particular rail transport operator. ONRSR reserves the right to change the course content without prior notice.

Copyright in this course material vests in the ONRSR. The course may be used for training purposes without reference to ONRSR, provided copyright is acknowledged and this disclaimer is attached.


Part 1- Introduction to the course

  1. Training information
  2. Development of Model Training Course
  3. Learning outcomes
  4. Delivery modes
  5. Trainer requirements
  6. Using the training package
  7. Symbols
  8. Course outline
  9. Mapping Matrix for model training course for drug and alcohol testing authorised persons


Module 1: Course overview and legislative requirements

Module 2: Rights, roles and responsibilities

Module 3: Planning the use of equipment and communicating about testing

Module 4: Random testing

Module 5: “For cause/on suspicion” testing

Module 6: Post-incident testing

Module 7: Managing notification responsibilities, record keeping and other testing issues;

course conclusion


  1. PowerPoint / Overhead transparency originals
  2. Participant Certificate of Attainment


Part 1



Welcome to the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator’s model training course for drug and alcohol testing authorised persons in NSW.

Accredited rail transport operators are responsible for ensuring that risks to health and safety in the workplace are identified and assessed, then eliminated or controlled. These risks include those posed by the use of alcohol and other drugs. Individual rail safety workers are under an obligation to take reasonable care for the health, safety and welfare of others and to cooperate with employers in their efforts to comply with the requirements of the Rail Safety National Law.

The Rail Safety National Law in NSW comprises:

  • Rail Safety National Law (NSW) No 82a (RSNL (NSW))
  • Rail Safety National Law National Regulations 2012 (the National Regulations)
  • Rail Safety (Adoption of National Law) Regulation 2012 (the NSW Regulation)

TheRail Safety National Law (NSW)aims to promote the safety of the NSW rail industry and to contribute to the effective prevention and management of risks posed by drug and alcohol use within the workforce.

The aim of drug and alcohol testing authorised person training is to ensure that authorised persons have sufficient skills and knowledge to carry out the drug and alcohol testing functions of an authorised person as outlined in the Rail Safety National Law (NSW)and the accredited rail transport operator’s drug and alcohol management program.

This model training coursehas been developed so that accredited rail transport operators can use and /or modify the package for on-site training of their drug and alcohol testing authorised persons, with reference to their drug and alcohol management program.



Model training course for drug and alcohol testing authorised persons appointed by rail transport operators accredited in NSW

1.2Target Group

The training course is designed for accredited rail transport operators to train people who have been selected to become drug and alcohol testingauthorised persons.

1.3Service delivery outcomes

The course has been developed to enhance the standard of drug and alcohol testing practice across the rail industry forrail transport operators and their drug and alcohol testing authorised persons. Participants will look at drug and alcohol testing as a process aimed to strengthen safety and decrease risks to safety due to rail safety worker drug and alcohol use.


The main purpose of the Rail Safety National Lawis to provide for safe railway operations in Australia.

The model training course supports and promotes the following principles:

Rail safety worker well-being, health and safety and early identification of drug and alcohol issues are to be promoted;

A heightened awareness of alcohol and drug issues and individual responsibility in relation to alcohol and drug use will support a responsible, accountable workforce;

Situations where drug and alcohol related behaviour puts at risk the safety of rail safety workers, customers or other members of the public are unacceptable;

Rail transport operators’drug and alcohol management programs and approach to drugs and alcohol should focus on education and training, rehabilitation and support, and appropriate monitoring and disciplinary proceduresto reduce the risk of alcohol and drug abuse; and

Rail transport operators’ drug and alcohol management programsmust comply with obligations under the Rail Safety National Law (NSW).


Successful completion of this training program leads to the appointment of the drug and alcohol testing authorised person,which is a requirement under the Rail Safety National Law (NSW). A template for aCertificate of Attainment is included in the trainer’s resources in this package.



The course is based on a course that was developed in 2006 by Eleonora De Michele and Robyn Tranter, consultants.

2.2Adult learning principles

The program incorporates adult learning principles, including:

-recognising and utilising the experience of participants; and

-providing opportunities for the application of learning to a relevant context.


3.1Overall learning outcomes

On successful completion of the training program participants should be able to:

Outline the legislative requirements for drug and alcohol testing, including the offences under theRail Safety National Law (NSW),

Outline their organisation’s requirements and obligations for drug and alcohol testing,

Describe the respective rights, roles and responsibilities of rail transport operators, rail safety workers engaged in rail safety work, and those involved in the drug and alcohol testing process,

Detail best practice principlesthat ensure privacy and confidentiality, duty of care, provision of information, fairness and gender and cultural sensitivity,

Plan and conductappropriate testing activities and respectful communications about testing activities and outcomes,

Explain their organisation’s required procedures for random, targeted (eg “for cause/on suspicion”)and post-incident testing,

Apply appropriate assessmenttools and techniques to support testing and to facilitate self-disclosure by rail safety workers,

Respond effectively to testing and assessment challenges, including responding to positive test results, providing testing in remote locations, dealing with refusal or failure to undergo testing, and collecting and validating additional assessment information, and

Outline notification and record keeping requirements for drug and alcohol testing.


This training package was drafted in 2006, but was updated in line with theNSW Rail Safety Act 2008 and subsequently the Rail Safety National Law (NSW) passed in 2012.


4.1Duration of training

The training program is approximately five hours face-to-face training. Trainers may need to extend the time required, depending on the need to brief authorised persons on their organisation’s drug and alcohol management program and the participants’ level of drug and alcohol testing experience.

4.2Training Delivery Modes

The course accommodates a range of learning styles through:

Case studies

Practical exercises, quizzes and role plays

Provision of reference materials and information sheets

The training may be delivered using a one-on-one or small group approach and modules can be conducted separately or in combination.

Each module takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.

4.3Resource requirements

The program requires the following:

One presenter with both training skills(eg Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or equivalent) and knowledge of theRail Safety National Law (NSW)

A room with space for individual and/or small group work

Overhead projector and/or laptop and projector and screen

Overhead transparencies copied from overhead masters in this package and/or disc to use with a laptop

Whiteboard and markers or butchers’paper, pens and blue tac

Participant’s workbook for each participant and a copy of the ONRSR Occurrence Notification Form, ONRSR Notification Form - Drug and Alcohol Testing undertaken in NSW and ONRSR form – Periodic Information Monthly Return

A copy of the legislation.

4.4Assessment of learners

There is no formal assessment task within this course. However, there are opportunities for the trainer to discuss the application of the training in the work context.


5.1Trainer’s competencies

The trainer conducting this program needs to be able to:

Use respectful questioning to challenge participants’ attitudes surrounding drug and alcohol testing;

Demonstrate familiarity with the Rail Safety National Law (NSW)(available at

Demonstrate familiarity with the issues relating to the different types of drug and alcohol testing approaches; and

Demonstrate cultural and gender sensitivity.


6.1Package contents

The package includes:

Trainer’s manual complete withcourse structure and outline,detailedcurriculum and PowerPoint presentation

Additional support materials including a copy of the ONRSR Occurrence Notification Form, ONRSR Notification Form - Drug and Alcohol Testing undertaken in NSW and ONRSR form – Periodic Information Monthly Return


A template “Certificate of Attainment”

6.2Using the package

First read the whole trainer’s manual, including module notes and participant’sworkbook. If possible, discuss the program with someone who has conducted it with a previous group or individual.

For each module, make sure you are familiar with:

Running the module;

The learning outcomes of each module;

The course content and exercises; and

The participants’ material in the workbook.

6.3Key assumptions

The training program:

 is designed for a wide target group which includes both heritage operators and other rail transport operators;

builds on information issued by the Regulator;

is user friendly and includespractical exercises. Where possible,practical exercises are used to take into account a diverse group of trainees in the industry and some with limited literacy skills or from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; and

includes terminology and explanations of terminology which are consistent with similar training being provided by other agencies.


There is a lot of content to be covered in this program. Consequently, participants should be provided with a copy of theirrail transport operator’s drug and alcohol management programprior to the training so they have an opportunity to read the document before they attend. This will enable the course content to be covered more effectively and be practically applied to the operator’s drug and alcohol management program.



The following symbols are used throughout the package:

Participant’s Workbook

PowerPoint or Overhead Transparency

Drug and Alcohol Testing Equipment

Write in workbooks

Group discussion


Flip chart or whiteboard

Pose question

Information sheet

FAQFrequently Asked Question

Paired discussion


Course Outline

Module 1: Course Overview and legislative requirements

Course overview, program aims and learning outcomes

Key requirements of accredited rail transport operatordrug and alcohol management programs

Legal obligations of accredited rail transport

operators under the Rail Safety National Law (NSW)Who can require rail safety workers to submit to testing?

Who is to be tested?

Offences for Rail Safety Workers

Understanding alcohol and other drugs (optional)

Module 2: Rights, roles and responsibilities

Principles of good practice - ensuring privacy and confidentiality, duty of care, provision of information, fairness and gender and cultural sensitivity

The obligations of the accredited rail transport operator

The rights and obligations of rail safety workers who are tested:

the requirement to submit to testing

the desirability to disclose the use of prescription drugs

advice of outcomes of testing

the consequences of failure or refusal to undergo testing

the availability of support and assistance

The role and powers of authorised personsand restrictions on testing

The role and powers of the ONRSR

Rail transport operator’s requirement to implement a drug and alcohol management program

Module 3: Planning the use of equipment and communicating about testing

Planning the use of alcohol breath testing, breath analysis and urine drug testing devices and/or accessing third party testing service providers

Communicating with rail safety workers about testing requirements, procedures and outcomes in a respectful and non-adversarial way

Communicating positive test results, including confirmatory testing

Responding to failure or refusal to undergo testing

The role of third party testing service providers

Module 4: Random testing

Selecting and informing rail safety workers of random testing

Planning for random testing, including procedures and documentation

Random testing scenarios

Module 5: “For cause/on suspicion”testing

Assessing reasonablebelief: techniques, including sobriety assessment

Receiving and responding to information about rail safety workers allegedly under the influence

Assessment challenges- misreading the cues

Self-disclosure of medications in the workplace

Testing in remote locations (optional)

Additional recording requirements for “for cause/on suspicion” testing

Module 6: Post-incident testing

The types of incidents for which post-incident testing is required

Identifying who should be included in post-incident testing

Procedures for post-incident testing including testing in remote locations and restrictions on testing due to serious medical conditions

Module 7: Managing notification responsibilities, record keeping and other testing issues; course conclusion

Record keeping requirements for documenting testing events and results

Notification and documentation requirements for reporting to ONRSR

Safety issues for authorised persons

Concluding the course


Mapping Matrix for model training course for drug and alcohol testing authorised persons

Approved training requirements
plus additional topics / Module number / Method used to convey content
(a) Legal requirements
(i)the obligations of rail transport operators under the Rail Safety National Law (NSW)to implement a drug and alcohol management program in accordance with the National Regulations;
who is to be tested? / Module 1 / Information Sheet and trainer’s discussion questions
(ii)an overview of the drug and alcohol management program of the operator that hasappointed the authorised person; / Module 1 / Information Sheet and quiz 1
(iii)the nature of and penalties for the offences contained in the Rail Safety National Law (NSW). / Module 1 / Information Sheet and quiz 1
(b) The role & powers of authorised persons
(i)powers given to authorised persons under the Rail Safety National Law (NSW) to require persons to submit to random, targeted (eg “for cause/on suspicion”)or post-incident testing, including restrictions on when testing may be required;
Principles of good practice - ensuring privacy and confidentiality, duty of care, provision of information,fairness, and gender and cultural sensitivity / Module 2 / Information Sheet and quiz 2
(ii)the requirement for authorised persons to produce their identity card if requested by a person who is required to submit to testing; / Module 2 / Information Sheet and quiz 2
(iii)ONRSR’s powers to audit testing procedures and to revoke the appointment of authorised persons / Module 2 / Information Sheet and quiz 2
(c) The rights and obligations of rail safety workers who are tested
The procedures for informing rail safety workers who are subject to drug and/or alcohol testing of their rights and obligations, including:
(i)the requirement to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing when required by an authorised person to do so; / Module 2 / Organisation D&A management program; Information sheet; problem solving case study
(ii)the desirability of disclosing the use of prescription drugs that may be detected during drug and/or alcohol testing; / Module 2 / Organisation D&A management program; Information sheet; problem solving case study
(iii)the consequences under the operator’s drug and alcohol management program and the Rail Safety National Law (NSW)for failing or refusing to undergo a drug and/or alcohol test; / Module 2 / Organisation D&A management program; Information sheet; problem solving case study
(iv)processes for advising rail safety workers of the outcomes of their drug and/or alcohol tests; / Module 2 / Organisation D&A management program; Information sheet; problem solving case study
(v)availability of any appropriate support and assistance to rail safety workers with drug and/or alcohol problems or workers who use prescription drugs; and / Module 2 / Organisation D&A management program; Information sheet; problem solving case study
(vi)the obligations of the operator to protect the confidentiality of personal information obtained in the course of drug and/or alcohol testing and related processes. / Module 2 / Organisation D&A management program; Information sheet; problem solving case study
(d)Drug and alcohol testing procedures
(i)procedures for informing rail safety workers they are required to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing;
  • Communicating with workers about testing requirements, procedures and outcomes in a non-adversarial way
  • Planning the use of alcohol breath testing, breath analysis, and urine drug testing devices and/or accessing testing service providers
  • Planning and responding to failure or refusal to undergo testing and positive test results
/ Module 3 / OrganisationD&A management program; Information sheet; review scripts; multiple choice scenarios; positive test result flowchart.
(ii)procedures for the correct use of alcohol breath testing devices used under the operator’s drug and alcohol management program, including the role of any contracted testing service provider; / Module 3 / Off-site trainer or supplier instruction & demonstration;Information sheet
(iii)procedures for assessing sobriety in circumstances where a breath testing device is unavailable; / Module 5 / Case studies & trigger questions; practice role play
(iv)procedures for accessing and/or operating breath analysis devices in the circumstances of a positive breath test, including any liaison with police officers; / Module 3 / Organisation D&A management program; flow chart
(v)procedures for conducting urine drug testing under the operator’s drug and alcohol management program, including the role of any contracted testing service provider; / Module 3 / Organisation D&Amanagement program; “What to do?” short answer exercise
(vi)processes for removing from rail safety work, rail safety workers who fail or refuse to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing; and / Module 3 / Organisation D&Amanagement program; discussion; role play
(vii) procedures for collecting information and making records of drug and/or alcohol tests, including procedures for the security and protection of confidential personal information obtained during the conduct of drug and/or alcohol testing. / Module 7 / Organisation D&Amanagement program; exercise
(e) Procedures for random testing
The procedures under the operator’s drug and alcohol management program for conducting random drug and/or alcohol testing, including:
(i)procedures for selecting rail safety workers who are required to undergo drug and/or alcohol testing and determining the type of testing to be conducted, ie breath or urine; and
  • Planning for random testing events and outcomes
  • Alcohol random testing processes and documentation
  • Random drug testing processes and documentation
/ Module 4 / Planning checklist; selection process and problem solving scenarios; information sheet
(ii)arrangements for accessing testing equipment and liaising with testing service providers. / Module 3 / Organisation D&A managementprogram
(f) Procedures for “for cause/on suspicion” testing
The procedures under the operator’s drug and alcohol management program for conducting drug and/or alcohol testing of rail safety workers where there is a reasonable belief they are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, including:
(i)procedures for receiving and responding to information regarding rail safety workers being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol; and
  • Assessing reasonablebelief: techniques, including sobriety assessment
  • Assessment challenges- misreading the cues Working in remote locations
  • Additional recording requirements for “for cause/on suspicion”testing
/ Module 5 / Information sheets; case studies
(ii)arrangements for accessing testing equipment and liaising with testing service providers. / Module 3 / Organisation D&Amanagement program
(g) Procedures for post-incident testing
The procedures under the operator’s drug and alcohol management program for conducting drug and/or alcohol testing after an incident, including:
(i)the types of incidents after which drug and alcohol testing is required; / Module 6 / Legislation excerpt; Information sheets; case studies
(ii)the identification of rail safety workers who should be tested after incidents; and
  • Making appropriate assessments after incidents
  • Working in remote locations
/ Module 6 / Legislation excerpt; Information sheets; case studies
(iii) arrangements for accessing testing equipment and liaising with testing service providers. / Module 3 / Organisation D&Amanagement program

Part 2

Training Course

Course overview and legislative requirements
