College Open House Notices
OH = Open House Program IS = Information Session ON = Over Night
When responding to an open house or reception program remember to check the date and time of the meeting.
Alabama, U. of, Huntsville, AL., Oct. 15 - OH, 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 824-2255
Albright Col., Reading, PA, Oct. 23 -Fall OH- 9 am to 4 pm, call (800) 252-1856
Alfred U., Alfred, NY, Oct. 23 -OH- , Oct. 9, 16 & 30 -Saturday Visit Programs-, call (800) 541-9229
American International Col., Springfield, MA, Oct. 16 -General Info. Day-, call (800) 242-3142
American U.,Washington, D.C.,Oct. 29 -Preview Day-, Oct. 12 –Visit Day Prog. call (800) 428-4632
Anna Maria Col., Paxton, MA., Oct. 11 & 25 -Saturday Information Days- , call (800) 344-4586
Art Institute of Boston, (Leslie Col.), Cambridge, MA, Oct. 21 Fall visit Day-, call (617) 349-8800
Assumption Col., Worcester, MA, Oct. 2 & 30 Tours Oct. 16 & 23 Group Sessions – call (888) 882-7786
Babson Col., Wellesley, MA, Oct. 2 & 11 –Fall Preview- (mini OH), call (800) 488-3696
Bates Col., Lewiston, ME, Oct. 11 -OH– Fall Saturday Programs Oct. 2, 9, 26, 30, 2010 Nov. 6 & 13, 2010 Bates Overnight Schedule: Oct. 3 to 7, 13 to 14, 25 to 28 Nov. 1 to 4, 7 to 9, & 17 to 18, 2010
Bates Prologue Programs: I Oct. 10 to 12 II Nov. 14 to 16, 2010 -- Deadline to register Sept. 10 & Oct. 8, 2010 For greater detail call (207) 786-6000 or consult the Bates web site: www.bates.edu
Bay Path Col., Longmeadow, MA, Oct. 24 -OH- 11 am to 3 pm,
Bay State Col., Boston, MA., Oct. 17 -OH- call (800) 81LEARN
Becker Col., Worcester & Leicester, MA., Oct. 23, –OH at both colleges- 8:30 am, call (877) 5BECKER
Beloit Col., Beloit, WI, Oct. 23–Visit Day- create an ON by arriving on Oct. 22, Receptions in N.E., N.Y. Boston Architectural Center, Boston, MA, Oct. 4 -OH, IS- 6 pm to 8 pm, call (617) 585-0123
Boston Col., Chestnut Hill, MA, Sept. 20 Thru Nov.19 –Eagle Eye Info. Sessions, Mini OH-, 9 am to 11 am, Oct. 1, 11, 25, 2010 -Saturday Sessions- Call (800) 360-2522
Brandeis U., Waltham, MA, Oct. 10 & 24 –OH-, call in state (781) 736-3500 out state (800) 622-0622
Briarwood Col., Southington, CT, is now officially Lincoln College. Check Lincoln Col. in OH section, call (800) 952-2444
Bridgewater col., Bridgewater, VA, Oct 23 -OH- call (800) 759-8328
Bridgewater State Col., Bridgewater, MA., Oct. 3 & 31 -OH- , 8:30 am to 1 pm, call (508) 531-1237
Brown U., Providence, RI, Oct. (usually a Saturday in early Oct.)–School of Engineering OH-, call (401) 863-2378 (Admissions)
Bryant Col., Smithfield, RI, Oct 23 –OH- Oct., see Special Program section for details, call (800) 622-7001
Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, PA., Oct. 23 -Fall Preview-, see Special Program Section, call (610) 526-6571
Canisius Col., Buffalo, NY, Oct 2 3 –OH-, Oct. 2 & 30 -Saturday Visit- call (800) 843-1517
Carnegie-Mellon U., Pittsburg, PA, see Special Program Section for details on a number of admissions programs
Castleton St. Col, VT, Oct. 23 -OH- call (800) 639-8521
Catholic U., Washington, DC, Oct. 17 -OH- 9 am to 3:30 pm, call (800) 673-2772
Cedar Crest Col., Allentown, PA, Oct. 3 –OH- Oct. 27 -,Friday Info Session, Oct. 16 & 17 -Athletic ON-, Oct. 22&23 –OH- Oct. 27 –Evening OH- (Business, Social work, Nutrition), Oct. 2, 9, 30 –IS- noon to 3 pm, call (800) 360-1222
Champlain Col., Burlington, VT., Oct. 9, 10, 23, -Saturday Information Session - Oct. 16 –Fall Sr. visit Day, OH- call (800) 570-5858,
Clark U., Worcester, MA, Oct. 16 & 30 -U Preview Day, OH-, 9 am to 2 pm, call (800) 462-5275
Clarkson U., Potsdam, NY, Oct. 2 -OH- call (800) 527-5677
Coe Col., Cedar Rapids, IO, Oct. 9 -Campus Visit Day, OH- 9 am to 2 pm, call (800) 332-8404
Colby-Sawyer Col., New London, NH, Oct. 23 -Fall OH- Oct. 5, 11, 28 -Senior Discover Days- call (800) 272-1015
Colorado Col., Colo. Springs, CO, Oct.11–Fall OH-, Nov. 6-8, -Multi Cultural OH, call (800)542-7214
Colorado State Col., Ft. Collins, CO, Oct. 1 & 29 -Show Case for high school students- call (970) 491-1101
Connecticut Col., New London, CT, Oct. 11 –OH, Fall Showcase- 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, call (888) 553-8760
Culinary Inst. of America, Hyde Park, NY, Oct 8 & 29 -OH- Oct. 27, St. Helene, CA -OH- call (800) 245-4627
Curry Col., Milton, MA., Oct. 17 & 31 -Fall OH- RR, call (800) 669-0686
CWPost U. of LI, NY,Oct. 11,-Post Preview Day-, mini OH, Oct. 24 -Music OH- Oct.16 –Col. Essay Wkshp call (800)548-7526
Dartmouth Col., Hanover, NH, Sept., Receptions in Conn. Maine. Mass. & Rhode Island
Dean Col., Franklin, MA, Oct.29 -Discover Dean Day, OH- 9:30 am to 2 pm, call (800) 852-7702
Delaware, U. of, Newark, DE., Oct. 2 & 23 -Blue & Gold Saturdays, OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (302) 831-2000
DeSales U., Allentown, PA. Oct. 23 -OH- 10 am to 2:30 pm, call (877) DESALES
Dickinson Col., Carlisle, PA Oct. 11 (Fall OH) 8:30 am to 3 pm, call (800) 644-1773
Drew U., Madison, NJ, Oct 2 -Discover Drew, OH- Oct 11 –Science Day- call (973) 408-3739
Duke U., Durham, NC, Oct. TBA -OH, Engineering- call (919) 684-3214
Elmira Col., Elmira, NY, Oct. 11 -Fall OH-, call (800) 935-6472
Elms Col., Chicopee, MA, Oct. 30 -OH-, Oct. 16 –Interview Day-, call (800) 255-ELMS
Emmanuel Col., Boston, MA, Oct. 23 -OH- in the afternoon, call (617) 735-9715
Emerson Col., Boston, MA., Oct. 16 -Fall OH- see Special Section for Receptions in Northeast, call (617) 824-8500
Endicott Col., Beverly, MA Oct 23 –Saturday Group Days- call (800) 325-1114
Eugene Lang Col. of New School for Liberal Arts, New York City, Oct. TBA -Fall OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (212) 229-5665
Fairfield U., Fairfield, CT, Oct. 2, 23 & 30 –Saturday Info Day-, Oct. 16 -Nursing OH-, call (203) 245-4100
Fitchburg State Col., Fitchburg, MA, Oct 16 & 30, OH-, 9 am to 2 pm, call (800)705-9692
Florida, U. of Southern Fla., Lakeland, FL, Oct. 22 -Frank Friday, OH-, Oct. 2&30 -Days on Campus- call (800) 274-4131
Franklin Pierce Col., Rindge, NH, Oct. 17 -OH- call: (800) 437-0048
Geneva Col., Beaver Falls, PA, Oct. 8 & 9 –Discovery Days- call (800) 847-8255
Gettysburg Col., Gettysburg, PA, Oct. 23 -high school seniors OH
Gordon Col., Wenham, MA, Oct. 11 -Experience Gordon Day, OH-, call (800) 343-4218
Green Mountain Col., Poultney, VT, Oct. 16 -OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 776-6675
Grinnell Col., Grinnell, IO, Oct. 8 - OH- 8:30 am to 4 pm, call (800) 247-0113
Gustavius Adolphus Col., St. Peter, MN., Oct. 21 or 22 -Explore Gustavius- call (507) 933-8000
Hallmark Inst. of Photography, Turner Falls, MA. Oct. 13 –Careers in Photography-,Oct. 17 –Fall OH-, call (413) 863-2478
Hamilton Col., Clinton, NY, Oct. 11 –Fall Interview Weekend- Oct. all Saturdays –Fall Saturday Program- , call (800) 843-2655
Hampshire Col., Amherst, MA, Oct. 18 -Campus Visit Day- call (877) 937-4267
Hartford, U. of, Hartford, CT, Oct. 10 -Fall OH- 9 am to 3 pm, see Special Prog. Sect. for details call (800) 947-4303
Hartwick Col., Oneonta, NY, Oct. 2 -Fall OH- CK Oct. 11 –ON- Oct. 11 –HOP, Oct. 12 –Nursing Day- call (888) 427-9425
Holy Cross, Col. of The, Worcester, MA, Oct. 24 -OH- 9 am to 11 am, Oct. 23 -Sat. Info Sessions- call (800) 442-2421
Hope Col., Holland, MI, Oct. 1, 11, 22 -Hope Col. Visitation Days- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 968-7850
Hood Col., Frederick, MD., Oct. 23 -Discover Hood Day, OH-call (800) 922-1599
Ithaca Col., Ithaca, NY, Oct. 23 & 30 -Fall OH- 9 am to 3 pm, Oct. 11 –Ithaca & You- 8:30 am to 3 pm call (800) 429-4274
Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore, MD, Oct. See Special Program Sect. for Open House & Receptions, call (410) 516-8171
Johnson State, Johnson, VT, Oct. 16 -OH-, call (800) 635-2356
Johnson & Wales U., Providence, RI, Oct. 16 -OH-, call (800) 342-5598
Lebanon Valley Col., Lebanon Valley, PA, Oct. 23 –OH, Oct. 20 “A Day in the Valley” for high sch. seniors call (800) 445-6181
Lake Forest Col., Lake Forest, IL., Oct. 11 -OH- call (874) 234-3100
Lawrence Mem.-Regis Col. Hosp. Sch. Of Nursing , Medford, MA, Oct. 7 –OH- 7 pm to 9 pm, call (781) 306-6600
Lehigh U., Bethlehem, PA., Oct. 18 & 25 –OH-, call (610) 861-3969
LeMoyne Col., Syracuse, NY, Oct. 3 & 17 -Fall OH- noon to 4:30 pm, call (800) 333-4733
Lewis & Clark Col., Portland, OR, Oct. 8 -OH-
Lincoln Col., Southington, CT, (formerly Briarwood Col.) Oct. 17 -OH- 10 am to noon, call (800) 952-2444
Loyola U., Baltimore, MD, Oct. 23 –OH- , call (800) 221-9107
Lyndon State Col., Lyndonville, VT, Oct 23 -OH, Oct. -Instant Decision Day- 9 am to 3 pm, call (802) 626-6200
Macalaster Col., St. Paul, MN, Oct. 15, 22 - OH, Fall Sampler-, call (800) 231-7974
Maine, U. of, Farmington, ME, Oct. 17 -OH & Interview Days-, Oct. 21 –No Stress Interviews-, call (207) 778-7050
Maine, U. of, Orono, ME, Oct. 18 -OH- 8 am, call (877) 486-23648
Maine, U. of Southern Maine, Portland, ME, Oct. 24 -Fall OH- see Special Program Section , call (207) 780-5670
Manhattan Col., Riverdale, NY, Oct. 24 -OH- Oct. 16, 30 –Select Saturdays Info. Sess.- 10 am to 1 pm, call (800) 622-9235
Mary Baldwin Col., Staunton, VA., Oct. TBA –Fall OH-, Nov. 8&9 -Vir. Instit. For Women Leadership-, call (800) 468-2262
Maryland, U. of College Park, MD, Oct. 11 –Visit Maryland Day, OH- call (301) 405-1000
Mass Col. of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA, Oct. 16, -OH- 10 am to 2 pm, call (800) 292-6632
Mass Col. of Pharmacy & Health Science, Boston, MA Oct. 6, 20,27 –Walk in Wednesday- Oct. 24 -OH-
Oct. 13 –Information Sess- at Worcester Campus- Manchester, NH, Oct 13 –Information Session- call (800) 225-5506
Mass Maritime Acad., Buzzards Bay, MA, Oct. 23 -OH- 8 am to noon, call (800) 544-3411
UMASS, Amherst, Oct. 31 -OH, College of Engineering- 9 am to 3 pm, call (413) 545-0222
UMASS, Boston, Oct. 16 -OH- 8:30 pm, Oct. 16 -Accelerated Nursing Prog.- 5 pm Lipke Auditorium, call (617) 287-6106
UMASS, Lowell, MA., Oct 24 .-Fall OH- at the Tsongas Arena, 10 am to 4 pm, call (800) 410-4607
Merrimack Col., No. Andover, MA, Oct. 16 –Fall OH-, Oct. 2,11,23,30 –Friday IS-, call (978) 837-5100
Missouri, U. of, Columbus, MO, Oct 8 & 2 -Black & Gold Days, OH- 8 am to 3 pm, call (573) 882-2456
Mitchell Col., New London, CT, Oct. 11 -OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 443-2811
Mt. Holyoke Col., South Hadley, MA., Oct. 18, Shadow Day
Mt. Ida Col., Newton, MA., Oct. 23 -OH, Senior Discovery Day-, call (617) 928-4500
Mt. St. Mary’s Col., Newberg, NY, Oct. 16 -OH- 9 am to 3:15 pm, call (888) 937-6762
Mt. St. Vincent Col., Riverdale, NY Oct. 11 –OH, Oct. 3 & 4 –IS, similar to an OH- call (718) 405-3267
Monmouth U., W. Longbranch, NJ, Oct. 11 –OH- call (800) 543-9671
Montserrat Col of Art, Beverly, MA, Oct. 16 -OH- Tentatively set for 10 am to 3 pm, call (800) 836-0487
Moravia U., Bethlehem, PA, Oct. 30, -OH- call (800) 441-3191
Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, PA, Oct. 9 -Senior OH- 9 am to 2 pm, call (610) 821-3100 or (484) 664-3200
Newbury Col., Brookline, MA, Oct. 16 -Fall OH- 11 am to 2 pm, Oct. TBA –Discovery Day- call (800) New England U., Manchester, NH, Oct. 30 –Fall OH-Oct 9,11, 23 –Fall IS, Oct.12 – 9am at 1 pm, call (800) 521-7642
New Hampshire, U. of, Durham, NH Oct. 2 – OH- call (603) 862-1360
New Haven, U. of New Haven, CT Oct. 17 -OH- 9 am to 2 pm, call (800) 342-5864
New Rochelle, U. of, New Rochelle, NY, Oct. 10 -Café Friday- 10 am to noon, call (800) 933-5923
York Ranger School, Wanakena, NY Oct. 23 –OH- See Special Prog. Section, call (315) 848-2566
Niagara U. of, Buffalo, NY, Oct. 23 -OH- 1 pm to 4 pm, call (800) 462-2111
Nichols Col., Dudley, MA, Oct. 5 -Fall OH- call (800) 470-3379
Northeastern U., Boston, MA early Oct. –OH- w/Engineering Wednesdays year round- 11 am to 3 Call (617) 373-2211
Norwich U., Plainfield, VT., Oct. 2 –OH-, Oct. 16 -College of Arts, Open Days- 10 am to 3 pm, call (800) 622-0154
Nyack Col, Nyack, NY, Oct. 10 & 11 -Over Night-, call (800) 336-9225
Ohio Wesleyan U., DE, OH., Oct. 9 –Fall OH-- call (800)922-8953
Olin Col., Needham, MA, Oct. 25 -OH- An R.S.V.P. is requested, call (781) 292-2222 or Email www.olin.edu to sign up
Paul Smith Col., Paul Smith, NY, Oct. 16 & 23 -OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 421-7223
Penn. U. of Nursing School, Baltimore, MD Oct. 25 –Reception in Boston
Plymouth State C., Plymouth, NH, Oct. 11 & 23 -Saturday Info. Sessions-, 10:30 am to 1 pm, call (800) 842-6900
Quinnipiac U., Hamden, CT, Oct. 16 -OH- 9 a m to 3 pm, call (800) 462-1944
Radford U., Radford, VA, Oct. 13 -Fall OH- 9 am to 3 pm, call (800) 890-4265
Randolph Macon Col., Ashland, VA, Oct. 23 –OH-, Oct. 1, 8, 15 –Macon Day, call (800) 888-1762
Regis Col., Weston, MA., Oct 11 -Fall OH- 9:30 am to 2 pm, call (800) 456-1820
Rensselaer Polytech. Inst., Troy, NY Oct. 30 -OH- call (800) 448-6562
Rhode Island Sch. Of Design, Providence, RI, see Special Program section for details on all programs
Rhode Island, U. of, Kingston, RI, Oct. 16 & 30 - OH- 11 am, call (401) 874-7000
Ripon Col., Ripon, WI Oct. 8, 11, 29 - OH, Ripon Days-, call (800) 947-4766
Riviere Col., Manchester, NH Sept 25 -OH- 10 am to noon, call (800) 447-4843
Rochester Inst. of Tech., Rochester, NY., Oct. 9 -Fall OH-, call (585) 475-6631
Rochester, U. of, & Eastman Sch, Rochester, NY, see Special Program for information on OH Programs, Regional Interview Receptions & the College of Engineering OH Program, call (888) 822-2256