Please read the enclosed documents carefully

There will be a financial reward of £50 paid to the Club submitting each winning nomination i.e. if a club submits a submission in any of the categories and that submission wins, the Club will receive £50* ………… So, don’t be shy, get those nominations in and your Club could be a winner as well as your nominee! 

*this would not apply if only one submission per category is received as there would, in effect, be ‘no contest’.

For more information please read on or contact:

Dear Colleague

What has your club done from January to December 2015?Please let us know!!HASSRA is not just about winning, it is about taking part and we would like to receive an Activity Report from all of the Clubs inthe North West, whether they have had a very busy year or have just managed to keep the club ticking over (even a one page report will suffice).


  • Best Club Award – Large[R L Jackson Trophy]and Small[Peter Ross Trophy]: every activity report received will be entered into the relevant category and the Awards Committee will decide the winner and runner-up in each group.The notes on page 3 should help you to complete an Activity Report. DN: a ‘Diary report for 2015’ should be submitted if an activity report is not practical
  • Sportsperson of the Year: do you have anybody in your club who excels at a given sport or maybe they are even good at several? The notes on page 5 give an idea of what we are looking for.
  • Volunteer of the Year: if you have somebody whohas gone that extra mile in 2015 then why not nominate them as our Volunteer of the Year. See page 6 for details on how to make a nomination.
  • Business Sponsor of the Year: HASSRA North Westwishes to recognise the significant contributions made by local club Business Sponsors. If you have a Manager who fits the criteria outlined on page 7, please forward a nomination.
  • Best Communication[K.C Martin Trophy]: how does your club communicate with members? See page 8for more information.
  • Best Contribution[Charles Boyes Trophy]: this award recognises participation in all aspects of HASSRA. See page 9or details on how to make a nomination.

Winning entries in the above categories will be put forward as the Regional nominations for the National HASSRA Awards2015.

All National winners will be invited to attend HASSRA National Conference to receive their awards.

  • Bob Dover Trophy: awarded to an outstanding Team Manager or Organiser, see page 10 for details.
  • Pilling Hughes Charity Shield: presented to the club that has raised the most money for Charity in 2015 – so remember to provide as much information as you can!See page 10 for details.
  • Ashworth POA Charity Trophy: thisaward recognises the club or office that has raised the most amount of money for charity per HASSRA member.See page 10 for details.

Thank you for your assistance.

Please note: The closing date for entries into any category is 31stJanuary 2016.

ACTIVITY REPORT - What we are looking for

This award is to recognise the Club with the best record in sports, social and cultural activities. The submission should be concise and should be limited to activities and successes within the nomination year (1st January – 31st December 2015).

The content should produced in Word, presented in the order shown below, limited to a maximum of 20pagesand submitted electronically as a single document. It is not appropriate to include photographs or event publicity other than on an exceptional basis to demonstrate a particular service or initiative to your members.

The content should include (in order)the following:

  • The number of HASSRA members you have and the staff in post figures for the site[s] your club covers.
  • The geographical set up of your club i.e. if your club covers other offices and the distances involved.
  • Any HASSRA events that individuals or teams from your club have taken part in and the position they finished if known.
  • Any social, sporting, fundraising and charity events or any trips that your club has organised or taken part in through the year. Give details of the numbers attending and the amount of organisation involved. Also give details of any money raised for charity.
  • Details of how you communicate with your members i.e. any newsletter, magazine or e-communication the club produces and how often this is distributed.
  • Any of your members who have represented HASSRA in a regional or national event.
  • The facilities your club provides for its members (i.e. dartboards, pool/table tennis equipment, football kit, etc. with details of how often they are used i.e. daily/weekly/monthly.
  • Any regional organisers/regional management committee members who are part of your club.
  • Any discount schemes set up for your members with local facilities/companies etc.
  • Anything else your club has done during the year and anything else you may wish to tell us about.
  • Members’ interests and involvement in the local community.

WELLBEING – HASSRA is working in partnership with DWP to deliver their ‘Wellbeing’ Framework, it would be helpful if Clubs could provide details of any work they have done in this area.

I fully appreciate the time constraints that you all have, therefore, if you are unable to complete a substantial report as outlined above, please submit a ‘Diary Report’ as per the example at Appendix 1. (A blank template, which may assist you, will be sent separately).

The Awards Committee will look at the activity reports received and will award points for the various activities and then choose an overall winner from the best large club (150+ members) and the best small club (under 150 members).



Please contact if you require any further information.

Name of Club nominated for Best Large Club 2015
(150+ Members)
Reason for Nomination
(Or attach Club Activity Diary, see Appendix 1)
Name of Club nominated for Best Small Club 2015 (less than 150 members)
Reason for nomination (Or attach Club Activity Diary, see appendix 1)


Nominations are invited for the 2015 HASSRA North West Sportsperson of the Year Award. There must be many worthy candidates out there!

The nominations will be judged on the individuals’ performance in their chosen sport or sports throughout 2015, taking into account any success in competitions and events within HASSRA and CSSC and also outside of the Civil Service.The nomination for this award should normally be limited to 2 or 3 pages at most and include the following:

  • The nominee’s name and office location.
  • The primary sport for which they are being nominated.
  • Any ranking in their sport that indicates their level of achievement (i.e. 20th in County), stating when the ranking was last set.
  • A brief summary of their competitive achievementsduring the year, including successes in notable HASSRA and CSSC events as well as in non Civil Service events.
  • Participation in regional HASSRA events or competitions and placing’s.
  • Further additional information including the extent to which the nominee engages with HASSRA and their services to HASSRA and to sport in general. This should include any administrative positions in ‘outside’ sports bodies. If appropriate details should also be given of any particular difficulties or barriers that the nominee may have had to overcome in pursuit of their sport

Please contact if you require any further information.

Name and location of nominee for Sports Person of the Year 2015
Primary Sport
Ranking(s) and date(s)
HASSRA participation and placing(s)
Additional information

Please do not include lots of press clippings, photographs and other ‘padding’ that does not directly relate to what was achieved by the nominee in the nomination year and the context of that achievement within the sport in question.

Send entries by e-mail to:


Nominations should relate to the period 1st January to 31st December 2015

Nominees must have served in a voluntary capacity locally, regionally or nationally during the nomination year. There is no set requirement as to the nature of this voluntary capacity, which can include any role that can be shown to have positively contributed to the Association.

The winning volunteer should be considered to have provided truly outstanding service. This may be in any area but must represent a contribution which has gone more than the ‘extra mile’ to help the organisation. For example, a member who has, through their own efforts and the motivation of others, helped to regenerate a club which was previously dormant or inactive, or kept a club afloat where it would otherwise have folded, or undertook the organisation of an event or events to an exceptionally high standard.

These examples are by no means exhaustive. The key criterion throughout is not longevity in a post but the exceptional nature of both the input and impact made by the individual during 2015

Please contact if you require any further information.

Name and Location of Nominee for Volunteer of the Year 2015
Reason for Nomination for truly outstanding service

Send entries by e-mail to:



HASSRA recognises that in order for HASSRA to achieve its goals there is a need for good working relationships with our Business Sponsors.

Criteria for submissions

The award is for a manager who is a HASSRA memberand fully aware of the purpose of HASSRA and its value to the business. In 2015the person nominated will have made a significant contribution to supporting staff and members in achieving HASSRA’s Goals

Information needed in making a nomination

a)Nominee’s name, Grade, their role, their office and location;

b)A description of the contribution made by the nominee in the year in question. This should focus strongly on:

  • what the person did to advance HASSRA in their area; how the person supported others in joining HASSRA, participating in HASSRA activities, and promoting work-life balance;
  • what was achieved as a result;
  • Skills, ability & methods used in achieving these results: describe how many teams /people/offices were impacted by their contribution or support.

Please contact if you require any further information.

Name and Location of nominee for Business Sponsor of the Year 2015
Reason for nomination for Manager who supports staff and members in achieving HASSRA’s goals

Send entries by e-mail to:


Does your club produce a magazine or newsletter? Do you communicate with members electronically or using the Intranet? If so we would like to know about it.

Please forward copies of magazines/newsletters (maximum of 3) produced in 2015 along with the following details(by e-mail if possible). If a communication is being submitted which is published on the Intranet or issued by email the details below should be completed and links or electronic copies provided.

Please contact if you require any further information.


Name of communication
What is the format of the Communication?
(e.g. printed Web based or email)
If web-based or email what arrangements are made for retired members?
How many editions of the communication were produced in 2015?
How many copies were produced of each edition?
What approximate ratio to members is the distribution?
(i.e. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 etc.)
Production information (i.e. who produces the publication):
External contractor
Internal design unit:
Association or club volunteer(s)
Other (please specify)

Send entries by e-mail to:


Nominations should relate to the period 1st January to 31st December 2015

This award aims to encourage greater participation in HASSRA, especially to those members who participate in events (particularly non-sporting) and who have contributed by enabling or encouraging other members to participate.

a)This award is to recognise a member who has contributed a significant effort to HASSRA by taking part in a variety of events and activities and/or who has enabled, motivated or encouraged others to get involved by their participation or by organising events or other activities.

b)This is not for the member who excels in a particular sport but for someone who is good at a number of events and who is always willing to have a go at other events in order that their Club or Region will be able to field a team.

c)Often this attitude will encourage others to participate. Sometimes the member is just making up numbers but their willingness and enthusiasm means that they are always good to have in a team for any event. It could also include contributions made through membership of organising committees or teams.

Please contact if you require any further information.

Name and Location of Contributor of the year 2015
Reason for nomination
Send entries by e-mail to:
Please contact you require
any further information on the following awards.

BOB DOVER TROPHY: awarded to an outstanding Team Manager or Organiser.

Name and Location of nominee for Bob Dover Trophy 2015
Reason for nomination
Club Name
Date / Event / Amount
Raised / Charity
Grand Total
Additional Information
Name: / Contact Details:
Club Name
Number of Members
Amount per member
Date / Event / Amount
Raised / Charity
Grand Total
Additional Information
Name: / Contact Details:

Send entries by e-mail to:

Best Local Club – Diary Report 2013 - Example
When / Event Description / Participation / Notes
05.09.13 / Lunch time Quiz / 45 Members
14.09.13 / Cinema Trip / 20 Members / 10 Guests
24.09.13 / ‘Recruit a Member Week’ / Management Committee / 24members recruited
26.09.13 / Netball v Housing Dept / 9 Members / HASSRA win 9-4
08.10.13 / Theatre Trip / 26 Members / 15 Guests
10.10.13 / Sponsored Fancy Dress / 75 Members / £500 raised for Children in Need
19.10.13 / Lunch Time Quiz / 42 Members
26.10.13 / AltonTowers Trip / 26 Members / 23 Guests