Early Field Experiences – Documentation of Competencies
Stages 1 & 2
Teacher Candidate:
Mentor Teacher:
Mentor Teacher:
Field Supervisor:
Field Supervisor:
Teacher Candidate:
In Stages 1 & 2 of the Early Field Experiences, teachers are expected to develop knowledge about and familiarity with important issues and pedagogical approaches. Mastery is not expected at these stages.
Please keep track of any of the competencies that are addressed throughout the early part of the term (i.e., September 9–late October). We recommend that you look over the form weekly during a brief conference with your intern/student teacher and add notes related to how/when various competencies were met. Either you or the teacher candidate can add notes – or both of you may want to contribute to the completion of the form. The important thing is that, if the teacher candidate is the one keeping track, you have a chance to review the notes and initial that you agree with them.
In mid- to late October, you should have a conference meeting with the Field Supervisor and teacher candidate and complete the signature page of the form. The teacher candidate is responsible for uploading the signed form to Taskstream.
An example of what you might indicate in the form is shown below . . .
Describes elements of effective classroom management observed in various educational settings. / _X_ Mentor teacher____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework / 9/17
Discussed management plan (related to course assignment in Practicum). Received a copy of the school’s Student Code of Conduct and talked about how the classroom rules are reflective of these expectations.
Classroom Environment / Observes teacher-to-student interactions and reflects on those observations. / _X_ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework / 9/22
Talked about how “hall conference” with T.R. was a good approach for helping him stay engaged in the class and avoid confrontation.
Observes how classroom resources are used to make adaptations and accommodations required to differentiate instruction for all learners. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
It is your responsibility to ensure that you and your Mentor teacher touch base regularly to review the competencies necessary in Stages 1 & 2 of early field experiences and to document when and how these competencies were addressed. As noted above, you may write your own notes or you may rely on the Mentor to write notes – it’s important that you and your Mentor decide how you want to keep track of things early on.
After the conference in October (with the Field Supervisor and Mentor), you should upload the signed and completed form to Taskstream.
Please use this form as a way of tracking important learning opportunities for the teacher candidates in the early part of their field experiences. Each time you visit the classroom, review the form (with the Mentor’s and teacher candidate’s notes). If necessary, make specific recommendations for opportunities that will enable the teacher candidate to achieve the necessary competencies in a timely fashion. In mid- to late October, meet with the Mentor and teacher candidate to review the early field competencies and sign the completed document. This meeting can be scheduled to coincide with a “regular” field visit.
Competency Domain / Requirement is met when the candidate . . . / Evidence of competency obtained by… / NotesA:
Planning & Preparation / Reflects on elements of planning and preparation from observations in educational settings. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740 & IL2476
Students reflect on what the teacher must have done prior to the lesson in order to support engagement.
IL 2502
Students write and teach from lesson plans that are developed based on observations of specific needs of students. (INCLUDE Lesson Plan)
Applies knowledge of PA PreK-12 Academic Standards to classroom observations. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2477
Students collect tasks and identify goals for lessons observed in placement.
Identifies ways in which the age and/or related characteristics of students observed in various learning contexts were reflected in instructional planning. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
Identifies how learning goals were developed to address individual student needs. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2502
Students review student records to develop an individual student case study. (Individual Student Case Study)
Identifies how various resources, materials, technology and activities engage students in meaningful learning based on the instructional goals. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740 & IL2476
Students reflect on what the teacher must have done prior to the lesson in order to support engagement.
Classroom Environment / Describes elements of effective classroom management observed in various educational settings. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740
Students reflect on classroom routines that facilitate learning and engagement.
IL 2502
Students analyze the behavior management plan observed in their placement and reflect on effective/ineffective strategies that may be in place and make recommendations for improvement. (Classroom Behavior Management Analysis)
Observes teacher-to-student interactions and reflects on those observations. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
Observes how classroom resources are used to make adaptations and accommodations required to differentiate instruction for all learners. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2502
Students consider environmental, curricular, and instructional demands on students and identify potential problem areas and appropriate adaptations and accommodations. (INCLUDE Lesson Plan)
C: Instructional Delivery / Observes and reflects on effective verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2502
Students analyze the behavior management plan observed in their placement and reflect on procedures for establishing class rules and expectations in addition to attention signals for use in redirection. (Classroom Behavior Management Analysis)
Observes and reflects on effective questioning and discussion techniques. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740 & IL2477
Students reflect on classroom talk – who is doing the talk and what is getting said by whom
Identifies ways in which technology is used as a teaching and learning tool. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
Reflects on the level of active student engagement during instructional delivery. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740 & IL2477
Students reflect on the relationship between the task being used and the level of engagement of the students.
Observes methods of communication of instructional goals, procedures, and content. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740 & IL2477
Students document how lesson goals are communicated to students and how the goals relate to the tasks in which they engage.
Competency Domain / Requirement is met when the candidate . . . / Evidence of competency obtained by… / Notes
D: Professional Conduct / Represents integrity, ethical behavior and professional conduct as stated in the “PA Code of Professional Practice & Conduct for Educators” as well as local, state, and federal laws and regulations. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
Complies with school policies and procedures regarding professional dress, attendance, and punctuality. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
Assessment / Identifies and reports on various kinds of assessments used in instruction. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2740
Assesses their own professional growth through focused self-reflection. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2477
Knowledge of Diverse Learners / Reports on the unique characteristics and learning needs of diverse learners (age, gender, culture or ability) in the classroom. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
__X__ Coursework / IL 2502
Students review student records to develop an individual student case study. (Individual Student Case Study)
Reports on effective practices and opportunities designed to communicate with and engage families, caregivers, and the broader community. / ____ Mentor teacher
____ Field supervisor
____ Coursework
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