Guess the riddles.
Do you know these mothers?
1. This mother has got a little daughter. This daughter has got a red hat. The girl goes to her granny and meets a wolf in a forest.
What is this book? (Мама Красной Шапочки).
2. This mother has got seven children. They are kids. A wolf comes to eat them, but the mother helps her children.
Do you know this mother? (Мама семерых козлят).
3. This mother is green. It has got a son. The son is green, too. They live together in a pond. They eat and sleep together, too. But then they take a very little girl. The girl’s house is in a flower.
What is this book? (Мама-жаба из сказки «Дюймовочка»).
4. This mother is a mouse. This mother has a child. The child can’t sleep. The mother sings, but the child can’t sleep. A horse, a pig, a duck help the mother, but the child can’t sleep. Then a cat comes, the cat sings and … eats the child.
Do you know this mother? (Мышка-мама из «Сказки о глупом мышонке»).
5. This mother goes to the market; she buys potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beet. Oh! Then she takes potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beet and cooks dinner. And soup is good!
Do you know this poem? (Мама-хозяйка из стихотворения Ю. Тувима «Овощи»).
Загадки предлагаются командам в распечатанном виде, так как в них содержится достаточное количество незнакомых слов. При отгадывании данных загадок учащимися 5-го класса приходится использовать языковую догадку.
Стихотворения о мамах.
1. Mother is busy
From morning till night
Keeping her family
Happy and bright! [2]
2. I’ve got two balls, many toys
And a brother.
And I’m very, very, very
Fond of my mother. [2]
3. It is the day of all the year,
Of all the year the one day,
And here come I, my Mother dear,
To bring you cheer,
A-mothering on Sunday.
4. I love my mother,
She’s kind and she’s gay.
She reads me books
And helps me to play.
5. Happy Mother’s Day! [2]
Make a basket
For your mother
And fill it
With flowers gay.
Then put in a card just to say: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
Each bright flower
Is here to say
My wish for you: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! (Последнее стихотворение читается вместе с представленными работами.)