
Letter Of Recommendation Request

Type in the form. Send it back to me via email at

Full Name:


•Keep which class you had with me, delete the other: CP H

•What year did you take my class?

•Were you a sophomore, junior or senior?

•What grade did you receive in my class for first and second semester?

•List all the colleges and due dates (actual dates, not when you want it done by).

•Have you sent a request on Naviance? If not, please do so.

•What on campus activities have you been a part of during high school? This includes all on campus sports and clubs. Be sure to include a short summary of your club/activity and any leadership positions that you held, how many years you have been involved, or what level sport.

•What clubs, activities, organizations have you been involved in that are not associated with WHS? Be sure to include a short summary of your club or activity, any leadership roles you have served and how many years you have been involved.

•List any awards or accolades have you earned through out high school?

•Share your memory of an instance or instances in detail from my class in which YOU excelled or participated in that may have had an impact on your future goals. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART IN MY LETTER WRITING SO BE SPECIFIC. (Just think about why you picked me to write your letter. That may help you write this portion.)

•List three words or phrases that describe you as 1) an academic 2) a leader 3) a volunteer/charitable person.

•List 3 characteristics you would like emphasized in your recommendation. Give a concrete example of how you demonstrate each characteristic. Be specific and concise. Do not choose characteristics that reflect a good personality, but ones that demonstrate why you are a natural leader and will be a valued member of the college and society.

•List any hurdles or obstacles in your life that you have overcome. Schools love students who overcome adversity, but don't make anything up.

•If you know, what are your future goals as a major in college or in a career?

•Is there a particular reason why you chose the college(s) that you did?