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November1,2011 Elmira, NY
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“Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out.” ~Frank A. Clark
Dr. Betsey R. Crimmins, Pastor Kate Merriman, Student Pastor Intern
Barbara Squires, Clerk of Session Robert Dumas, Music Director
Dawn Thomas, Church Secretary Gary Tucker, Organist
Susan Weaver, Financial Secretary Scott Kelley, Instrumental Director
James Stewart, Sr., Church Sexton
Church Office (607) 734-1614
Visit our website:
PRES CLIPPINGS–November 1. 2011There is no letter this week from Pastor Crimmins as she is away on vacation. Her letter will return next week.
Scarves! By Kate Merriman
There must be some scarf collectors among you. Like a good tie collection, scarves can be the right thing at the right time—color, degree of warmth, harmony with other clothing. And if you are a knitter they are a great way to use up small amounts of yarn.
So how do scarves “tie” in with families with kids? Just past the three thankful breaths when a child is out of diapers the pace often picks up with more kid-centered activities. These are beyond the necessary childcare arrangements related to work. Starting slowly, it may mean occasional birthday parties or multi-family gatherings, but it’s not long before the possibilities include the first soccer leagues, or gymnastics or other sports that have programs for young children. Some kids are more inclined to science, outdoor adventure, art, or reading-based activities. There are certainly limitations of money, time, access, along with the difficulties of having more than one child with very different interests. Some are shy about committing to things, and some like to try new things. The first ones wear the same scarf every day, and the adventurous ones never tire of variety in attire. God has made them different, and it is the parental challenge to support each child in growing in their own authentic way.
Activities at church can be tailored for all. They are usually non-competitive, yet responsive to the articulated needs of groups. Families, the kids, and the leaders can all work together. Church activities provide opportunities to learn about ways to serve, doing God’s work in the world. It is a way to get to know people of all ages and from varied backgrounds. And church is a place where the big questions can be asked, and parents can get support in more conversations at home about these big questions.
What ways can church be more and do more in your family life? What talents and joys can you share with others? With the givings and receivings the village of church grows into an ever-changing and vibrant community! Let’s deck the halls with warmth, like the colors and comforts of scarves!
THANK YOU to all who participated in Sunday’s worship service on October30th2011, especially to…Mike Mitchell, Dennis & Nancy Cooperand Ron Rehner forgreeting and ushering…Maggie van den Blink for giving the announcements…Kate Merrimanfor assistingus in worship…Joel Robinson, Commission Lay Preacher, for leading us in worship…Praise Band (Gary Tucker, keyboard/vocal; Ron Tunison, guitar/vocal; Patrick Leslie, Saxophone; Paul Stapleton and Kelsey Guthmiller, drums & percussion; Jackie Murphy, Patti Tucker, John Stanley and Tom Leslie, vocals)for singing and playing…Elder Bob Belland Kate Merrimanfor each giving a Minute for Mission…Rose Kapustafor being the lay reader…the Senior High Sunday School Classfor hosting the Fellowship Hour…and the Chancel Flowers celebrated All Saints Day and were in Loving Memory of members and friends of First Pres who had passed away this past year: Ruth Bauman, John Dytman, Paul Everson, Finley Steele and Elizabeth Tifft.
THANK YOU to Jill & Scott Kelleyfor hosting the Halloween Party.
WITH DEEP APPRECIATION we have accepted the gift of a new altar cloth for the Communion table, given in loving memory of John Dytman by his family. If you have not seen the cloth, you are invited to come see it after a worship service.
MINUTE FOR MISSION ~ Given on October 30th by Bob Bell
The Early Bird Pledge Campaign ended yesterday and I am pleased to announce that we had 29 pledges for a total of $75,619.00. Of those 29 pledges, 21 increased their pledges from last year’s pledge. We thank you all for taking part in our Early Bird Pledge Campaign.
Starting today, and continuing through November 20, we begin our regular annual pledge campaign. Although the money we have raised for the Early Bird Campaign is encouraging, the Stewardship Committee still has $99,381.00 to raise over the next three weeks to reach our goal of $175,000.00. It can and will be done, but not without your prayerful pledging and generosity.
Earlier this month the Stewardship Committee mailed a step up chart so that you could see where you are and where you can be if you raise your pledge for 2012. To better explain this chart, if you are giving $1-$10 a week that would mean $520 a year at the $10 per week level. Should you decide to “step up” to level 2, you would need to give $11-$20 a week which at the $20 level would mean you would be giving $1,040.00 a year. There are ten levels on the step up chart, each level shows the annual amount pledged at the highest amount of that level. For another example, if you are at level 9, and you gave the highest amount of $150 per week you would be pledging $7,800.00 per year. The Stewardship Committee is not asking you to always give the highest amount on each step. Just take the highest amount you can afford and multiply that amount by 52 weeks to come up with your annual pledge amount. Please remember the passage in Philippians 4:19 that says “And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”.
This year the Finance Committee and the Stewardship Committee did not increase the pledge budget from last year but held the line at $175,000. The Congregation of The First Presbyterian Church of Elmira is a Congregation that shows its Love and caring for its community through generosity and mission work. As we enter this Pledge campaign please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge for 2012.
Pledging is important, it is the amount we know we will have in our budget to support our activities, programs and our Mission work. Without pledges we cannot plan for next year.
May God be with you in your pledge planning? Thank you.
The bottom line is: there is a whole lot more work to be done than there are hands showing up to do the work. Therefore, we will continue to go to Owego to help with the flood relief efforts there. The plan is simple: meet in our church parking lot a little before 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. We will car pool or caravan down to Owego from there. Please bring your lunch and a water bottle. Please bring your safety equipment such as a mask (a must!), gloves, ear plugs, and knees pads (if you care to use them). If you have any tools that you can use to bring with you, that’s always a plus: hammers, crow bars, brooms and dust pans, buckets, shovels including snow shovels that can be used as large dust pans, etc.
The Owego Presbyterian Church has closed its aid distribution center mostly because the number of people who were visiting the center to get supplies and food has decreased drastically. We are no longer taking down donations to give to the distribution center.
Prayers for healing extend to God on behalf of Fran Steelewho is a patient at ArnotOgdenHospital.
The Rev. Dr. Betsey Crimmins will be on vacation through Thursday, November 3rd. If you are in need of pastoral services during this time, please contact the Rev. Jonathan Knight, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Horseheads at (607) 739-3854 (church) or (607) 739-3713 (home) or FirstPresChurch office at (607) 734-1614.
Jim Stewart, Church Sexton, will be off on Sunday, November 6th. Jill Kelley will be filling in for him on this day.
Dawn Thomas, Church Secretary, will be on vacation Wednesday, November 9th through Tuesday, November 15th. However, the church office will be open as there will be volunteers covering these days.
The Church Office will be closed on Friday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Session has hired Kelly Stewart as our temporary church secretary to fill in while Dawn Thomas is out on medical leave. Kelly will work with Dawn on November 7, 8, 15, 16 and 17 in order to "learn the ropes." Dawn will be out beginning on November 18 so Kelly will take over totally on her own on that date. Kelly's hours will be Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To communicate with her as Church Secretary via email, please use Dawn's email address: . When you stop in the office, please be sure to introduce yourself to Kelly.
FALL BACK! Daylight Savings Time ends in the wee hours of Sunday morning, November 6th. Please remember to set your clock back one hour when you go to bed Saturday night.
DRESS AND GO BREAKFASTin November will be this Sunday, November 6 at 9 a.m.in the Hoffman Great Room. You are invited to come for a yummy breakfast and plenty of good fellowship around the tables!
Sunday, November 6th–10:30 a.m.
Twentieth-firstSunday after Pentecost, Dress & Go Breakfast and Sacrament of Holy Communion
Please join us at 9 a.m. for breakfast in the Hoffman Great Room. Enjoy fellowship around the tables and then stay for Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and worship at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Dr. Betsey Crimmins will lead us in worship. Her Sermon title will be “On Our Watch: Time to Have Candles Lit”. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated. The Chancel Choir will sing. The Greeters and Ushers will be Betsy & Hank Dalrymple, Chuck Stewart and Bob Bell. The Elders serving Communion will be Maggie van den Blink, Mud Grund, Steve Proudfoot, Bob Bell and Paul Stapleton. The Lay Reader will be Jane Ivanick. The Fellowship Hour will be hosted by the Kapusta family. The Chancel Flowers will be provided by Fred & Marilyn Betschen. All are welcome to attend!! Childcare, Children’s Worship and JOY Club will be available.
Sunday, November13th–10:30 a.m.
Twentieth-second Sunday after Pentecost
The Rev. Dr. Betsey Crimminswill lead us in worship. Her Sermon title will be “On Our Watch: Time to Give”. The Chancel Choir will sing. The Greeters and Ushers will be the Kapusta family. The Lay Reader will be Rashad Curry. The Chancel Flowers will be provided by the Leslie family. All are welcome to attend!! Childcare, Children’s Worship and JOY Clubwill be available.
Over the years the numbers of black choir folders has dwindled. Do you happen to have one or more of these folders in your home? If so, please return it/them to the church as soon as possible. The choir is in need of these folders! Thank you.
There will be a meeting of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 20, 2011 in the sanctuary of the churchimmediately following the morning worship service. The purpose is to elect one deacon to the class of 2012 and one deacon to the class of 2014. Respectively submitted, Barbara Squires, Clerk.
COFFEE HOUR is now called the FELLOWSHIP HOUR. If you would like to donate refreshments for the Fellowship Hour, please sign up on the sheet on the board across from the kitchen. You can do this as a family or a group.
Jr High -The Youth in Action Committee is interested in initiating a youth fellowship program for Jr. High students. We need additional adult help tomove this along.Pleasecontact Ron Tunison () if you can help.
Current mission opportunitiesfor YIA this coming year include the following: continued flood relief assistance in Owego, 30 Hr.Famine hunger relief, Christmas Adopt-A-Family, baking Christmas cookies for at-home members, Arctic League packing and delivery,helping with after church lunches, and Southern Tier Food Bank. Fellowship plans include bowling, Kingdom Bound, lasertag, andsnow tubing.
Additional YIA committee members needed -YIA committee meetings arescheduled for the first Tues of the month.The next meeting will be held onTues 11/1, 7pm at the church. We need additional adult help to organize andplan activities.Please join us!
The Adult Sunday School Class meets in the Hoffman Great Room at 9:30 a.m. and is studying Genesis. Bring your Bible and your thoughts!
Basic Christian Beliefs meets in Room 10 about 15 minutes after worship has concluded. Come to discuss the origins of our Christian faith and trace the changes in thinking and practice through the centuries.
GriefShare meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this group that has proven to be a life-saver to so many people!
YOU ARE INVITED to join a book discussion event on November 17, 6:15-7:30 p.m. The book is Charles Stanley’s “The Wonderful Spirit-filled Life.” If you need a copy of the book, please speak with Kim Townson or Rev. Crimmins. Join us as we learn to recognize the footprints of the Holy Spirit.
KIDSHINE is coming again and we need your help with the planning and preparation. We are looking for people to help design our publicity. This committee will be responsible for designing forms, flyers, posters, t-shirts, etc. This is a short term commitment of 2 or 3 meetings ideally starting in November. If you are interested in helping, please speak with Stacia Kruckow (734-3407) or call the church office (734-1614).
Calling all bakers and volunteers willing to help with this year’s Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday, November 8th. The polls are open from 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. We need people to both donate baked goods, soups and chili as well as their time to be at the sales table throughout the day. This bake sale will benefit all of the Youth of our Church. If you can help by donating items to sell, or if you can come and help “man the sales table” for a portion of the day please call Eileen Leslie at 796-5995 (home) and leave a message or see her at church.
After worship on Sunday, November 6th, Holiday gift items such as table runners, aprons, pillows, wall hangings, decorative towels & more will be for sale. The money collected will go to the general church fund.
Yes, the Fall Rummage Sale is coming up! Session is coordinating the Sale that collects our “no longer needed” items and prepares them for sale to the Public.
The first way to contribute would be to collect any items you wish to donate and bring them to church Sunday, November 13th. We are offering curbside drop off from noon to 4 p.m. The second way to contribute would be to sign up to do some sorting, pricing or selling November 13th-19th. Also we are looking for people with trucks that may be available Saturday the 12th 10 a.m.-noon, Sunday the 13th noon-4 p.m., and Saturday the 19th noon-3p.m. for moving/collecting some of the heavy items.
The church member sale will be held Thursday, November 17th from 6-8 p.m. The Public Sale is Saturday, November 19th from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with a Bag Sale to follow. If you have any questions, need special assistance with heavier items or to sign up to help, please call Bob Bell 734-5272.
Please join us on November 20th at 9:30 a.m. for breakfast and information about First Pres. Have you been thinking about joining First Pres? Do you want more information as you think and pray about membership? Then come to the New Member Breakfast! We’ll enjoy a yummy continental breakfast and fun conversation around tables in the Hoffman Great Room. For further information, please contact Barbara Horton (732-8228) or Rev. Crimmins (734-1614).
THE CIRCLE OF WOMEN will meet on Monday, November 7th at 10 a.m. in the Hoffman Great Room of the church. If you have any questions, please contact Eileen Kingsbury at (607) 732-7698.
ALZHEIMER’S EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP meets at the church on the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 2nd. The topic for is: “Caregiver Efficacy: Coping & Empowerment”. Please call the church office to RSVP. The program is free! All are welcome to attend!
THE TWO-CENTS A MEAL OFFERING for October 2011 was $59.71. Thank you, “The Penny Lady”.