Service User’s Satisfaction Survey 2018 Full Report
The survey was targeted at 100 callers to our helpline after the 1st January 2018. Our service user satisfaction survey is available to complete online. A paper version is available for service users who request this. Their responses were keyed in to the electronic version. This year there were 34responses.
This year we asked parents their reasons for getting in touch with Supportive Parents. The responses ranged from needing advice and support about the EHCP process, appeals and complaints, annual reviews, mental health and exclusion/ attendance.
Notatalleasy: / 0 / 0 / 0%1 / 1 / 2.9%
2 / 1 / 2.9%
3 / 9 / 26.5%
Very Easy / 4 / 23 / 67.6%
Very Slowly: / 0 / 0 / 0%1 / 0 / 0%
2 / 1 / 2.9%
3 / 10 / 29.4%
Very quickly: / 4 / 23 / 67.6
Howwelldoyouthinkweunderstoodyourquestionsor concerns?
Not at all well: / 0 / 0 / 0%1 / 0 / 0%
2 / 0 / 0%
3 / 5 / 14.7%
Very well: / 4 / 29 / 85.3%
Another Parent or Friend21%
Leaflet about the service 24%
The Internet15%
Health Professional9%
The school, early years setting or college21%
Social Services18%
An Education Psychologist or Advisory Teacher 0
(% rounded)
How helpfulwastheinformation, adviceandsupportwegaveyou?
Not at all helpful: / 01 / 0 / 0%
2 / 1 / 2.9%
3 / 1 / 2.9%
Very helpful: / 4 / 32 / 94.1%
Returnyourcalls/emails promptly? / 26 / 76%Keepintouch? / 15 / 44%
Explain why decisions were made and what was happening? / ening?
/ 14 / 41%
Listento yourviews? / 23 / 68%
Treat you with respect? / 22 / 65%
Explain who they were and what their role was? / 18 / 53%
Provide a confidential service? / 20 / 59%
Give you information and advice that met your needs? / 24 / 71%
Not at all: / 0 / 0 / 0%
1 / 0 / 0%
2 / 0 / 0%
3 / 4 / 11.8%
Very: / 4 / 30 / 88.2%
Whatdifferencedoyouthinkour information, adviceorsupporthasmadefor you?
No difference at all: / 0 / 0 / 0%1 / 0 / 0%
2 / 3 / 8.8%
3 / 7 / 20.6%
A great deal of difference: / 4 / 24 / 70.6%
Can youtellusmoreaboutthedifference(s)wemadeforyou?
I feel my child’s needs are better understood than they were / 1 / 2.9%I now have a better relationship with my child’s school or setting / 0 / 0%
I now have a better relationship with the Local Authority / 0 / 0%
I feel more confident / 14 / 41.2%
I have a greater understanding of the SEND Code of Practice / 7 / 20.6%
I feel more involved in decisions about my child’s education / 3 / 8.8%
I am happier/less worried about my child’s future / 0 / 0%
I feel my child has benefitted as a result of the service being involved / 9 / 26.5%
Supportive Parents have supported me by attending meetings with me at the Preschool and School when discussing my son's education. They provided me with the knowledge of the EHCP process, the annual review process and of the SEND code of practice. It has given me the confidence to ensure that I get the best out of meetings so that my son gets the help he needs. The annual review of EHCP workshop I attended was also very helpful and relevant. Knowledge of the SEN law provided by them will continue to help me in future conversations with the council and my son's school.
Reassurance through the convoluted and tricky EHCP process ... support that I should keep going with the process and not falter.
Feel more confident when asking local authority or setting for extra help for my child.
I have used supportive parents before several times when I needed help and their advice has always been invaluable. I asked for help again when considering going to the SEND tribunal over a decision made by NSC and once again their support made a huge difference in both increasing my understanding of the system and giving me added confidence. In face of ongoing challenges with NSC I would hate to think they weren't there to turn to for advice. I truly appreciate their help.
Without the team member’s knowledge, expertise, and strong desire to help children with send needs my son would not have an EHCP. The whole team are amazing and listen to you
Talking with supportive parents gave me confidence to tackle the school over the lack of provision my child was receiving.
Having someone neutral to talk things through which and confirm I had the correct information was so helpful.
I'm better informed and feel empowered to ensure my son gets the provision he deserves!
Information given to read
I felt respected and was given the confidence to ask professionals why they aren't fulfilling their legal duties.
I have a better understanding of the SEND Code of Practice. Following a discussion and the advice given by Supportive Parents about my son’s draft EHCP we asked for new reports, written specifically for the purpose of his EHCP, which means now his EHCP is a much better document. This means his needs are now identified and hopefully now will be met effectively.
As usual your invaluable help not only reassured me that I could appeal, but also put into context the issues that there were beyond my personal emotional response to being in a stressful position
Gave me advice where I can locate different things to help me with my child
You have made this whole process so much easier, it's extremely overwhelming and quite scary ,despite going through slightly similar problems years ago I felt very lost, you’ve helped me ,supported me, given me advice, confidence to make decisions that were best for my son and in the moments when I really didn't know where to turn you've guided me.
I've not properly filled in the question did the IASS... as I don't know what those initials mean.
I now know the next steps to take to get help for my son.
Very helpful, very professional, I would have never achieved to get EHCP for my children without them being involved.
Thank you.
Helped my confidence
Got advice for support with my son who is post 18.
Another view and better knowledge of what can be done
Very unsatisfied: / 0 / 1 / 3.7%1 / 0 / 0%
2 / 1 / 3.7%
3 / 3 / 11.1
Very satisfied: / 4 / 22 / 81.5%
No. Just more advisors so you are not over stretched.
No, I don't think so. You have done a great job. Thanks.
No I'm very grateful for everything thank you so much!!
I needed some help with my housing needs in relation to my sons disability but the service only dealt with education matters and was unable to help me, the service they signposted me to was not helpful.
No, I think this is an excellent service and I am very grateful for it.
Possibly consistency to speak to the same person, if wanted.
No I found this service really help for me.
Just that the service is highly needed and invaluable to parents and their children.
No - everything is good!
More specific to my query, response was generalized.
Maybe give more support going forward with the EHCP.
No, you really are extremely important and helpful. Thank you.
Other than have lots more resource so you could answer the call straight away rather than ring back, no.
Due to high use of the service call back was two days which I didn't realise initially, however the important thing is I was called back and they were very helpful.
“Possible communication. While we understand resources are limited but* helps and phone and or face to face advise is only available during school term.
* Phone communication is prompt but you need to wait when staffs are available at a given days of the week."
How likely is it that you would recommend the service to others?
Not at all likely / 0 / 0 / 0%1 / 0 / 0%
2 / 0 / 0%
3 / 3 / 8.8%
Extremely likely: / 4 / 31 / 91.2
Do you have any other comments about our service?
A vital service for parents and families trying to make their way through the SEN minefield in schools.
Excellent service, keep up the good work.
What a vital service you are!!
I think you are so very valuable, without you parents would be lacking in having the support we so desperately need
It was great all round. Should receive funding to be open more hours so that more parents and their children get the support they need!
The ladies who run the support group meetings in Kingswood are wonderful, friendly, funny and understanding. Their sense of humour rubs off on you which definitely helps when you are a parent carer.
I'm hugely grateful and really appreciate everything - thank you all! I needed a sounding board to keep me focused and positive when sometimes very confused and low ... yours was a friendly, experienced and professional voice to help. Amazing!
I frequently recommend supportive parents to others, they have made so much difference to us. They are somewhere to go when you need advice you can trust, and they provide the support needed. I can't rate them highly enough, thank goodness for supportive parents.
I wish supportive parents was more widely known about. I have dealt with numerous health professionals and the social worker is the only one to give me information on supportive parents. I found you from a web based search. All children with SEN parents should be given a leaflet.
Should receive funding to be open more hours so you are able to help support and provide information to many more parents and carer’s who's young people would benefit from your service☺
Great resource for queries
Lovely, friendly, knowledgeable lady.
Your service support and information gave me more confidence to understand my daughter's needs and right to provision that can promote the quality of her life.
Thank you for helping and supporting me,I wouldn't have made it through this extremely hard journey without you
Phoned with query and expected I’d have to wait for call back but my questions were answered then and there, no waiting!
Would have liked more info on my LA
Really great to have support from a service who gets it. Very helpful
Really helpful, knowledgeable and non-judgmental
Local Authority area in which you live
Bristol / 11 / 32.4%North Somerset / 10 / 29.4%
South Gloucestershire / 13 / 38.2%
Finally, 26 parents said they would be willing to share their experience with Ofsted & CQC if theirlocal area is inspected during 2018.
Registered in England and Wales as Supportive Parents for Special Children
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 3905996. Registered Charity No: 1079761
3rd Floor, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol BS1 4GB
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