Student Senate Meeting Minutes
August 25, 2007
7:00 p.m.BelknapResearchBuilding
- Call to Order-7:01 p.m.
- Roll Call (see attendance record)
- Executive Cabinet Reports
- President Hoffman
- Reminds the Senate to wear their colors every Wednesday.
- Task force freshmen applications are due this week
- State of the student body is still scheduled for November
- Town hall forums and focus groups will happen eventually
- RSO space in the SAC available and applications are available.
- Executive agencies- Student Lobbyist Corps and Student Government Productions, and Wrap-up Louisville are all in development
- New funding model is under development for future years
- Amendments to the Constitution are on the way for next meeting
- No news from the Board of Trustees
- Executive Vice-President Brueggemann
- State of the University address is on 9-12 at 3:30 in Bigelow Hall and Presidents of councils can pick up their hats and flags
- House of Representatives will be one of the new Constitutional amendments for consideration and applications are available for interested RSOs
- Student Lobbyist group is being formed
- Academic Vice-President Flairty
- Recognition of Faculty liaison, Dr. Pam Feldhoff
- Needs people for committee appointments
- Academic Policy Board will be meeting 9-13 at 7:00p.m.
- Provost has shown interest in bringing a smoking ban to Belknap Campus
- Services Vice-President Spencer
- Welcome Weekend was a success
- September is Campus Safety Month, calendars are available
- Campus Health Services has redecorated, using students’ health fee money
- Miller IT Center has a new tech store
- Mitzi’s has been redesigned and has new food products
- In the SAC, new chairs and carpet are on the 1st floor and new lockers are available for $15 per semester
- The Red Express is no longer running and those buses were added to the Black Loop to cut down on wait time
- SGA Services Task Force Committee will be meeting 9-26 at 3:30 to brainstorm on how to improve U of L’s services
- SVP Spencer would like feedback about parking on HSC, Black Loop vs. Red Loop, food services, parking appeals, and DPS
- Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
- E-Board- EVP Kate Brueggemann
- Met in August and reviewed the Constitutional changes, will hear about it next meeting
- Academic Policy- AVPMatt Flairty
- Have not met yet, still needs more representatives
- Appropriations- Senator Luka
- Considered three requests and will discuss later
- Student Activities Board
- EVP Brueggemann announced that SAB is selling pins for Homecoming this year
- Old Business
- Approval of the Emergency Meeting Minutes
- APPROVED- Motion by President Jones, 2nd by Senator Carrier, unanimous
- Consideration of Executive Summer Actions
- Executive Board met over the summer
- Appropriated money to certain RSOs
- APPROVED- Motion by President Jones, 2nd by Senator Luka, unanimous
- New RSOs
- Association of Black Journalists- APPROVED- Motion by President Jones, 2nd by Senator Luka, unanimous
- Sociology Student Association- did not have representative present
- Passage of the 2007-2008 Senate Budget
- President Hoffman reminds that last year the budget was not passed, so the E Board did it over the summer
- Amendments to the budget
- Councils that spent too much money last year will lose it this year
- Subtraction of $10,000 from SAB because the money is no longer there
- Student Affairs will no longer fund Commuter Student Services
- Senator Luka asked for explanation of loss of $10,000 and why it was taken from SAB
- President Hoffman reminds Senators that last year the Senate tried to get rid of AAPF and create a diversity fund, but it failed by one vote
- The E Board has created a Resolution to be talked about later about the AAPF and the Diversity Fund. See Resolution Number 1
- The Top 4 spent a lot of time this summer considering what to do and came upon the Resolution after much debate
- Senator Luka asks to suspend rules to allow for appropriation requests to be heard-APPROVED, unanimous
- New Business
- Consideration of Senate Appropriations Requests
- Biomedical asked for $750 for travel funds and was approved
- National Association of Black Accountants asked for $600 for travel funds and was approved
- World Music Club asked for an ensemble to come to U of L but was tabled
- APPROVED, unanimous
- Consideration of 2007-2008 Budget
- Resolution 1- Presented by President Hoffman
- Makes it known that ABS has a problem with time table and rescinds their endorsement of the Resolution
- President Hoffman believes that it can all be resolved within 1 year and that funds can be found and should not be passed on to future SGAs.
- VP Jacobs asks about why the budget has gone down significantly
- President Hoffman explained that 2006-2007 had a lot more money, $70,000 more, so we should look at 2005-2006 as more of a benchmark
- Senator Luka calls for Point of order that the Senate should consider the Resolution before the Budget
- President Connor asks what the benefit is of getting rid of the AAPF if ABS is still guaranteed $10,000.
- Hoffman explains that the $10,000 in the future would not come from SGA
- It was asked why they are guaranteed $10,000 if other RSOs had their budgets cut
- President Hoffman explains that ABS is dependent and the way that it was done in last year’s Senate was unfair
- Senator Carrier asks why on this budget the International Fund isn’t there but the AAPF still is
- President Hoffman explains that the Diversity Fund won’t happen until next year and then all decisions will be done by Senate
- Senator Luka asked how other diverse RSOs will get money and asks if the Resolution has any legality and Hoffman says that yes, it can be overturned
- Senator Downs asks is ABS can still double dip into Appropriations Committee and Hoffman says yes
- Senator Murphy moves to table consideration of Budget until after passage of Resolution 1, 2ndby Senator Downs, unanimous
- Consideration of Resolution 1
- Senator Murphy moves to amend Resolution 1
- Opposed to Diversity Fund because it creates competition among RSOs
- Spoke to Treasurer of ABS and thinks that they should have a 5 year window so that they have opportunity to fundraise and then won’t be dependent on SGA
- Believes that there is a mistrust between ABS and SGAand should spend 5 years mending that
- Discussion
- VP Pfendt opposes the year 2011 deadline because SGA has such a short window and believes that it will be forgotten about
- Senator Downs believes in the diversity fund because there are RSOs that need the money
- President Barnes opposes guaranteeing funding for just one group
- Senator Awadallah asks if other groups actually ask for money from SGA
- AVP Flairty reminds that the Top 4 has tried very hard and spoken to ABS extensively and that one year will give them time to recover and that the diversity fund would address the inequality among funding
- Senator Ellingsworth doesn’t support Senator Murphy’s amendment because there are many types of diversity and they should be allowed to apply for the funds too
- Doesn’t believe that it promotes competition among RSOs and that it promotes autonomy as individual organizations
- Reminds that the Resolution is not binding and next years Senate will have opportunity to change it
- Senator DeRossett says that a year isn’t really enough time for an organization to get the funds that they need and should have a bigger window to fundraise
- Recognition of Demetrius Gray, Treasurer of ABS
- Has spoken to people (accountants, people who fundraise for U of L and market analyists) and says that ABS has decided that they need an endowment and endowments cannot be raised within just one year
- Senator Wallin states that institutional memory isn’t as issue because that is one of SGAs goals for this year so five years isn’t a long time
- Senator Foster raises a question to President of ABS, Rosie Washington, and asks if they raise money on their own now. Washington states no.
- VP Bajaj asks if the Diversity Fund would still have $20,000 if they manage to raise their money
- President Brauch reminds that any RSO can be included in the SGA budget and that ABS will have power to petition SGA for inclusion in next years budget
- Senator Wallin asks why theInternational Fund hasn’t been considered to move to the Diversity Fund
- Recognition of Rosie Washington
- Recognizes the problem of specialized funding and realizes that they need the endowment
- Reminds that the AAPF came from a struggle and wasn’t just given to ABS
- Senator Murphy reminds that the ABS is dependent on the funds and that if the amendment is passed unchanged, it will severely damage ABS
- Senator Chenna reminds that diversity is important to everyone and that other diverse student organizations deserve the right to utilize the funds
- Senator Downs reminds that ABS’ progress can be checked throughout the year and if possible, it could be extended. It shouldn’t be extended right now
- Call to vote on Senator Murphy’s Amendment to Resolution 1, 2nd by Senator Wallin
- DEFEATED, 29-9-1
- Discussion of original Resolution 1
- Senator Jacobs reminds that the Senate has unique perspective of voting on two budgets
- Senator Luka asks ifABS have to report to the Appropriations committee and President Hoffman replies no
- President Hoffman reminds that the Senate has the power to ask ABS how they spend their money
- AVPFlairty reminds that the money will simply be given to them to use at their discretion
- Senator Luka asks if this is a blank check for ABS and President Hoffman replies yes because they do not have to submit a budget to receive the funds
- Senator Moore reminds that ABS is like an appropriations committee for all of the black organizations on campus (Fraternities, sororities, CONECT, Porter, etc)
- President Barnes reminds that no double dipping is allowed so if a group under ABS applies for money from the Senate, it is double dipping
- Demetrius Gray reminds that the fund is just for programming and that appropriations can ask for the budget if they want to see it
- Senator Murphy has a call to question, 2ndby Senator Wallin
- APPROVED, Resolution 1 passes as written, unanimous
- Senator Downs moves to untable the budget
- APPROVED, budget for 2007-2008 passes unanimously
- Consideration of Resolution 2
- Senator Downs and President Brauch remind that in past, institutional memory hasn’t really existed so Resolution 2 will hold resolutions accountable
- Senator Awadallah asks if it will extend meeting times and Senator Downs replies no because the reports will be written
- Senator Wallin reminds that it encourages students to write bills on a larger scale that they can follow throughout the year
- Seeing no more discussion, Senator Luka motions to vote, 2nd by Senator Carrier
- APPROVED, unanimous
- Consideration of Resolution 3
- Speaker Kersting yields the floor to EVP
- Speaker Kersting wants to improve professionalism in the Senate
- Senator Wallin wants to clarify that guests will still be heard
- Kaden Jacobs reminds that because of By Laws, it is already in effect
- Senator Awadallah shows his support
- Motion by Senator Downs, 2ndby President Jones, unanimous
- Consideration of Resolution 4
- Senator DeRossett, Senator Awadallah, and President Henshawexplain their resolution
- Stress that they don’t want good students to suffer because they are new to the country and new to the language
- Discussion
- Senator Luka reminds that just because someone is a non resident alien, it doesn’t mean that English isn’t their 1st language and asks if the DisabilityResourceCenter does anything about this
- President Henshaw replies no
- President Barnes agrees with Senator Luka but asks how to level out the playing field in the humanities and math
- Senator DeRossett points to the U of L Constitution and how it promotes fairness
- Senator Murphy acknowledges that U of L is lagging behind and they aren’t exactly being trendsetters
- Dr. Feldhoff points out that it is a faculty matter
- President Jacobs supports the NursingSchool and points out that the more ESL people at U of L, the better it helps out the health care programs at U of L.
- Senator Downs makes a motion to amend to include faculty senate
- AVP Flairty wants to work on it and can meet with faculty tomorrow
- Vote on amendment is seconded by President Jones, APPROVED, unanimous
- President Jones points out that some may take advantage of the extra time given to ESL students and that would not be fair
- Senator DeRossett states that it can be determined who needs the extra time and who doesn’t
- VP Pfendt states that the faculty can decide who needs it and doesn’t
- VP Marcsik states that a university wide policy is needed
- President Fowles calls to question, 2nd by Senator Downs
- APPROVED with limited opposition
- Announcements
- Next senate meeting is the 18th
- Remember to dress up
- Adjourn- 8:59 p.m.
Taylor HamiltonPage 1 of 6
Director of Administration