St.Francis Xavier University

Department of Information Systems

Mid Term Exam Fall 1999 INFO- 130

Your Name:

Your Number:

Maximum Time allowed: 45 Minutes

Please answer all questions.

Section A

I. Define the following abbreviated items. Ensure that you spell out the expanded form of the abbreviations. (5 points)

  1. RAM: Random Access Memory, temporary memory, Information is deleted after computer is shut off. Storage area for data, moves data back and forth from CPU. Consists of individual storage locations, each holds one byte, or one character. Volatile memory, shutting off the power erases every thing in RAM.
  1. HTML:Hyper Text Mark up Language, A web page is nothing more than a text file with special tags that format the contents, point to other pages, and insert images and sounds. These tags are called HTML.
  1. HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
  1. FTP Allows access to a file in a server. Navigator contacts the FTP server and displays the contents of the FTP site. Once you arrived a desired FTP, downloading the file is only a click away. Similarly you can upload a file from an FTP or web site. Multiple files can be uploaded using FTP.
  1. LAN: Local Area Network. Multiple computer nodes are connected together by modem. There is a common file server for all the nodes.

II. Briefly define the following items. (10 points)

  1. Windows Explorer: Used to locate a folder or file to work – allows to copy, move, rename, and even delete the various files and folders in your system – navigates the hierarchical tree structure in your system.
  1. Client Server Model: Query in the Front end application for the data in a server

When your computer is in the network, this name is given.

  1. Dialog Box: Appears when additional information is needed to execute a command. Window based Graphical user interface boxes for opening files, saving, modifying, moving to another folder, printing the file.

Dialog box consists of Option (radio) buttons. Check boxes, text box, list box, tabbed dialog box, command buttons.

  1. Cache Memory: Navigator saves many pages and images that you browse in its Memory and Disk caches. Once a page or image is stored in a cache, it takes much time to display. Navigator organizes the Cache when you exit the programs. If it takes too long, try to reduce the size of the Disk cache. Used to keep local copies of frequently accessed documents and thus reduces time connected to the network. Erased when communicator is closed.
  1. Search Engine: program Used to search the web by giving a key word or phrase e.g. Alta Vista, Excite, HotBt, yohoo, Lycos,- To search for people and organizations- WhoWhere? To find the email, phone number for people.
  1. Folder: Files are stored in folders to better organize the hundreds (often thousands) of files in a hard disk. Data files or documents are stored in electronic folders.
  1. Tool Bar: To organize the commands in window, customize the tool bars for easy access, Tool bars may contain buttons, menus or a combination of both. Menu bar is a special tool bar contains menus such as File, Edit, and View. Usually tool bar is below the menu bar, to complete the tasks, you need not go through the pull down menu.
  1. Modem: Modulate or Demodulate Connects your computer to the outside world, be it an information service as AOL or your friend two blocks away. Data communication process- speed of a modem maximum rate at which it can transmit or receive data is measured in bis per second (bps). 57.66 K per second especially in Internet.
  1. Virtual Memory: Temporary or volatile memory

Extra memory that the user does not have access to, when RAM s full

Imaginary memory area supported by operating systems

Used to hold your current application, e.g. ROM

  1. Web page: More than a text file with special tags that format the contents, point to other pages, and insert images and sounds. Millions of web pages are in existence. For any topic one can see webpage. Types: Personal, Commercial, Each web page has a unique address, indicating the location in the Internet.

Section B Fill-in the blanks (20 points)

Windows 95

  1. Network Neighborhood ------extends your view of the computer to include accessible drives on the network to which your computer is attached.
  1. By double clicking the Network Neighborhood ------icon, one can access to network drives. This extends your view of the computer to include accessible drives on the network to which your computer is attached.
  1. The menu bars in Windows, provides access to pull-down menus ------that enable you to execute commands within an application.
  1. The task/status bar ------at the bottom of the screen shows all programs that are currently open.
  1. Draw a picture of the icon which you could click on to close a window X ------.

Internet and Email

  1. Each web page has a unique address called a URL Uniform Resource Locator------which indicates the location on the internet.
  1. The purpose of the Find command in the Edit menu of a Web browser is to find a page that contain the information you want ------.
  1. Which boolean operator should you use between the following key words to find Success topics except those about Internet? Success – minus operator ------Internet.
  1. The part of the URL, http://www.microsoft.com/ie/iedl.htm, that identifies the web server or host computer is microsoft ------.
  1. The user name in the Internet address is host ------
  1. In surfing the web, a web page can contain dynamic connections with other web pages, enabling you to jump from one page to another. These connections are called hyper links ------.
  1. If you were to give your St.F.X. e-mail address to someone, it would be ------
  1. The symbol used in an email address to separate the user name from the host computer is @------

Word 97

  1. File ------menu contains the commands to save the current document, or to open a previously saved document.
  1. A word with a wavy red line under indicates a(n) spelling ……….. error.
  1. True or False: Insert Symbol command can insert a symbol in different type sizes.
  1. The three character extension used to identify Word’ 97 document is .doc ------
  1. To display or hide a toolbar, pull down the view ------menu and click the Toolbars command. Select (deselect) the toolbar (s) that you want to display (hide).
  1. Object Linking Embedded (OLE) ………………. enables you to create a compound document containing data (objects) from multiple applications like excel etc.
  1. Every document in Word’ 97 is html/web enabled/http/linked/hyper text ------, which means that Internet and email references appear as hyperlinks within a document.

Section C

All of the following questions pertain to the screen image below. (10 points)


1.  What is the name of the document in this MS-Word screen? 130 midterm question paper ------

2.  How many pages are in this document? Three ------

3.  How to launch Microsoft Excel application from this screen? Click Microsoft Excel icon in the status bar ------

4.  What is the font size of this document? Ten ------

5.  If you want to draw a ‘diamond shape ’ you will be clicking Draw or Autoshapes ------icon in this screen.

6.  Letter A points to save on disk ------

7.  Letter B points to Spell check ------

8.  Letter C points to Hyperlink ------

9.  Letter D points to Columns ------

10.  Letter E points to Search using Office Assistant ------

Section 1: General Questions( 10 points total )

Answer the questions in the space provided. ( 1 point each )

a.  The temporary storage place for text that has been cut or copied is called the

b.  The process of preparing a diskette for storing information is known as

c.  What drive should you put your home pages on in order to be accessed by the WWW?

d.  A(n) ______is a collection of programs that controls and manages the operation of the computer.

e.  The resolution of a monitor is specified in terms of tiny picture elements called

f.  The clock speed of a computer’s microprocessor is measured in

g.  The instructions necessary to start up a computer are stored in

h.  The capacity of hard drives is measured in

i.  A modem is necessary to convert a computer’s ______signal to a telephone line’s analog signal and vice versa.

j.  LAN stands for

______Section 2: Word’97 Questions ( 10 points total )

Answer the questions in the space provided. ( 1 point each )

a.  A word with a wavy red line under it indicates a ______error.

b.  The three character extension used to identify Word’ 97 documents is ______

c.  When the user presses the ENTER key a ______is created.

d.  ______is the process where Word’97 will automatically move text to the next line if there is not enough space on the current line.

e.  The ______feature corrects mistakes as they are made without any effort on your part.

f.  In the FILE menu, the ______command allows you to change margins, paper size, orientation, paper source, and/or layout.

g.  Every document in Word’97 is ______, which means that Internet and e-mail references appear as hyperlinks within a document.

h.  Two views that Word’97 displays documents in are the ______and ______views.

i.  Spell check compares words in the document to those in a ______and/or ______dictionaries.

j.  Microsoft ______contains clip art images, photographs, sound files, and video clips.


Section 3: Windows 95/NT Questions ( 20 points total )

Answer the questions in the space provided. ( 1 point each )

a.  Your H: drive is an example of a

b.  Windows identifies the parent program of a data file by the file's

c.  If you are working with Netscape Navigator and Calculator is also running. Describe 2 methods you may use to switch focus from Navigator to Calculator.

With reference to the screen printout on the top of this page, answer the following questions in the space provided.

d.  How many programs are currently running?

e.  The arrow on the Microsoft Access icon indicates that it is

f.  How does one make the “friends.html” file appear on the desktop?

g.  When a file is deleted on the C: drive, it goes to the

h.  The icon is called ______and the icon is called

i.  How does one launch the program “Windows Explorer”?

j.  How does one make the toolbar in Windows Explorer disappear/reappear?

k.  How does one make visible the contents of the Temp folder? _

l.  How does one make visible the subfolders of the Temp folder without losing sight of the contents of the H: drive?

m.  How does one create a new folder on the H: drive?

n.  How does one make visible the size of the files on the H: drive?

o.  How does one move the file “friends.html” to the Temp folder?

p.  What happens if one double-clicks on the “friends.html” file icon?

q.  In Notepad, how does one give the current file a different name?

r.  In the Open dialog box, how does one make visible the other files on the H: disk?

s.  To which application is the Open dialog box belong?

t.  In the Open dialog box, how does one make visible the files on the W: drive?


______Section 4 Internet/Netscape ( 10 points total)

Answer the questions in the space provided. ( 1 point each )

a.  A WEB page is nothing more than a text file with special ______that format the contents.

b.  Each WEB page has a unique address called a ______which indicates its location on the Internet.

c.  On a WEB page, by clicking a ______you jump to another page, either at the same site or at a different site.

d.  The Internet address “http://www.nhl.com/stats/current.html” tells us that the page ‘current.html’ is located in a folder named ______at the server identified by ‘www.nhl.com’.

e.  It is possible to send documents as part of an e-mail message by ______the documents to the mail message.

f.  The address of a site that you will want to visit again can be saved in your ______so that you can quickly return to it any time.

g.  The full URL for your personal home page at X is

h.  The computer program that displays web pages is called a(n)

i.  A computer that stores web pages and makes those pages available to other computers is known as a(n)

j.  HTML pages are transmitted using the ______protocol.