Request for Proposal (RFP): SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE
RFP Date of Issuance: / June 15, 2018RFP # and Title / Subcontract to initiate and develop a cross-cultural mentoring program in Morocco
Due Date for Questions: / June 22, 2018
Submissionofquestionsorrequestsforclarificationinwritingviaemailto by 5:00pmEST in Washington, DC
Please note that inquiries and answers to inquiries will be shared with all registeredOfferors.
Please do not contact any USAID Morocco Career Center employees regarding this RFP. Contacting individual employees shall be cause fordisqualification.
Deadline for Proposals: / June 29, 2018
Proposal submission (including technical proposal and budget, supporting documentation) due by 5:00 pm EST via email to nsert the following in the subject line: “Subcontract to initiate and develop an online cross-cultural mentoring program in Morocco”
Anticipated Start Date:
Anticipated Period of Performance:
Budget ceiling: / August 13, 2018. (Start date is subject to change)
12 months
USAID Morocco Career CenterProject anticipates awarding a fixed-price contract with an estimated cost not exceeding $100,000. Revealing the estimated cost ceiling does not mean Offerorshould strive to meet this maximum amount. Offerors must propose costs they believe are realistic and reasonable for the work.
Authorized Geographic Code: / The authorized geographic code for this procurement is USAID Geographic Code 937 (Morocco, the United States, and developing countries, other than advanced developing countries and excluding prohibited sources).
Organizational Overview
FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our staff includes experts in health, education, nutrition, environment, economic development, civil society, gender equality, youth, research, technology, communication and social marketing — creating a unique mix of capabilities to address today's interrelated development challenges. FHI 360 serves more than 70 countries and all U.S. states and territories.
As we evolve to meet the challenges of the future, we stand committed to the principles that have guided our organization for the last 40+ years. Our work continues to be grounded in research and science, strengthened by partnerships and focused on building the capacity of individuals, communities and countries to succeed.
For more information, see
Morocco Project Background
FHI 360 and partners, International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), Education for Employment (EFE) and Golden Resources (GR), are implementing the USAID CAREER CENTER in Morocco. The activity is being implemented in close coordination with Government of Morocco (GOM) counterparts, the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research. USAID CAREER CENTER is playing a central role in advancing USAID/Morocco and the Government of Morocco’s (GOM) broader goal of increasing the employability of young Moroccans. The project has been establishing in three regions (Casablanca, Marrakech, Tangier) six pilot Career Centers linked to universities and the vocational training facilities and incorporating work readiness training into the Moroccan tertiary education system, vocational training system, and workplaces where these skills contribute to the employability and performance of youth in the workplace.
Purpose of RFP
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit online applications for a U.S Small Business subcontract to initiate and develop an online cross-cultural mentoring program in Morocco, in coordination with the universities in Casablanca, Marrakech, and Tangier. The mentoring program will be open to all students attending the universities in Casablanca, Marrakech, and Tangier.
Because 65% of young people today will work in jobs that have not yet been created, and because Morocco’s economy is changing rapidly and these young people will need to adapt and prepare for a technology and data-driven economy, we are looking for ways to help young people and their educational institutions prepare for the future of work. Since many Moroccan experts live around the globe, we are primarily interested in solutions that do not just harness local talent to help students, but also leverage the collective knowledge remittances of Moroccans abroad.
Young people in Morocco often face numerous barrier to acquiring relevant skills and are unable to maximize their potential. The program should aim to cultivate a skilled workforce and build up their capacities by connecting young people in Morocco with experienced professionals (mentors) in North America or Europe, offering practical and individualized advice, information and expertise. Mentees should collaborate with their assigned mentors through real time or offline account.
The program should achieve meaningful outcomes and impact across a wide range of areas by developing a mentor program action plan and evaluation. Additionally, provide student and alumni tracking to those organizations including universities, youth organizations, companies, etc.
Description of Scope of Work and Proposal Requested
We require an online method of connecting students at the higher education level with successful experts in sectors that range from Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields to business and the arts to acquire career guidance, sector-related expertise and overall best practices for career navigation, advancement and for creating pathways to careers in today’s knowledge economy. Ideal platforms would be multilingual, and available in Arabic, English and possibly French. They would allow for students to gain exposure to a wide range of experts and to ask questions and have their questions answered directly. We are seeking a solution that is easy to implement, will continue to improve over time to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advances and demands. A solution that features both experts and potential employers would enable students to have exposure to potential jobs and career pathways. Given time zone considerations, an ideal solution would support both synchronous and asynchronous communication.
Technical Specification
- Web based system built using modern web framework(s)
- SaaS based platform requiring no client customer installation
- Follows web-based standards and security protocols
- Uses SSL encryption for data transfer
- Utilize firewalls to reduce external vector threats
- Responsive web platform, available on both desktop and mobile web browsers
- Authentication by username/password, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn
- Multi-lingual in English, French, and Arabic
- Real time and offline chat
- Recommendations matching users with content and people
Deliverables & Expected Duration
The total duration of the assignment must fall within a twelve (12)-months period from the agreed upon start date. The selected firm is responsible for the preparation and submission of the followingillustrativedeliverables,witheachitembeingcompletedinaccordancetotheproposedduration, as detailedbelow.
Deliverables / Expected duration1) Detailed Work plan and schedule of activities / 1 week
2) Situational Analysis Report / 4 weeks
3) Weekly progress update report / On a weekly basis
4) Monthly written report to UCC on outcomes and planned activities / On a monthly basis
5) Present final report to UCC on activities undertaken, recommendations and next steps. / 12 weeks
Minimum Requirements for Qualification
The following are the qualification requirements for agencies to be considered for this award:
- Prior experience of having initiated, designed, and developed mentoring programs for young people.
- Experience working with both non-governmental organizations and government agencies is desirable.
- Meet the requirements under the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 19.201 for participation by small business, 8(a) business development programs. More details can be accessed through -
- FHI 360 will not compensate offerors for preparation of their response to this solicitation.
- Issuing this solicitation is not a guarantee that FHI 360 will award a subcontract.
- FHI 360 reserves the right to issue a subcontract based on the initial evaluation of offers without discussion.
- FHI 360 may choose to award a subcontract for part of the activities in the solicitation.
- FHI 360 may choose to award subcontracts to more than one offeror for specific parts of the activities in the solicitation.
- FHI 360 may request from short‐listed offerors a second or third round of either oral presentation or written response to a more specific and detailed scope of work that is based on a general scope of work in the original solicitation.
- FHI 360 has the right to rescind a solicitation, or rescind an award prior to the signing of a subcontract due to any unforeseen changes in the direction of FHI 360’s client, be it funding or programmatic.
- FHI 360 reserves the right to waive any deviations by offerors from the requirements of this solicitation that in FHI 360's opinion are considered not to be material defects requiring rejection or disqualification; or where such a waiver will promote increased competition.
- Data produced under this solicitation belongs to FHI 360. Any distribution of data must first have written authorization from FHI 360 or its designated representative.
RFP Attachments
Attachment A – Budget
Attachment B – Budget Narrative
Attachment C – Biodata
Attachment D – Past Performance Reference Form
Attachment E – Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination
Attachment F – Vendor Verification Form
Section 1 - Considerations
The following should be considered by the Offeror when submitting their proposal:
a.The offeror will guarantee the confidentiality of all the UCC Morocco’s documents and materials made available to them as part of this assignment
b.The offeror will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA).
Section 2 - General Instructions toOfferors
a.Single Award. FHI 360 anticipates awarding one (1) fixed price contract as a result ofthis Solicitation throughfullandopencompetition.However,FHI360reservestherighttoawardmoreornoawardsas a result ofthissolicitation.
b.RFP Instructions. If an Offeror does not follow the instructions set forth herein, the Offeror's proposal may be eliminated from further consideration or the proposal may be downgraded and not receive full or partial credit under the applicable evaluation criteria. If an Offeror does not understand the instructions in this Solicitation, then it must write to by the question submission deadline.
c.Accurate and Complete Information. Offerors must set forth full, accurate and complete information as required by this RFP. The penalty for making false statements is elimination from further consideration and termination of any contract ifawarded.
d.Pre-award Survey. FHI 360 reserves the right to perform a pre-award survey which may include butis not limited to: (1) interviews with individuals to establish their ability to perform contract duties under the project conditions; (2) a review of the financial condition, business and personnel procedures, etc.; and (3) sitevisits.
e.Proposal Preparation Costs. FHI 360 and Morocco Career Center will not pay for any proposal preparationcosts.
f.Submission of Alternate Proposals. Offerors must submit a proposal directly responsive to the terms and conditions of this RFP. Alternate proposals will not be accepted.
Section 3 - DeliveryInstructions
a.Electronic submission. The Offeror must submit the proposal through electronic submission. Hand delivered proposals (including commercial courier) and facsimile transmission will not beaccepted.
b.Proposals must be submitted in two volumes: Volume I, Technical Proposal, including Past Performance, Gantt Chart, Past Performance References, CVs; and Volume II, Cost Proposal, including budget, budget narrative, biodata forms. The technical proposal shall not referencecost.
c.The complete Technical Proposal must be submitted in MS Word (or compatible) or Adobe Acrobat portable document format(.pdf).
d.The complete Cost Proposal must also be separately submitted in Microsoft Word (for narrative text), Microsoft Excel (for budgets and other relevant tables) andunlocked.
e.Proposals must be submitted to: by the date and time on the cover page of this solicitation. The subject of the e-mail should read as follows: Subcontract to initiate and develop an online cross-cultural mentoring program in Morocco”
f.Offer Validity. Offerors are required to indicate the validity period of offer is ninety (90) days from the date the offer is submitted to allow sufficient time to evaluate proposals and completenegotiations.
g.Proposal Clarity. The Offeror’s proposal should be specific, complete, and concise. The Offeror is urged to examine this solicitation in its entirety and to assure that its proposal contains all the necessary information, provides all required documentation and is complete in all respects since the evaluation ofproposalswillbe basedontheactualmaterialpresentedandnotonthebasisofwhatisimplied.
The Technical Proposal in response to this solicitation will address how the offeror intends to carry out the statement of work (SOW). It will also contain a clear understanding of the work to be undertaken and the responsibilities of all parties involved.
TheOfferorwillensureitsCostProposalisconsistentwithitsTechnicalProposalinallrespectssincethe Cost Proposal may be used as an aid to determine the Offeror's understanding of the technical requirements.
h.The Offeror should submit its best proposal initially as FHI 360 may evaluate proposals and make an award without discussions. However, FHI 360 reserves the right to conduct discussions should FHI 360 deem itnecessary.
i.Offerors are allowed tosubmit one proposal. If an Offeror participates in more than one proposal, all proposals involving the Offeror will berejected.
j.If the Offeror includes a group of firms and/or subcontractors, one lead organization or firm must be clearly identified and is responsible for handling all reporting and coordination with USAIDMorocco Career Center.
k.The person signing the Offeror’s proposal must have the authority to commit the Offeror to all the provisions of the Offeror’sproposal.
Section 4 - Instructions for the Preparation of the TechnicalProposal
Please ensure completed forms, including the Evidence of Responsibility and Independent Price Determination, along with a copy of legal registration, are included with the technical proposal otherwise the proposal may be rejected.
a.TheTechnicalProposalinresponsetothissolicitationmustaddressandfollowthetechnicalevaluation factors listed in Section 6. The technical proposal will consist of the Technical Proposal Body and an Annex. These two parts together will constitute the Offeror’s technical proposal. The proposal must be well organized, complete, specific, clear and succinctlypresented.
b.Page Limitation. Proposals will be concise, specific and complete and detailed information will be presented only when required by specific RFP instructions. The Technical Proposal Body itself will not exceed 15 pages, excluding the Annex and non-substantive items such as the cover page, acronyms, dividers,andtableofcontentsarenotincludedinthe15-pagelimit.ProposalswillbewritteninEnglish. Pages exceeding the limit will not be read or evaluated. No material may be incorporated in the proposal by reference, attachment, annex, etc. to circumvent the pagelimitation
c.TechnicalProposalAnnex.Thetechnicalproposalannexmustcontainthedocumentsspecifiedbelow, including: work plan, detailed staffing plans, CVs, and any other supporting documentation requested explicitly by theRFP.
d.Organization. The technical proposal must be organized into the following sections asfollows:
- Cover Page: Offerors must provide the names of the organizations involved in the proposal and the contact information for the Offeror’s main point of contact, including this individual’s name, titleorpositionwiththeorganization/institution,address,e-mailaddress,andtelephone.Offerors must acknowledge whether the contact person is the individual with authority to contract for the Offeror, and if not, that individual must also be listed. (Not included in the 15-pagelimit.)
- Technical Proposal Body – This section will include the followingsections:
- Technical Approach and Performance WorkStatement
- Personnel and ManagementApproach
- Organizational Capacity andExperience
- PastPerformance
- Annex – The following are required in the Technical ProposalAnnex:
- Workplan
- M&EPlan
- StaffingPlan
- Key Personnel statements(CVs)
- Biodataforms
- Past Performancereferences
- Sustainabilityplan
- Evidence of Responsibility and Independent PriceDetermination
- Vendor Certification Form
These sections, including the annex where relevant, must include all information required to fairly evaluate the Offeror under the applicable evaluation factors. Specific guidance on the content of each of these sections is set forth below.
e.Technical Approach (not to exceed 5 pages) - This section should include information sufficient to properly evaluate the proposal under the TechnicalApproach.
Offerors must describe their overall technical approach and methodology to be utilized by the Offeror for the design, development, implementation and achievement of the stated Tasks and Deliverables.TheOfferorshallarticulatehowitintendstoaddresseach of the required tasks as well as desired system functionalities, features and project deliverables listed, in addition to any suggestions and recommendations to these areas while demonstrating the project management approach and framework to beutilized.
f.Capability Statement (not to exceed 3 pages) – explains Offeror’s understanding of desired system andrequirementsaswellasitscapabilitytoperformthescopeofwork,tasksanddeliverables.Offeror shall demonstrate it has the necessary organizational systems and procedures, e.g. personnel policies, privacy policies, project management, equipment, supplies and personnel in place to successfully comply with contract requirements and accomplish expectedresults.
g.PastPerformance(nottoexceed3pages)-Offerorshallbrieflydescribehowthepastperformanceof the Offeror and its team (including all partners of a coalition/joint venture) is relevant to performance of the Contract. The Offeror shall submit a list (up to five) of current and past similar work and assignments completed in the past five years that were similar in size, scope and complexity– preferably in the fields of but not restricted to microfinance, banking and/or technology sectors, with particular attentionpaid to those performed in Morocco, the Middle East or Francophone countries.