Section One - Description of Rating Scale


1.  To measure the ability to use correct form when executing the air squat and deadlift foundational CrossFit movements to develop and determine readiness for more advanced movements.

Refining the Problem

2.  This rating scale is designed to assess the ability to perform the air squat and deadlift foundational CrossFit movements to develop and determine readiness for more advanced movements for male and female beginner Crossfiitters of all ages. It is intended for participants of a CrossFit Foundations Program.

3.  This scale can be used after the completion of a four week foundations training program covering execution of foundational CrossFit movements to determine readiness for more advanced training. The scale can also be used during foundations training to identify elements that require additional developmental focus.

4.  The following are the essential components developed via task analyses of the air squat and deadlift movements. These components must be performed correctly to develop appropriate musculature and to prevent musculo-skeletal injury. This information is based on the components and video from Craic Media (2011).

Air squat components
Feet are shoulder width apart and slightly toed outward.
Chest up.
Active lumbar curve.
Hips go back and down.
Weight in heels.
Knees in line with toes.
Crease of the hip below knee.
Full hip and knee extension at top of movement . / Deadlift components
Feet are shoulder width apart, toes are pointed straight ahead.
Hold breath.
Maintain neutral spine.
Keep the bar close.
Push through the floor.
Drive your chest up and hips forward .
Fully extend your knees and hips, pulling your shoulders tight and squeezing your glutes.

Instrumentation and Methodology

6. Each component will be scored as correct (+) or incorrect (-), based on execution of the full movement. The score of each foundational movement will be calculated as a percent correct by counting the number of correct steps in each trial divided by the total number of steps for the specific target behavior, multiplied by 100. In order to be rated (+), all aspects of the task must be executed as described and as modeled by the trainer. If all aspects are not present, the item will be scored (-) and subject to additional training (i.e. instruction, modeling, and/or practice). This type of +/- scoring system was used previously by Danah Mulqueen (2014) in her research on the development of the Clean and Jerk movement and the Snatch movement, two advanced Olympic lifts, also used in CrossFit.

6.  The assessment administrator requires the following qualification and will follow indicated procedures:

·  S/he must be CrossFit level 1 certified. Indicating knowledge of and the ability to model proper form for the foundational CrossFit movements.

·  The assessment should be done at a CrossFit facility with all usual CrossFit equipment (e.g. barbell weights, mat etc.) or a similarly equipped location.

·  S/he should make sure all equipment is available and there is enough room to perform said assessment.

·  Developmental assessments will be done 2 to 3 times during the training period and the results will be used to help focus further training.

·  Final assessment will be done after sufficient training has occurred, which is typically after completion of a four week Foundations training program consisting of instructions, modeling and practice.

·  Assessment for each skill will take approximately 1 minute.

Analysis of Results

7.  The results of the rating scale will be used as follows:

·  Each components will be scored correct (+) or incorrect (-) based on execution of the full movement. The score of each foundational movement will be calculated by dividing the number of the number of correct(+) tasks by the total number of tasks for movement, and then multiplying by 100.

·  Interim assessments will be used to determine components that require additional training before the client achieves readiness for more advance training. (Formative assessment) Any task that is rated (-), requires additional instruction, modeling, and/or practice.

·  A score of at least 80% is required before advancement to more advanced training. (Summative). This is considered the minimum level of competence before a client can safely enter training for more difficult skills.

Section Two - ACTUAL RATING Scale

See next page.


Craic Media (2011, Mar 4) 9 Basic movements of CrossFit Retrieved March 24, 2016 from

Mulqueen, D. Using Video Modeling and Video Feedback to Improve Olympic Weightlifting Technique. Retrieved March 24, 2016, from

Rating Scale for CrossFit Foundational Movements

Participant’s Name: / Date: / Foundations Class:
Purpose: To ascertain appropriate form for designated foundational CrossFit movements for skill development and to determine readiness for more advanced movements
Directions: The assessment administrator will have the participant perform the movement and will rate the participant’s performance as correct (+) or incorrect (-).
Scale: A rating of correct (+) must include all aspects of the description, emulating the model provided by the foundations instructor. A total score for each skill can be calculated by dividing the total number of + score by the total number of components and then multiplying by 100. For example, if the participant gets 4 correct out of 8, s/he will receive a score of 50.

Skill Evaluation: Air Squat

Step / Phase / Component descriptions / +/- / +/- / +/- / +/-
1 / Stance / Feet are shoulder width apart and slightly toed outward.
2 / Form / Chest up.
Active lumbar curve.
Hips go back and down.
Weight in heels.
Knees in line with toes.
3 / Depth / Crease of the hip below knee.
4 / Stand / Full hip and knee extension at top of movement .
TOTAL OF +’s divided by 8, multiplied by 100

Skill Evaluation: Deadlift

Steps / Phase / Component descriptions / +/- / +/- / +/- / +/-
1 / Set-up / Feet are shoulder width apart, toes are pointed straight ahead.
Hold breath.
Maintain neutral spine.
2 / Lift / Keep the bar close.
Push through the floor.
Drive your chest up and hips forward .
3 / Lockout / Fully extend your knees and hips, pulling your shoulders tight and squeezing your glutes.
4 / Finish / Bring the bar back to the ground by hinging at the hips first. Still maintaining a neutral spine, bring your hips back first and then break at the knees guiding the bar back to the start position.
TOTAL OF +’s divided by 8, multiplied by 100