If you’re a parent/carer whose child has recently undergone an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment and who has been issued with an EHCP, we would appreciate and value your feedback regarding your experience of the process.
Wigan Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) team are committed to strengthening our practices and any feedback you provide will be used to improve future practices to benefit other families, children and young people who access our EHC pathway.
Please complete the following short questionnaire that we have devised to help us evaluate key areas of practice and return it to
Alternatively you can post it to:
Special Educational Needs and Disability Team
People Directorate: Children and Families
Wigan Council
P O Box 100
If you would like any assistance to complete the questionnaire, please contact Wendy Froggatt (EHC Key Working Coordinator, SEND Team) on 01942 827361 or Laura Rimmer (SENDIASS Coordinator, Embrace) on 01942 233323
- What is your child or young person’s name (optional)
- Who requested an EHCP assessment for your child or young person?
School Parent/Carer Other (Please specify below)
- Were you fully informed about the EHCP assessment process prior to a referral being submitted e.g. through discussion with school, letters sent by the Local Authority etc and did your experience meet your expectations? (please tick the box as appropriate and provide additional information using the box below to explain your answer)
Yes No
- Were you offered support to understand and guide you through the EHCP process e.g. Independent Support? (if yes, please indicate if you accessed this and how you found your experience in the box below in addition to any other comments)
Yes No
- Do you feel that the content of the EHCP provided an accurate representation of your child or young person’s Education, Health and Care needs? (please tick the boxes as appropriate and provide additional information using the box below to explain your answers)
Education Health Care
- Do you feel as though you had the opportunity to submit your views and aspirations as part of the EHC process (e.g. through contributing towards an all about me, contributing views via a key worker or through meetings with school/the Local Authority etc) and do you feel they were fully incorporated within the EHCP?
Yes No
- Do you feel as though your child or young person had the opportunity to share their views and aspirations as part of the EHC process (e.g. through completing an all about me/child views form, contributing views via a key worker or through meetings with school/the Local Authority etc) and do you feel they were fully incorporated within the EHCP?
Yes No
- Do you think the Education, Health and Care outcomes outlined in your child or young person’s EHCP are appropriate?
Education Health Care
- Was the content of the EHCP easy to understand?
Yes No
- Do you think that the necessary professionals from across Education, Health and Care were consulted with as part of the EHCP process and do you feel their views were fully represented in the content of the EHCP? (If ‘no’ please indicate in the box below who could have been involved in addition to any other comments)
Education Health Care
- Do you think that your child or young person having an EHCP will change anything? (i.e. enable them to make more progress, learn new skills, prepare them for adulthood etc)
Yes No
Other comments (please use this box to provide any additional comments)
Additional comments (please use this box for anything not covered in your above answers)