Ryton's Parish Plan - Five Years On... (Draft)

Ryton's Parish Plan was published in 2012 following two years of preparation. As a result of both the thorough approach and the level of interest shown by villagers, this plan has proved a valuable starting point and springboard for developing the vision for Ryton's Neighbourhood Plan.

Thepurpose of the Plan was to allow all villagers to express their thoughts and ideas on how they would like to see the village develop over the next ten years.The research involved a questionnaire for every household in the village. There was a remarkable response - the questionnaire was completed by almost 500 households – nearly 70% of the village. The analysis of the responses resulted in the Parish Action Plan and the setting up of eight Action Groups. The members of these groups - over 50 people altogether - were all volunteers from the village. The aim of each Action Group, together with the Parish Council and the Parish Plan Team, was to work towards addressing the different issues raised.

Overall the results have been very positive, with significant achievements, particularly in the area of communication through the bi monthly Parish Magazine and the Website, but also in respect to activities arranged by the Countryside Action Group, new and improved pavements, the reduction in the amount of dog fouling (although this requires continued monitoring)and the publication of a comprehensive Village Directory.

There were, of course, some actions that proved difficult to progress but this is not necessarily the end of the story. Actions, such as developinga community transport system or setting up adult education classes could be explored further. The various consultations associated with the current Neighbourhood Plan have identified a new, up to date list of priority issues which the village would like to see addressed. It is very much hoped that these could be taken forward in a new 'Community Action Plan' if there are sufficient volunteers with energy and enthusiasm to take up the challenge.

A huge vote of thanks is due to all those who gave their time and effort to pick up and progress the many different actions in the Parish Action Plan. Progress has only been possible through the generous efforts of many villagers and these gains will only be sustained by the continued commitment of volunteers.

The Appendix below shows the progress made against all the objectives as set out in the Parish Plan in its publication in 2012.


Actions in green - completed or substantially so.

Actions in blue - ongoing

Actions in yellow - not progressed

Parish Plan Team:

  • Set up Action Groups: Eight out of nineAction Groups were established: Community Centre, Community Transport,Countryside, Dog Owners, Good Neighbour, Village Directory, Village Magazine, Village Website - there were no volunteers for a Childcare group.

Community Centre Action Group/Village Hall Committee

A number of villagers met and debated the different challenges. They continue to work together as 'The Village hall Committee'.

  • Investigate the setting up of adult education classes
  • Explore setting up of Internet Cafe
  • Arrange IT support system in villageComputers donated and support offered.
  • Explore viability of using Village Hall for running commercial (not for profit) community activities

Good Neighbour Action Group

  • Investigate setting up a Good Neighbour Scheme and what it could cover, including possibly Neighbourhood WatchThe group met over two years but it was felt that setting up a scheme was unviable.
  • Ensure those with mobility/hearing or sight problems are asked whether they wish to be known to the Good Neighbour Scheme: Not viable - Data Protection issues
  • Ensure new villagers receive a copy of the Village Directory:

Community Transport Action Group

  • Consider feasibility of community bus service plus shared transport optionsThe group met to discuss and explore feasibility - found not to be viable.
  • Consider extending volunteer community transport to include Stretton Surgery As above
  • Organise Campaign to improve service, involving neighbouring villages

Dog Owners Action Group

  • Implement campaign to reinforce dog owners' responsibilities: Children designed signs about cleaning up after your dog, signs relating to the absence of a dog pooh fairy!

Countryside Action Group

  • Organise guided walks and countryside activities: Bat walks, hedge survey, bulb planting, footpath clearing, hanging of owl box, planting and maintaining flower boxes on A445.
  • Ensure countryside activities advertised in Magazine, and Website etc: activities publicised in Newsletter and on Website

Village Directory Action Group

  • Look into possibility of collecting information and compiling village Retail and Commercial Directory
  • Include advice about who to contact to register concern about and noise
  • List all leisure activities in Village Directory
  • Include Village footpath map in Village Directory
  • Include information on local recycling facilities in village directory:Recycling Containers in villages have been withdrawn by the Borough and County. All residents now have blue bins.

Village Magazine Action Group

  • Produce monthly Village Magazine, including Church and School news but probably not replacing their own newsletters: A bi-monthly Parish Magazine now published, delivered by Parish Councillors.
  • Investigate viability/popularity/practicality of emailing to some villagers
  • Ensure update advice about energy saving strategies and how to access possible grants for insulation/solar panels etc included on village website/magazine: Appropriate articles included in magazine

Village Website Action Group

  • Explore ways of consolidating/developing existing website(s) New website
  • Ensure updated advice re energy saving strategies etc included: Appropriate articles posted
  • Investigate practicalities/possibility of including a 'New to the Village' section on Ryton Village Website:

Parish Council

  • Incorporate the parishioner preferences into 'Neighbourhood Plan': Parish Plan data used as basis for vision in Neighbourhood Plan
  • Briefing of Rugby Borough Council: Parish Plan adopted by Rugby Borough Council
  • Present views of village re Road Safety and Pavements to County Highways Dept to go through all the concerns and suggestions and seek actions. Include considering the redesign of the worst affected grass verges: Produced photographic evidence of all worst affected areas in village. Submitted to County Highways via County Councillor. Some pavements redesigned and refurbished. Pavement completed all the way to Ryton Pools. Cancellation of promised refurbishment of Leamington Road pavements by County Highways was a disappointment.
  • Consult with Wolston and Stretton Surgeries to present them with the results of the survey and seek to address residents' concerns: Meetings were held both with local surgeries and with NHS to discuss the possibility of a Doctors' Surgery in the village. We have been consistently advised that the village would need to have grown to two or three times its present size before there would be any chance that a surgery would be viable.
  • Parish Council to work on finding additional ways of keeping in touch with the village: Support for and delivery of bi-monthly Parish Magazine, support of Website Action Group.
  • Mobilise a collective response to BT for superfast Broadband: The Broadband issue has moved on considerably since 2012. Rural Broadband Provision became a government strategy. The Parish Council worked hard to ensure that Ryton was one of the earliest villages to be provided with access to FTTC service that meets the government minimum speed. Individual problems need to be taken up with the service provider.
  • Formulate improved programme of verge and hedge maintenance: Verge and hedge maintenance now managed by contractor.
  • Improve provision of extra litter and dog fouling bins: Extra bins providedwhere appropriate.
  • Initiate discussions with Police to find ways of improving people's understanding of the current levels of crime in the village and what is being done about it: Regular reports to village and Parish Council. Better communication with Rugby Rural Central Safer Neighbourhood Team
  • Investigate provision of additional recycling containers in the village:Recycling Containers in Villages have been withdrawn by the Borough and County. All residents now have blue bins.
  • Notify residents of the approved plan in 2012/13 County Highways' budget to install traffic restrictors on Leamington Rd: Traffic restrictors installed
  • Energy Saving Community Schemes - reviewed annually: Information linked with energy saving opportunities included on website and in Parish Newsletter.
  • Investigate possible additional play equipment suitable for older children: Provision of additional play equipment is ongoing with the Parish Council and when the refurbishment of existing play equipment is completed there is a plan to continue the investigation of additional resources.
  • Present information about awareness and local issues to Borough and County representatives and our MP with the challenge to improve:This is an agenda item on every Parish Council meeting, which are routinely attended by our Borough and County Councillors.
  • Talk to local businesses re employment opportunities: The Parish Council tries to ensure that local residents are aware of job opportunities. Information is included in Parish Magazine, on website and social media.