Commencement Participation and Diploma Mailing Instructions
Complete and return this form to the UMW Registrar’s Office, 710 S. Atlantic, Dillon, MT 59725 no later than Friday, March 16, 2018Please print clearly and legibly. This form should be returned even if you do not plan to participate in ceremonies as it provides diploma mailing instructions to us.
Last Name First Name Middle Name Today’s Date
Current mailing address (Street/Box Number, City, State, & Zip) Student ID Number e-mail address
Check all items/activities you plan to attend:
___ I plan to participate in Baccalaureate ceremonies on Friday evening May 4, 2018.
___ I plan to participate in the 121st Annual Commencement Exercises on Saturday morning, May 5, 2018, at 11:00 am.
**complete the Commencement Name Pronunciation Form on reverse.
___ I will NOT participate in Commencement exercises. Be sure to complete the Diploma Mailing Instructions section below.
_____ Please hold my diploma and diploma cover. I will pick them up at the Registrar’s Office or send mailing instructions later.
Spring 2018 graduates’ diplomas should be available for pick-up in late June or early July.
_____ I graduated at the end of Summer or Fall 2017, and have already received my diploma.
_____ Please mail my diploma cover and/or insert to the address below. Provide accurate mailing/address information. Please print legibly.
Mail To Whom :_(graduate name)______
PO Box or Street:______
City, State & ZIP:______
The University of Montana Western
Commencement Name Pronunciation Form
121st Commencement – Saturday, May 5, 2018
Who Should Complete This Form – eligible candidates for graduation who plan to attend the commencement ceremony (see date above) and who want to be sure their names are pronounced correctly during the ceremony.
In the space below your name is listed as you indicated on your Application for Graduation that you want it to appear on your diploma. Immediately below that, please write the phonetic pronunciation of your name. This information will aid the person who reads names and should eliminate the possibility that your name is mispronounced during the ceremony.
Name as you listed it on your Application for Graduation:
On the line below, please provide the Phonetic Spelling* of Your Name – listed above (add any other information that might help with pronunciation…see Examples below):
*Examples: Name is Spelled But Pronounced (*spell how your name sounds)
Laurin……………………loo - ray -or- lu - ray
Wibaux…………………..we - bow -or- wee – bo (long “o”)
Missoula…………………miz - oo - la
Stephan…………………..ste - fon -or- ste - fawn (ste – as in step)
Stephan…………………..ste - fen (ste – as in step) (fen rhymes with ‘pen’)
Stephan…………………..ste (long “e” as in ‘we’) - ven (ven rhymes with ‘pen’)
Erin………………………air - in
Erin………………………earn (rhymes with ‘burn’)
Johnson…………………..jon – son
Johnson…………………..yo – hawn – sen (hawn rhymes with ‘lawn’)
Chavez………………… – vezz (shaw rhymes with ‘paw’)
Be sure to return this completed form to the UMW Registrars Office (Montana Western, 710 S. Atlantic, Dillon, MT 59725) with your Commencement Participation & Diploma Mailing Instructions on the reverse no later than Friday, March 16, 2018
Phone number to contact you: ______
E-mail address to contact you: ______
Thanks for your assistance.