Association for Career and Technical education
Family and Consumer Sciences Division
Business Meeting
December 2, 2016
5:00-6:00 pm
Las Vegas Convention Center, N250
Call to Order Rachel Gonzalez
Welcome and Introductions
Recognition Parliamentarian - Kim Mitchell
Recording Secretary - Pam Rock
Approval of Agenda
Motion to accept the agenda -Tracey Eatherton
Seconded by -Kathy Croxall
Approval of 2015 Minutes
Motion to approve 2015 minutes -Kathy Croxall
Seconded by -Tracey Eatherton
Section Presidents
Coalition Update - Sally Coombs reported.
Peggy Wild, ReAnn Miller, Gayla Randall, Teresa Gold, Sandy Spavone, Paula Trip Sally Coombs - The Coalition is a volunteer group supported by each persons' respective organizations. Our purpose is to increase communication and have a unified voice on FACS education issues. 2016-2020
1-influence legislation and policy which affects FACS education
2-create and be an advocate of messages FACS education.
Committee reports
Division Awards-Kimberly Mitchell, AL reported
Only 2 applications this year. Encouraged individuals to nominate. Deadline October 1
2 resolutions this year, both passed.
Graduate Fellowship-Debra Price, MO
ReAnn Miller received fellowship.
Charlotte Gray added to Roll of Honor
Students seeking advanced degrees in FACS or related areas may apply.
Bylaws -Brooke Kusch, OK
No bylaw changes. Future bylaw issues came up and will be discussed in the spring. Rachel Gonzalez will be consulted.
Nominating-Charlotte Gray, MO
Need applications for 2018 elections.
Division VP Report - Rachel Gonzalez
Attended National FCCLA board meeting. Attended NPS last Spring and will attend next NPS meeting. Look at opportunities to step into leadership roles in your state level or national level. ACTE is working on business partnerships in industry. It is critical for our viability. ACTE e-blasts will be the way Rachel will communicate with you on the bylaw issues coming up as well as other information. Our finances have been published and are available on paper as you came in. Numbers of FACS membership are fluctuating. Encourage the new professionals to be professionally involved and join ACTE. Apply for fellowship on ACTE FACS website. We are alright financially. Next year will be in Nashville. Call for presenters at the conference. Be sure and fill out the online information, your input is valuable. National Policy Seminar, Washington D.C. - March 13-15, 2017
Unfinished Business - None
Recognition of Committee Members - Rachel Gonzalez after the meeting.
New Business - None
Motion to adjourn-Tracey Eatherton
Seconded by -Carol Werhan