Part 1: Due Friday, March 10th
Jaguar Ballooning
You have been contracted by Jaguar Ballooning to develop a program that will help determine whether or not to launch a Hot Air Balloon Ride. In this program, a Jaguar Ballooning employee will input the following information:
· Wind speed at the launch site in miles per hour (input is entered to the nearest whole number),
· Visibility in feet from the launch site (input is entered to the nearest whole number),
· Air temperature at the launch site (input is entered to the nearest tenth of a degree Fahrenheit).
Each of these values requires valid input and the program should prompt the user to re-enter the values until a valid input is given. Wind speed cannot be a negative value or over 25 miles/hr. Visibility cannot be a negative value or over 20000 feet. Air temperature cannot be below 0 º F or above 110 º C.
Your program will give the go-ahead for launch, only if each of these factors rates good or excellent, and only if at least two of these factors rates excellent. Ratings are determined according to the following table.
Launch Condition Ratings
Launch Factor / Poor / Good / ExcellentWind speed / > 12 mph / 6 – 12 mph / 0 – 6 mph
Visibility / < 2640 ft. / 2640 – 5280 ft. / > 5280 ft.
Air temperature / < 40º F / 40º - 59.0º F or > 85º F / 60º - 80º F
Your program should prompt the user for input, indicate the rating of each factor immediately after input, and display the decision whether or not to proceed to launch after all 3 of the inputs. Use a output box to indicate a decision to proceed to launch or a decision to place the launch on hold.
Part 1: Complete the first 2 steps of Polya’s 4 Steps of Problem Solving
1) Understand the Problem
You are to create a MS Word file that includes a complete description of the problem
(1 -2 paragraphs). This should include a listing of what the known inputs are and what the expected outputs should be.
2) Devise a Solution
You are to create a flowchart program solution for this problem using Visual Logic. This flowchart should give a complete and working solution to the problem. You should test your program for all possible inputs. Include a “test file” in MS Word that shows your program test runs (the 3 inputs and the results from that specific input – this can be a table it does not need to be printouts from all test runs). You should have a minimum of 10 different test runs: poor wind speed, good wind speed, excellent wind speed, poor visibility, good visibility, excellent visibility, poor air temperature, good air temperature, excellent air temperature, and a combination of the three options.
Due: Friday, March 10th
At the beginning of class on March 10th you are to submit, in a brown manila envelope, a disk (CD or Floppy disk ONLY, no Jump Drives) containing your Visual Logic Flowchart (.vls) file, the problem description file, and your test file. You will also include a print out of the Visual Logic flowchart (using Word), the problem description file and your test file. This should be completed prior to coming to class – do not expect to be able to print your documents at the beginning of class on that day. Make sure your name is clearly marked on the outside of the manila envelope, on your printouts, and especially on your disk. Unlabeled disks WILL NOT be graded.