Science 24 Course Overview
Unit 1: Applications of Matter and Chemical Change.
Lesson 1: Synthetic Materials & Alloys – Students submit text questions and answer questions off of the web site on alloys. (1-2 days)
Lesson 2: Chemistry at Home – Students answer questions in text. (1 day).
Lesson 3: Chemical Reactions – Students answer questions in text (1 day)
Lesson 4: Chemical Reactions – Students answer questions in the text and use the CD ROM. (2 days)
Lesson 5: Word Equations – Students answer questions in text (1 day).
Lesson 6: Students research a molecule and present what they learn in the next tutorial…their mark is based on their presentation in the tutorial.
Lesson 7: Law of Conservation of Mass – Students read over tutorial in text and answer questions (2 days)
Lesson 8: The Halifax Explosion – Students refer to web site and answer questions. (1 day)
Lesson 9: Global Climate Change –Students do research on theories that support Global Climate Change and refute it. Then, they write a report on what they think is the correct theory. (3 classes)
Lesson 10: Acid Deposition – Students complete applet on CD ROM and send in answers to questions.
Lesson 11: How to reduce emissions – Students refer to web site and answer questions (1-2 classes)
Lesson 12: Corrosion –Read pages in text, answer crossword puzzle on discussion board and review questions. (2 days)
Unit 1 Test password = chemistry
Unit 2: Understanding Common Energy Conversion Systems
Lesson 1: Forms of Energy – Students answer CYU questions and download a document on Energy Conversions in a Muscle Cell. (1 day)
Lesson 2: Energy Conversion – Students complete What to Do questions and Check Your Understanding questions and answer questions What did you Discover about the Roller coaster web site and Review questions (2-3 days)
Lesson 3: Generating Electrical Energy – Students answer CYU questions and learn about Thomas Carbide Willson (1 day)
Lesson 4: Power Grid – Students create bar graph, and complete questions based on web site and CYU questions. (2 days)
Lesson 5: Electric Energy and Power – Calculating power worksheets and disc connect (2 days)
Lesson 6: Photosynthesis and Respiration – CYU questions and CD ROM. (1 class)
Lesson 7: Sources of Energy – Line graph and analyze questions, CYU questions, worksheet on Sources of carbos , fats, protein. (2 classes)
Lesson 8: Review – Students answer review questions, crossword puzzle and true false quiz with answers. (1 day)
Lesson 9: Fossil Fuels – Students go to Oil Sands Discovery Center web site and Drilling Rig web site and answer questions and CYU questions (2 days)
Lesson 10: Problems with Fossil Fuels – Students answer CYU, Analyze, Review and crossword puzzle questions. (1 day)
Unit Test password = fossil
Unit 3: Disease Defence and Human Health
Lesson 1: Cause of Human Disease. Students answer CYU questions and complete CD ROM activity on Bacteria. (2 classes)
Lesson 2: Communicable and non-communicable diseases. Students complete 2 CYU sections and a find out activity (research a pathogen) that they must present at next tutorial. (1 class)
Lesson 3: Food Poisoning and Food Preservation. Students complete Analyze questions, Review questions and disease crossword. (1 class)
Lesson 4: Impact of Spreading Disease. Students download “Time Line of Medicine and Public Health” and store in binder and complete CYU questions. (1 class).
Lesson 5: Public Health and You. Students complete 2 sections of CYU questions What to do question, and crossword puzzle. (1 class).
Lesson 6: Defences Against Pathogens and Immunity. Students need to complete CYU questions and CD ROM on immunity. (1 class).
Lesson 7: Immunization and Allergies. Student complete two sections of CYU questions and review questions. (1 class)
Lesson 8: Inheritance and Genetics. Students complete CYU questions, and read web site on Gregor Mendel and answer questions. Students download Punnett square questions from discussion board and complete as much as they can. They need to bring what they have done to the next tutorial. (2 classes)
Lesson 9: Pedigrees. Students complete CD ROM activity on Genetics. Download Interpreting Pedigree and Determining the Genotypes. Students complete CYU questions. (1-2 classes)
Lesson 10: Genetic Disorder and Genetic Research. (CYU and Review questions) (1 class)
Unit 3 Test Password = genetics
Unit 4: Motion, Change and Transportation Safety
Lesson 1: Statistics – Students complete worksheet “Crash Stats” and “How Safe are You.” (1 class)
Lesson2: Factors that Effect Reaction Time – Students complete Math Connect questions 1 and 2 and CYU questions 1-6. (1 class)
Lesson 3: Collision Injuries & Prevention – CYU questions 1-4 and Review questions. (1 class)
Lesson 4: Velocity – Read info sheet on radar guns and CYU questions 1-4, and CD applet on Velocity. (2 classes)
Lesson 5: Calculating Velocity and stopping Time. CYU questions applet “Stop that Car”. Review questions and worksheet on Solving for distance and stopping distance based on velocity (2-3 classes)
Lesson 6: Momentum and Mass. Worksheet on Calculating momentum and CYUquestions 1-3. (1 class).
Lesson 7: Changing Momentum and Impulse. Complete CYU questions and CD applet “Crash Test” Worksheet on Calculating Force. (2 classes).
Lesson 8: Calculating Final Momentum. Solve problem, download worksheet called “Calculating Final Momentum”, Review questions. (2-3 classes)
Lesson 9: Safety Features. CYU questions and worksheet. (1 class)
Lesson 10: Seat Belts and Air Bags. Analyze questions, CYU questions and review questions.
Unit 4 Test: Password = safety