Teacher’s Assessment Assistant
Everyday Math
- Go to Start-Programs-Assessment Assistant. Here is the screen you will see. Click on Unit 1.
- Here is the new screen you will see.
- Now click on Unit 1 Learning Goals and then click on Learning Goal 1a. (If you click on the arrow, you will see more of the menu choices)
- Each of the questions from the library has a unique item number. For example, we see item
- The first number indicates the Unit number.
- For the second number:
- 1 indicates this item is organized by assessment type
- 2 indicates that this item is organized by EM learning goal
- For the third number
- If previous number was a 1:
- means it is an oral assessment
- means it’s a slate assessment item
- means it’s a written assessment item
- means it’s an alternative assessment item
- If previous number was a 2:
- means it’s an “a” learning goal
- means it’s a “b” learning goal
- means it’s a “c” learning goal
- means it’s a “d” learning goal
The last number gives the item number in sequence. When a unit number changes, the item numbers recount from 1
- Creating a Worksheet
- Click on items from the library window on the left to the blank worksheet on the right. If you click and drag an item more than once, there will be more than one question on the worksheet.
- Click on the Preview icon to see the question that will appear on the worksheet.
- The content library contains two different types of items.
- Dynamic-each time a worksheet is printed, it is possible to generate a unique iteration of those items (values will change, problem will be the same)
- Static- values stay the same; however, distractors can be shuffled to create unique worksheets.
Double click on [] to open it.
Now click New Values.
You can see the concept is the same, but the values are different. Clicking on New Values will continue to change the problem.
To create your own adaptation of the question, click on Clone. You can now change the item by clicking Edit. You can even add new graphics. (To add a graphic, copy the graphic you want. Clone the question you want to add it to. Click Edit and then click Paste.) Only cloned and user created items can be edited and they can only be edited from the Library List.
- Saving a Worksheet
- Classic Worksheet
- Saves pointers to library items instead of saving the actual items themselves
- If you edit an item in your library, your classic worksheet will automatically be updated.
- Worksheet Templates
- Can be saved with Headers, Footers, and annotations that have been individually tailored
- Self-Contained (Default Setting)
- all of the information in the worksheet is preserved exactly as it is at time of save
- Save a worksheet as a self-contained if you wish to export it to another location
- Ways to add items to a Worksheet
- Drag and drop
- Highlight the desired item and select “Add Selected Items” from the library menu
- Double-click an item in the library list to open the Library Item Preview box. Then click “Add” to add a representation of the item to your worksheet.
- Shuffling Items on Your Worksheet – You may create multiple, unique versions of your worksheet by using the “Shuffle Settings” command found under the Worksheet menu. Using this feature allows you to rearrange the items, distracters, and/or answers in your worksheet.
- Select “Shuffle Settings” from the Worksheet menu.
b.Select the way you wish your worksheets to appear for your students by choosing the desired check boxes.
- Shuffle Questions- Shuffling the questions on a worksheet will provide each student the same questions, simply in a different order.
- Shuffle Answers- Assigns different values to the dynamic items in your worksheets.
- Shuffle Distractors-Changes the distractor order for different multiple choice items
c. When you are ready to print, select “Print” from the File menu and enter the number of shuffled worksheets you would like created for you.
- Adding Headers and Footers –use these to add information to your worksheets. For example, you can create a header that has your name, class name, page number, and date and time.
- From the worksheet menu, select Insert Header/Footer.
- Type the information you want in the large, editable field.
You can choose to Insert a variety of variables.
Created by Mary Hancock10/11/2018
Materials used from Everyday Math