Scoil Iognáid Rís
Daingean Uí Chúis, Co. Chiarraí
Fón: 066 9152157Uimhir Scoile 16703A
Príomhoide: Róisín Uí BheaglaoiLeas Príomhoide: Mícheál Ó Conchúir
The Board of Management of SCOIL IOGNÁID RÍS is setting out, in this statement, the policy of the school, in regard to enrolment and admission of children to the school, in accordance with the provisions of The Education Act, 1998.
The Board trusts that this statement of policy will be of assistance to parents and guardians in relation to enrolment and admissions matters.
The Board also wishes to state that the Chairman Pádraig Ó Niallagáin and the principal Róisín Uí Bheaglaoi of the school will be willing to clarify any matters arising from this policy statement.
The school profile
The school is a Catholic Primary school, which caters for boys from 2nd to 6th class. It operates under the patronage of the Diocese of Kerry, under the Trusteeship of the ERST-Edmund Rice Schools Trust, and it fully supports the religious and educational philosophy of the founder Edmund Rice. The school has 2 class teachers one being the principal, a shared resource teacher, a shared learning support teacher, S.N.A, and part-time secretary. The school is managed by a Board of Management, is funded by the Dept. of Education and Science (DES), and operates within the guidelines and regulations set down from time to time by that Department.
The ethos of the school
The school recognises the central role of the family as the primary educator of the child. The school also accepts and supports the constitutional right and duty of the parents to provide the religious, moral, intellectual, physical and social education of their children.
The school aims to provide the best possible environment to cater for the cultural, educational, moral, physical, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions of all its pupils with the resources available to us. The focus of the school philosophy is the education of the whole child to reach his full potential. We show special concern for the disadvantaged, respecting the dignity and uniqueness of each person. Conscious of the legacy of Edmund Rice, our school upholds the values and principles of a Christian education in a Catholic tradition.
Working together as a school community, the Board of management, Principal, staff, parents and pupils will strive to provide an environment, which will allow all students to develop to their maximum potential and fulfil their role in society.
Brief history of the school
The school was built in 1967.
It is dedicated to Blessed Edmund Rice.
The GP room and staff room was added in 1979.
A Christian Brother was always the principal until their departure from Dingle in 2003.Máire Uí Fhlaithimh became principal in 2003 and retired in 2010.
Róisín Uí Bheaglaoí is the current principal.
Our Mission Statement
(a)The school operates within the context and parameters of the DES regulations and programmes.
(b)The school recognises the right of the patron as set out in the Education Act 1998, section 15, (1) and (2).
(c)The schoolis informed by the ERST Charter and the key 5 elements of this charter are used as guiding principles in every aspect of daily school life. The 5 elements are as follows:
*Keeping the faith alive (Nurturing faith, Christian Spirituality and Gospel based values)
*Working together...uniting our community (Promoting partnership)
*Driven in our education...spice up your learning (Excelling in teaching and learning)
*Making caring relationships...looking after ourselves and others (Creating a caring school community)
*Being inspirational people (Inspiring transformational people)
(d)The school recognises that it is limited by the funding and resources available to it.
Within this context, the school supports the following underlying principles:
>Inclusiveness,especially with reference to the enrolment of pupils with special educational needs.
Equality of access and participation in the school.
Parental choice in relation to selection of school, having regard for the characteristic spirit of that school.
Respect for diversity – the school respect diversity of traditions, values, beliefs, language and way of life.
School Resources:
The financial resources of the school are provided by a combination of DES grants, capitation grants and fund-raising. The teaching resources are provided by the DES teacher allocation. The implementation of the school’s admission policy must have due regard to the financial and teaching resources of the school.
The school operates within the rules and regulations set down from time to time by the DES. It also follows the curricular programme prescribed by the DES, which may be amended from time to time by the DES, in accordance with the Education Act 1998, (sections 9 and 30).
The School Curriculum:
The school follows the curricular programme as set down by the Department of Education and Science, which includes the subjects: Religion, Irish, English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Visual Arts, Drama, Science, Social Physical Health Education, Music, Information Technology.
Extra-curricular activities:
The school provides a wide range of artistic, sporting, musical, social and cultural activities, which helps to develop the talents of the pupils. This provides them with the ability and confidence to be involved in various activities in later life. Development through team games in greatly encouraged in the school.
Extra curricular activities include Swimming, Gaelic Football, Hurling, Music, Spanish,Soccer, Quizzes, Rugby, Science days,
Parent-Teacher Meetings:
Formal Parent-Teacher meetings are held once a year in November. Parents or guardians will receive prior notice of the meetings. These meetings will be held after school time. All parents/guardians are strongly urged to attend, in the best interest of the child.
School Functions:
Parents or guardians are welcome to attend at the special functions listed below.
The annual School Sports.
Sacraments-Communion, Confession, Confirmation.
School masses, Fund raising functions.
It is necessary for the school to arrange fund-raising events to supplement funding from the Department of Education and Science and other official grants, in order to maintain a high level of service to the needs of our pupils. Parents and guardians are urged to support all our fund-raising efforts, which include
The annual Sponsored Sports.
The annual Carol Singing.
Christmas cards, t –towels, calendars.
Bag packing.
Parents’ Association:
The school has a vibrant, active, voluntary Parents’ Association, which meets on a regular basis. The association helps to supports the development of the students, and assists with various school activities. The Association can be contacted through the School Office. (066 9152157) (Please see Parents’ Council Policy)
The school welcomes all students and aims to provide an integrated and inclusive education unless admissions contravene departmental guidelines on class size…etc. Equality of access is the key value that determines the enrolment of children to our school. No child is refused admission for reasons of ethnicity, special needs, disability, language/accent, gender, traveler status, asylum-seeker/refugee status, religious/political beliefs and values, family or social circumstances provided the necessary supports are in place in the school.
(a)Application for admission:
Application for enrolment in the school is made by completing the school’s application form, and returning it to the School Office.
Applications for enrolment for the next school year are made at any time in the preceding school year.
The application form is available from the School Office.
Application forms must be accompanied with a copy of Birth Cert / Baptismal Cert for children making their First Holy Communion.
Children transferring from one primary school to another must submit a School report, attendance report, behavioural report and any psychological assessments regarding the child must be presented to the school on enrolment.(Education Welfare 2000) with completed Enrolment application completed.
The completed application form must confirm that a parent or guardian and applicant accept the Code of Behaviour of the school.
Application forms will be given to the boys in the Convent in April prior to enrolment of the forth coming school year. The school makes provision for late applications however the Board will have regard for the relevant conditions prescribed by the DES concerning class size(max 27 children per class), staffing provisions, accommodation, physical space, multi-grade classes, appropriate supports and resources available, educational needs of children, presence of children with special needs,health and welfare of children and eligibility for admission.Where the school lacks the necessary resources to meet the needs of any applicant or student, it will make every effort to secure those resources-where the resources cannot be secured the school reserves the right to refuse admission.
Except in exceptional circumstances, children will be enrolled on application. Decisions in relation to applications for enrolment are made by the board of management in accordance with school policy. The board will notify parents of their decision within 21 days of receipt of the enrolment application. The school will refuse to enrol a child whose parent/guardian has refused to sign the code of behaviour and or complete enrolment forms.
(c)Criteria for enrolment:
In the event of the number of children seeking enrolment in any given class/standard exceeding the number of places available proceeding or during the school year the following criteria will be used to prioritize children for enrolment:
- Pupils who have completed their 1st class education.
- Children who have attended the Presentation primary school, Dingle.
- Brothers and sisters (including step/siblings, resident at the same address) of children already enrolled, priority to oldest
- Children living within Dingle
- Pupils whose first language is Gaeilge.
- Catholic children in keeping with the school’s ethos (Equal Status Act section 7).
- Children of current school staff living in the locality priority to the oldest
- Children of past pupils of the school.
In the case all these criteria are equal the place will be offered to the children whose names were first enrolled.
(d)Special Needs Applicants:
The school welcomes applications for admission of pupils with special educational needs.It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians of any child to inform the school of any such needs on the enrolment application form for the child’s own welfare.
The school will use the personnel and financial resources provided by the DES, to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with disabilities or special needs, up to a nominal cost.
The school aims to identify, at an early stage, any applicant for admission who has special needs, and to become familiar with the specific needs of the child.
In making provision for children with special needs, the school needs to know if the child has access to
- A special needs assistant
- A special class
- Help, for specific needs, from any resource teacher
- Assistance with behaviour modification
- Psychological assessment
- Any additional resources to help with special needs
- Help in areas including visual impairment, hearing impairment, learning disability or emotional disturbance
- Any resource in relation to travel or mobility
In relation to applications for enrolment of children with special needs the Board of Management will request a copy of the child’s medical and / or psychological report or where such a report is not available, will request that the child be assessed immediately. The purpose of the assessment report is to assist the school inestablishing the educational/ training needs of the child relevant to his/her disability or special needs and to profile the support services required.
Following the receipt of the report, the Board will assess how the school can meet the needs specifiedas outlined in the psychological and/ or medical report. Where the Board deems that further resources are required the board of management will prior to enrolment request the Special education Needs Organiser(NCSE circular 01/05) employed by the Department of Education and Science to provide the required resources. These may include a combination of the following: Visiting Teacher Service, Resource Teacherfor specialneeds, Special Needs Assistant, specialised equipment or furniture, transport services or other services.
The school will meet with the parents of the child to discuss the child’s needs and the school’s suitability or capability in meeting these needs. Where necessary, a full case conference involving all parties will be held, which may include parents, principal, class teacher, learning support teacher, special class teacher, resource teacher for special needs or psychologist, as appropriate.
Notwithstanding the availability of such resources, in the best interest of the child: parents of children who are unsatisfied with the level of educational provision in our school are advised to consider a special school, which is designed and resourced to specifically cater for the needs of children with special educational needs.
In exceptional cases, final acceptance of an applicant will depend on the additional resources being provided by the DES.
Parents or guardians of children with special needs are strongly advised to allow time to follow the procedures outlined above.
As soon as possible, but not later than 21 days after a parent or guardian has provided the relevant information, the Board of Management shall decide on the application concerned, and inform the parents or guardians in writing of their decision. (Educational Welfare Act 2000,Section 19, 3.)
(e)Transfer of pupils from other schools:
Pupils from other schools may transfer into the school at any time subject to the following conditions
The transfer is in accordance with the school’s admission policy.
The school is satisfied with the reasons for the transfer.
The transfer is in the best interest of the student.
A School report, attendance report, behavioural report and any psychological assessments regarding the child must be presented to the school on enrolment.(Section 28 Education Welfare 2000)
Enrolment application completed; with completed acceptance of school code of behaviour.
Space is available in the school to facilitate the transfer,
The Educational Welfare Officer is consulted, if necessary.
(f)Decision-making process:
Decisions in relation to admissions are made by the Board of Management, in accordance with school admission policy. The Board will notify parents of their decision within 21 days of enrolment deadline date (to come in to being as per The Education Welfare Act 2000.
The Board will have regard for the relevant conditions prescribed by the DES concerning class size, staffing provisions, accommodation, physical space,multi-grade classes, appropriate supports and resources available, educational needs of children, health and welfare of children and eligibility for admission.
The Board reserves the right to refuse and application for admission, in exceptional circumstances, as stated in the Education Act of 1998, (Section 29)
(g)The right of appeal:
Parents or guardians have the right to appeal a refusal by the Board to admit their child.
The Board’s decision will be giving in writing and the reason for refusal will be clearly stated.
The parents or guardians will be informed of their right to appeal the decision, and will be supplied with the Appeals Application Form. (Circular 22/02)
The appeal must be addressed in writing to the Chairperson of the Board, stating the grounds for the appeal and lodged within ten days of receiving the refusal. Parents who are unhappy with the result of this appeal may appeal to the Department of Education and Science under Section 29 of the Education Act on the official form provided by the Department. This appeal must be lodged within 42 days of receipt of the refusal from the school to enrol.
The appeal will be made to The General Secretary, Appeals Administration Unit, Department of Education and Science, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, on the relevant form.
The school must be informed in writing of the decision to appeal.
When applying for admission of their child to the school, parents or guardians will receive the following documentation:
1)The Admissions Policy Statement of the school.
2)A copy of the Code of Behaviour of the school.
3)The standard enrolment form of the school.
4)Policy for parents of separated children or children living with guardians
5)Home-school links policy
6)Healthy eating policy
7)Administration of medicine policy
Parents and guardians should note that the school has adopted policy statements in other areas of interest and concern, towards the best running of the school and the maximum development of the pupils.
These policy statements can be accessed in the School Office on request.
They include:
1)The Health and Safety Statement
2)The Anti-bullying Statement
3)Child Protection policy
4)The School Plan
This document states the Admissions Policy of our school at the present time. It may, however, be subject to adjustments and changes in the future. Such changes and adjustments will be contained in an updated version of the school’s Admissions Policy.
Polasaí athbhreithnithe agus faofa ag bord na scoile
Polasaí athbhreithnithe agus faofa ag foireann na scoile
Polasaí faofa ag iontaobhaithe na scoile(Roinn 15 Acht Oideachais 1998)
Le hathbhreithniú (To review) 2019