Christ Church Cathedral
Application for the office of / Succentor, Christ Church
Christian names
Home telephone number
Mobile number
Ordained deacon in the Diocese of / In (year)
Ordained priest in the Diocese of / In (year)
Lay ministers
First licensed/commissioned in the Diocese of / In (year)
What is the title of your present office? Please give the date you started and a brief outline of the work.
Please give details, with dates, most recent first.
a) Further education (including theological college or course). Please give qualification obtained with class if degree.
From / To / Qualification/experience
b) Other professional/practical qualifications obtained (e.g. teaching, social work, further study).
SECTION 4 – CAREER AND MINISTRY Please give details, with dates, with earliest first. Please explain any gaps and give a relevant address for each appointment
a) Career before ordination – please give a brief indication, with dates, of the nature of the work and responsibilities
From / To / Description (nature of work and responsibilities)
b) Offices held since ordination and any other work done(full and part-timenot including present appointment) with details of the nature of the work and responsibilities. Please provide in date order, and explain any gaps.
Please list these, with separate entries for offices held concurrently (e.g. rural dean, chaplaincies etc.). Please indicate major parish features (e.g. type of area, team ministry, ecumenical). Please provide a contact address where the post is not parochial or diocesan.
From / To / Office and description (nature of work and responsibilities) / Contact address if not a parochial or diocesan post
c) Responsibilities in the wider Church
Please indicate tasks undertaken for the wider Church, e.g. synodical responsibilities at any level, diocesan committees and working parties served on, ecumenical involvement, or work for a Church voluntary organisation, and how you contributed to progressing their agendas.
From / To / Description
d) Continuing ministerial education and development (if applicable)
Please list training courses attended and development activities undertaken e.g. mentoring (other than IME Phases 1 and 2) in the last 5 years. Include courses and activities both inside and outside the Church.
e) Any publications
f) Theological and ecclesiological
What theological traditions have shaped your ministry and with which do you feel most at ease today?
a) Responsibilities in the community
Please indicate your responsibilities in the community, e.g. school governor, political or community service. What did you accomplish?
b) Other areas of interest
Please indicate your involvement in special areas of concern, e.g. particular issues in contemporary life, international matters, academic or artistic interests. How have these contributed to your ministry?
c) Other interests
Please indicate other recreational interests.
Please state your reasons for applying for this office. What you write and how you write it will help those making the appointment build up a picture of you. You will want to outline how you meet each of the elements of the person specification, drawing on gifts, skills, knowledge and experience from your previous career, both before and after ordination, responsibilities held and relevant interests. You will also want to set out your thoughts about how you will take forward some of the challenges and issues set out in the role specification. If the office applied for is in a different church tradition from the one you have come from, give examples of how you have worked across traditions.
This section will be removed by the person administering the application process and will only be made available to the chair of the interview panel.
If you are appointed to the office you will be invited to provide information about you and your family so you can receive appropriate pastoral care.
Please give names, occupations and addresses (including e-mail if possible) of three persons to whom reference can be made and the capacity in which they have known you. At least one should be clerical (not the bishop as his reference is sought as a matter of course) and one from a senior lay person – for example a current churchwarden or head teacher of the local school. Referees should have a detailed up-to-date knowledge of your work. Please obtain their permission. If you are a team vicar, priest-in-charge of a daughter church or assistant curate, you should give your team rector’s or incumbent’s name as a reference.
We expect to take up references after short-listing but before the interview unless you explicitly specify otherwise. An episcopal reference will always be taken up prior to interview.
Are your papers available from the Clergy Appointments Adviser? / Yes/No
Please specify any special access requirements you may have in order to attend interview e.g. deaf loop system
Do you have any health related condition that would affect your ability to carry out functions that are intrinsic to the office? (See person specification for details.)
Marital status:
Please describe your marital status (married, separated, co-habiting, divorced, widowed, civilly partnered, civil partnership dissolved, divorced and remarried with spouse still living)
Ecclesiastical Offices (Age Limits) Measure 1975
With very limited exceptions, appointment to an ecclesiastical office cannot be offered to anyone over the age of 70 except on a fixed or limited term licence. Are you under the age of 70? / Yes/No
UK Border Agency requirements
Are you free to remain and work in the UK with no current immigration restrictions? / Yes/No
Please note that you will be required to produce documentary evidence of your right to remain and work in the UK if you are invited to interview.
Protecting children and vulnerable adults
Are you aware of any police enquiries undertaken following allegations against you, which may have a bearing on your suitability for this post? / Yes/No
Promoting racial equality
Are you a member or an active supporter of any political movement or any organisation whose constitution, policies, objectives or public statements are incompatible with the Church of England’s commitment to promoting racial equality? / Yes/No
Where did you hear of this office?
If appointed when would you be available to start?
I certify the information given in this application is correct
Signature / Date
Applications may be made either in hard copy by post or electronically in the form of a signed pdf. Theyshould include a copy of this application form, a covering letter, and a copy of an order of service from a service which you personally have designed and planned. All applications should be received by Izabela Hreska, the Canons’ PA, no later than 12noon on Friday 23 February 2018.
Izabela Hreska, Cathedral Offices, Christ Church, St Aldate’s, Oxford. OX1 1DP.
A confidential reference will also be requested from your diocesan bishop or area bishop in addition to other references. The Data Protection Act of 1998 applies to all references and commendations.
The successful candidate will be required to receive an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Travelling expenses and subsistence allowance (in accordance with General Synod recommendations) will be allowed to candidates selected for interview.
Closing date for applications / 12noon 23 February2018 / Please return to: /
Please also include your covering letter and sample order of service.
Interviews will be held across two days on / 8–9March 2018 (accommodation will be provided)
We are an equal opportunity organisation. The aim of our policy is to ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, race, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation, national origin, political opinion or affiliation or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
Our selection criteria and procedures are frequently reviewed to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities.
All employees are given equal opportunity and are encouraged to progress within the organisation. We are committed to an ongoing programme of action to make this policy fully effective. To ensure that this policy is fully and fairly implemented and monitored, and for no other reason, could you please provide the information below. You are of course at liberty not to provide some or all of the information if that is your preference. If you are a new applicant the information will not be seen by the interviewing panel.
The information will be filed in the College Offices (but not in personal files) and will be kept strictly confidential and according to the Data Protection Act 1998. Once recorded, your personal details will be removed from the form (they are only required initially to confirm that the form is genuine).
Please answer the questions by ticking the appropriate box:
1. Are you: Female Male
2.Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No
(If you have answered yes, then please answer question 3.)
3.Please tick one or more boxes to describe your disability:
Visually impairedDyslexia and similar conditions
Impaired hearingMental health difficulties
Wheelchair userUnseen disability
(e.g. diabetes – please describe)
Other mobility impairments Other (please describe)
Please tick this box if you are willing for any disability information provided on
this form to be disclosed to the appropriate Disability officer.
4.Age Group:16–17 : 18–25: 26–40: 41–55:
56–65: 66–75: Over 75:
5.Nationality: UK Other EU Other
Please specify: ......
6.Please describe your ethnic origin: (Please tick one box only)
(Ethnic origin questions are not about nationality, place of birth, or citizenship. They are about colour and ethnic group. Citizens of any country may belong to any of the groups indicated. The ethnic origin categories used here are based on the 2001 census of the population and are those required by the Higher Education Statistics Agency.)
WhiteBlack or Black British
British Caribbean
Irish African
Any other White background Any other Black background
(Please specify) (Please specify)
……………………………… ……………………………..
Mixed Asian
White and Black Caribbean Indian
White and Black African Pakistani
White and Asian Bangladeshi
Any other mixed background Any other Asian background
(Please specify) (Please specify)
……………………………… ……………………………..
ChineseOther ethnic group
Chinese Any other (Please specify)
Prefer not to say
7.How would you describe your sexual orientation?
Prefer not to say Bisexual Gay man
Heterosexual/straight Gay woman/lesbian Other
8.How would you describe your religion or belief?
Prefer not to say Buddhist Christian
Hindu Jewish Muslim
Sikh None Other
9.How would you describe your marital status?
Prefer not to say Civil partnership Divorced
Married Single Other
Job title: Cathedral Succentor
Your name: ...... (Please print)
(This section will be removed when the information has been recorded).
Thank you for completing this form
For internal use only:
Please ensure that this information is not circulated with shortlisting papers.
Logged as received in Cathedral Office:
Forwarded to the Clerical Assistant, Steward’s Office: