E-Learning AwardAgreement
Project Name:
Faculty Project Director (include credentials):
Campus Zip:
Student Development Team (Names & College, Grad Year):
Other Faculty Team Members (Names & Colleges):
Please check the boxes below to signify your acknowledgement of the following conditions:
UNMC Identification:
1.Identification of funding to be listed in the lead-in: “Funding provided by an award from the Office of the Vice Chancellor forAcademic Affairs at the University of Nebraska MedicalCenter”.
2.Identification of UNMC sole ownership.
UNMC Branding: The University of Nebraska Medical Center brand is our identity. Proper usageandconsistency ensure the integrity of our brandmessage.
- Adherence to UNMC branding guidelines are required.
- Presentations and modules shall have a full screen approved UNMC logo on the lead-inandlead-out.
- Video and still photographs shall feature individuals wearing a UNMC campus icon pinonclothing. If shown in a lab coat, the coat should have either the UNMC campus icon or theUNMClogo.
ADA Complianceis required, which includes closed captions and transcripts that provideallindividuals equal opportunities to learn.
E-Learning Scorecard is required as a guide for development and is used to provide feedback.
Copyright:All images, text and content is either1) original or not derivative of another’s work; or 2) if not original, then specific copyright permissions have been obtained for all anticipated and potential uses, including the use and sale by a commercial partner.
Ownership:All works subject to this award are owned by UNMC per Board of Regents Policy 4.4.1 as a University Supported and/or Institutional Work as defined therein. Creators of the materials and works subject to this award hereby assign copyright and permissions to UNMC and agrees to take other actions as UNMC may deem necessary to secure for UNMC or its designee the rights herein assigned.
Commercialization: Works deemed licensable may be modified and used by UNMC in a commercial manner or marketed and licensed or assigned to a commercial partner which may advertise, modify, and/or sell the work.
Module Introduction: A compelling introduction is recommended to “hook” or engage thelearner.
Module Instructions: Clear and concise instructions shallinclude:
- How learners are to proceed through theproject.
- Estimated time to complete the interaction shall be included at the beginning of themodule(s).Research supports 15 minutes or less permodule/interaction.
- Objectives shall be clear, complete and presented to the learners within the moduleusingBloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Content, interactive activities and assessments (formativeandsummative) should directly tie back to a learningobjective.
- Indicate required add-ons/plug-ins and direct links to downloadableresources.
Instructional Design Consultation & Progress Meetings: Submit written consultation and progress reports and meet with an E-Learning Instructional Designer or Technologist twice during the course of development. Once prior to December 21, 2018 and again prior to March 22, 2019.
The development team agrees content created under this award will be reviewed by UNMC E-Learning and agree to make any requested revisions to meet e-learning and curriculum best practices and requirements.
The development of the e-module will be completed and implemented in the intended course(s) for the Fall2019or Spring 2020 term.
The development team acknowledges access to the funds from the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will expire upon completion of April 30, 2019.
The e-learning content created under this program will be made available for UNMC faculty to use in other courses through the E-Gallery or other means.
The e-learning content created for this e-module can be made available for public access as open source content. By agreeing to make this content available to the public through open access sources you verify all images, text and content is either 1) original and not derivative of another’s work; or 2) if not original, then specific copyright permissions have been obtained for all anticipated and potential uses, including for distribution and display to the public through open access sources.
The development team agrees assets such as software or hardware purchased with the $1,000 award funding from the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs will be returned to the E-Learning Studio when the project director is no longer part of the awarded academic unit.
I agree the transfer of funds is conditionedupon:
a)No additional funds will be available for project needs beyond identified funded amount. Funds not expended or committed for the purposes of this e-learning unit shall remain with the Office of Academic Affairs.
b)All purchases and purchase/stipend documentation must be completed by April 30, 2019.
c)Submit requests for purchases via email to April Elker at .
d)Payment for expenses/professional services will be processed upon submission of an invoice.
e)Student stipends for work/services provided will be made upon final submission of the module along with a final itemized invoice noting development hours.
f)Submission of final Module Integration Plan.
Accepted and Agreed
I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this Award and I will adhere to all criteria for the use of the Award outlined in this Agreement or as otherwise required by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Yes / NoFaculty Project Director(s) Signature(s) / Date
Return your completed Award Agreement, Module Integration Plan, and Student Media Releasesby November 23, 2018to