Subject: Promotional Education Requirements- FAQs Frequently Asked Questions / Date: March 12, 2014

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*****The Fire Academy continues to offer classes to meet MOP 110-3*****

Class offerings include ICS 300/400 (Bulletin 2.20.14) Instructor I and Fire Officer I (Bulletin 10.28 & 12.13.2013). Members attending courses at Pulaski Highway are required to wear their work uniforms.

To register, email the Academy at the following address: Registration for spring classes is closed but fall class registration is open June 2 to July 2, 2014.

Some questions have prompted us to publish the following FAOs to help clear up any misunderstandings:

1.  When does MOP 110-3 take effect?

Response: It went into effect on November 19, 2012. It will be implemented in three phases: 2015, 2017, and 2019

2.  Who do the education requirements apply to?

Response: The requirements apply to any Suppression or EMS member who wishes to take an officer promotional examination for any rank, Lt, Capt., BC, DC.

3.  If I am a Captain in EMS or Suppression now am I "grandfathered" in to Fire Officer I and Instructor I?

Response: No. You are not grandfathered into the requirements. In 2015, 2017, and 2019 you will have to have taken all the courses listed for that phase in MOP 110-3 in order to sit for an officer promotional examination.

4.  I am a Battalion Chief now. In 2015, will I need to show proof of the 15 college credits required for Phase Ito participate in the Deputy Chief promotional process?

Response: Yes. You will have to supply the documentation at the time of application for the position.

5.  Do I have to take the classes only through the Fire Academy?

Response: No, MFRI offers the classes at locations around the state. Go to to view class locations and schedules. All classes are on the member's own time. To register for the courses contact the Fire Academy at 396-9984/9985.

6.  What happens if I do not have the required classes as stated in each phase of MOP 110-3? Response: You will not be eligible to take Officer promotional exams.

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7.  Do the Fire Officer classes need to be taken in order?

Response: Yes, each level builds upon the previous. If you have EMS Officer I you must take Fire Officer I to be eligible for Fire Officer II.

8.  I still have not received my training certificate for a course that I took on the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Web site. What should I do?

Response: If you have inquiries regarding certificates or FEMA's EMI online courses, please contact the Emergency Management Institute's Independent Study Office at: (301) 447-1200 or email them at:

9.  What if I took Fire Officer I or Instructor I in another state?

Response: Documentation of course completion must be submitted when applying for the position. For NIMS courses, a certificate of course completion or an official transcript is required. For MFRI courses, a certification of course completion, a ProBoard certification, or an official transcript is required. Call the Fire Academy for help with ProBoard issues for non MFRI classes.

10.  The following should be considered when assessing colleges and their credits for promotion.

*Credits/degrees from colleges and universities that are nationally accredited will only be considered as meeting the promotional requirements through the 2017 implementation (Phase 2).

Beginning in 2019 (phase 3), only credits/degrees from regionally accredited colleges and universities will be accepted. Credits/degrees from nationally accredited colleges or universities earned prior to January 1, 2019 are eligible to be used for meeting promotion requirements.

Members should recognize that credits from nationally accredited schools are not easily transferred into regionally accredited programs and do not mesh with the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) program. Courses and degree programs should be carefully selected with career goals in mind.

11.  Do MFRI classes count for college credits?

Response: Most MFRI classes have ACE accreditation, which assigns a semester hour value to a course. Each colleges or university will evaluate the classes and assign transfer

credits if accepted.

12.  If I have ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL about what I need to take any officer promotional examinations beginning in 2015, who should I contact?

Response: Contact Captain McConnell or Deputy Chief Perricone at the Fire Academy.

*All members wishing to take officer promotional examinations should begin working on the requirements ASAP.

Mr. Jeffrey R. Segal, Assistant Chief Safety & Member Services Mr. Niles R. Ford, PhD Chief of Fire Department