MON 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 @ 7.30p.m.
Present: Cllrs K Martin, S Cox, R Coton, P Scully, N Smart, N Hardingham, S Haynes,
R Richardson & A McKelvie . Mrs A Squirrell (Clerk)
In Attendance: MSDCllr T Curran; SCCllr M Hicks
1. Public Session – Nothing raised.
2. Apologies
D Primmer (CSM Welfare Cttee), A Rogers (Village Website) and Suffolk Police.
3. Reports from District/County Councillors/Police
MSDC – Cllr T Curran: asked for support of a petition for equal distribution of government funds to rural and urban councils. Reported that MSDC and Babergh DC had won a national award for their work on integration of services. Also gave an update of MSDC planning applications; permission for a motel at the Magpie PH, Stonham was likely to be granted; status of various solar panel projects was updated. Notice was given of the Civic Service to be held at Stowmarket. The latest MSDC newsletter had been circulated.
SCC - Cllr Hicks: presented his report (copy filed with these minutes). He highlighted details of the Ipswich City Deal and pointed out the free testing of electric blankets by the Fire and Rescue Service. He also pointed out that there was still £8,000 in his Locality Budget for highway projects, e.g. painting of speed limits on roads, etc.
The poor condition of the surface of the cycle path between Needham Market and Stowmarket was bought to Cllr Hicks’ attention, he agreed to pursue repairs with SCC Highways Dept.
Suffolk Police – report (filed with these minutes) was circulated for comment.
4. Declaration of Pecuniary/Non-Pecuniary interest - none
5. Approval of minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5 August 2013 and Planning Meeting held on 29 August 2013 and to consider any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Minutes from Parish Council Meeting held 5 August 2013
It was proposed by Cllr Smart, seconded by Cllr Hardingham and unanimously agreed that these were a true record of the meeting held. They were then signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising.
11-2013/14 Item 10(iv) – MS Power Projects Ltd.
Cllr Hardingham reported that he had investigated the classification of the agricultural land of the proposed project but this was difficult to define. He could only assess it to be 3b – 2b but would continue to try and confirm exact status.
Minutes from Planning Meeting held 29 August 2013
It was proposed by Cllr Martin, seconded by Cllr Haynes and unanimously agreed that these were a true record of the meeting held. They were then signed by the Chairman
6. Reports from Parish Councillor Representatives not raised elsewhere
6.1 Report from SALC Representative – Cllr Coton
The next SALC meeting will be held on 19 September 2013 when David Fawcett, SCC Highways will make a presentation..
6.2 Report from Emergency Co-ordinator – Cllr Coton
Cllr Coton will be attending two training events during September, Community Resilience Workshop and Rest Centre Set-up.
6.3 CSM Welfare Charities – it was reported that since the last meeting, 3 student grants of £150 each had been made.
6.4 CSM Village Hall Report – Cllr Smart
The Fire Door exit in the Bar Lounge has been replaced. It was noted that the Mother and Toddler Group will continue to use the hall, at least until Christmas.
6.5 Footpaths – Cllr Haynes
It was confirmed that repairs to the wooden fence along the road side of the pavement up to the Church is the responsibility of the Highways Authority; this will be pursued by the Clerk.
Cllr Haynes reported that the cutting of footpaths must be logged to SCC during the winter so that work can be programmed during the following summer. The unauthorised diversion of FP20 will be pursued with the landowner.
6.6 Sustainability/Environment – Cllr Hardingham
Nothing significant to report.
6.7 Highways – Cllr McKelvie
See Village Survey report item 8.
6.8 Newsletter – Cllr Richardson
It was reported that a new advertiser had been secured for the next issue. Cllr Richardson is also investigating rates with an alternative printing company.
7. Blacksmiths Field.
Cllr Cox reported that the condition of the field is good although some dog fouling had been noticed.
The annual inspection of the play equipment has been undertaken by ROSPA who had verbally reported that a support on the Wobble Bridge had broken and some supports on the climbing frame showed signs of rot. (The Wobble Bridge has been removed pending repair or replacement.)
Whilst awaiting a copy of the formal report, discussion then took place on whether now was an appropriate time to replace the aging equipment. Consultation will take place with residents to gain opinions as well as investigating what funding may be available should a renewal project go ahead. This item will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
8. Village Survey
Cllr Scully submitted a proposed item for the Newsletter (copy filed with these minutes) outlining the progress to date of actions carried out by SCC Highways to improve some of the 30mph road signs and the results of the Speedwatch Traffic Survey. Data from the traffic survey showed no. of vehicles, speed and type passing through 3 points of the village daily during a period in August. It was commented that although this period excludes all school traffic there was sufficient data to forward to the police for further comment. It was also agreed to go back to SCC to ask for more detail.
The next phase of the village survey for discussion and action was those questions concerning facilities in CSM which includes equipment on Blacksmiths Field. Further discussion would include those questions raised during agenda item 7.
9. Finance
(i) Payment for goods/services
Approval was given for the payment of invoices for village firework display and clerks salary amounting to £1406.54 incl VAT.
(ii) Financial Report from RFO including bank balances
This was presented and accepted.
(iii) Received and Approve external Annual Audit
The External Auditor (BDO) had returned the completed report which in their opinion was in accordance with proper practices and no matters gave cause for concern. It was proposed by Cllr Haynes, seconded by Cllr Richardson and unanimously agreed that this report be accepted. As council income/expenditure is within the £5-£10,000 band no fee is made for this audit.
(iv) Review Council Asset Register
This was reviewed and some small amendments made. Some asset items have now been deleted from the insurance list as their replacement value is limited.
(v) Insurance Premium Renewal
The premium has been revised and adjusted to comply with item (iv) above.
10. Planning
(i) New Planning Applications – no applications received.
(ii) Planning Decisions received to date
The following applications have received planning permission by MSDC
Ref. 1798/13 – Hungercut Hall, Coddenham Road, CSM – Change of Use.
Ref. 1987/13 – Old Hall Barn, Low Lane, CSM – Change of Use of land, etc.
11. Village Website
Mr Rogers, Website Manager, had drafted a new-style village webpage and asked for comments. Councillors had viewed this and most felt there was further work to be done. An item would be placed in the Newsletter asking for ideas and comments and this item would be placed on the next agenda for further discussion.
12. Correspondence
(i) MSDC – Proposed Dog Control Order – Needham Lake
A letter from the Communities Countryside Team had been received and circulated.
13. Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council
Nothing raised.
14. Date of next Meeting - Mon 28 October 2013 @ 7.30pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm
16 – 2013/14 PC Mtg 16.09.2013