Name of institution: / ......Type of institution (tick one right answer): / □Administration
□Education and training organisation
□Employment agency or service
□University, research institution
□Social economy institution
X Others Non profit
Contact person: / Lena Malm
Address, phone, e-mail, website: /
Phone +46031 3679487 (031 3679480)
MemberState: /
Region (NUTS 2 or 3)[1]: / 3
Stage of implementation: (tick the right answer): / X Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
□Project under implementation
Title of the Project: / effekt
Approximate budget of the project: / 450.000 SEK
Budget of transnational activities: / ......
Durationof the project – starting date (in months): / From...... Jan 1, 2014...... to...... June 30, 2014......
Duration of the transnational activities within the project – starting date (in months): / From...... to......
Thematic scope[2] of the project (tick the right answer – maximum 2): / □Workers and new skills
□Businesses undergoing change
X Access to employment and social inclusion
X Education and training
□Women and jobs
□Fighting discrimination
□Working in partnership
□Better public services
□Others (please specify)
Target group (final beneficiaries, not stakeholders) for transnational cooperation (tick the right answer): / □Unemployed
X Long term unemployed
□Persons not actively at work
- Including those who are learning in school or university
- Farmers
- Self employed
- Employed in micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
- Employed in small enterprises (between 10 and 50 employees)
- Employed in SMEs (between 50 and 250 employees)
- Employed in big enterprises (over 250 employees)
- Employed in public administration (public entities including Public Employment services)
- Employed in NGOs
- In particularly disadvantaging conditions
- Ethnic or national minorities
- Immigrants Ex-offenders
- Persons from deprived rural areas
- Persons from deprived urban neighbourhoods
- Children
- Women
- Older persons (over 50 years old)
- Enterprises[3] covered by support
- Social enterprises
- Micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
- Small enterprises (between 10 and 50 employees)
- SMEs (between 50 and 250 employees)
- Big enterprises (over 250 employees)
- Administration (public entities including Public Employment services, education and training institutions)
Administration for Allocation of Social Welfare is an administration within the Municipality of Gothenburg who offers people/citizens of Gothenburg different services in the social field. It includes homelessness, abuse, vulnerable children and more. The administration operates on different rehabilitative and prevention actions.
The Activity houses (there are four in the city) are aiming to support people with mental illnesses by creating meaningful employment, social interaction, and support to find a suitable way forward into work or education. The target group is people aged 18-65 years. People who are in situations that make it more difficult for them to acquire effective access to formal education throughout the traditional school system and to enter the labour market. The Activity houses offers activities on weekdays such as different courses, joint lunches, meet with other people; listen to music, read the papers…
The houses are spread in different parts of the town (with a population of 500.000). In each house there are also groups working with supported job training. The activity houses cooperates with other interactive partners, for example social workers, psychiatryofficers, job coaches.
Brief description of the Transnational cooperation:
- Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation)
- Objectives to be achieved
- Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners)
- Planned outputs, deliverables, results of TNC; expected outcomes (effects)
Disclaimer: by sending the completed Project fiche, you agree for publication on the National Supporting Institution web site and dissemination to potential transnational partners for the purpose of effective implementation of transnational cooperation projects.
[1] See list of regions on
[2]Source: ESF web page on
[3]See definition by size on Europa: