Donique Brumley

Plague of the 21st Century

Cancer caused by Enviromental Toxins

(520) 253-0078; e-mail

Donique Brumley is an environmental activist and cancer researcher. She identifies environmental toxins as the cause for various types of cancers. As a recognized leader in field research she uses a one on one approach with diagnostic health surveys and personal interviews with people who live in highly impacted cancer areas. Her eight years of field research has included examinations of medical case studies, scientific publications, data from the U.S. Geological Survey, advocacy work with Stage IV cancer patients at the Veteran’s Administration (VA) hospital in Tucson, AZ, and detailed field preparation of “cancer maps.”

Donique, also known as Puma, is of Native American heritage (Osage). She has extended her research to Native American oral histories and beliefs regarding the pollution of our air, water, and land and the consequences of this pollution – to include cancer and transgendering of certain animal species. Donique recently presented her findings to the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. The title of her presentation was “Are Pesticides Ruining Our Children’s Future?” Her book, “Plague of the 21st Century: Cancer Caused by Environmental Toxins,” will be completed by 2011.

The focus of Donique’s work is to bring awareness of the environmental toxins and the symptoms they present before cancer is diagnosed. Early cancer precursors are: acid reflux, gall bladder and thyroid disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and diabetes 2.

Donique’s research is self-funded which allows her to be independent and objective. Most of her funding is achieved through the sale of her personally created Native American jewelrywhich is wholesaled to the public. Nordstroms, SaksFifth Avenue, and COSTCO have carried her jewelry.

Donique is a graduate of Midwest University in Wichita Falls, Texas, and has also studied at New York University, Washington Square School of Arts and Sciences, and American International University.

Information sheets available include Reading Lists, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker’s Biotoxin Pathway spread sheet, a Center for Disease Control (CDC) list of symptoms for chemical exposure, the list of herbicide-related diseases/cancers and birth defects caused by herbicide exposure recognized by the Veteran’s Administration (VA) and published in Agent Orange Magazine in July 2006.

Location: 250 West 57th Street, New York, New York 10107, Suite 630

Fee: No Charge

Time: 6:00pm

Date: July 21, 2010

To reserved seats, please call 212-245-1715 or email: