Pre-Natal Yoga

Hints and precautions for your practice

A general rule:

-  This is a time to practice with mindfulness – no forcing or straining, be gentle with your body and your baby

-  Stay within your comfort zone

-  Trust your body & listen to your body – it will tell you if a posture or movement feels ok, modify as need be

-  If you are not sure always be on the side of caution

-  It is normal to feel fatigue – rest is essential in the preparation of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Drop into child’s pose whenever you need it and know it is ok to come out of a posture early

No postures on the belly after the first trimester

-  no updog

-  no cobra

-  no shalabasana (stick pose)

Avoid strong abdominal work

-  no navasana (boat pose). Instead be on all fours and inhale to fill the belly and as you exhale gently pull your belly to your spine.

Twists/Spinal Rotations

-  gentle rotations are fine and can feel great on the spine. Be sure to rotate from the upper spine. If it feels strange across your belly modify to an open twist.


-  standing balances such as tree pose and king dancer are great, if wobbly - practice with your hand at a wall for stability.


-  If new to yoga this is not a time to learn advanced or inverted posture.

-  If you currently have a strong practice you can continue to practice inversions if they feel good but practice with the support of a wall for stability and confidence

Lying on your back

-  be guided by your own comfort. Some women feel great on their backs at 7 months, others no longer feel comfortable at 3 months. The inferior vena cava can be compressed and may cause dizziness. If it feels right, a few minutes is fine for practicing bridge pose or a short sivasana.


-  squats are great for opening the pelvis and reducing pressure on the lower spine. They also promote elasticity of the perineum and vaginal tissue.

-  Squatting should be avoided if you have:

o  An incompetent cervix

o  Premature dilation of the cervix

o  Pre-term labour

o  Separated symphis pubis

o  Knee problems

o  Haemorrhoids

o  Discomfort at any time (more likely towards end of 3rd trimester)