Ms. Cory Jarrett
Room 1904
______Horticulture/ Landscape Design Course Syllabus 2015-2016______
Course Description
At the completion of this course students should have a basic understanding of the principles of livestock production and the proper techniques to manage livestock animals. Students will attain knowledge and skills relating to animal systems, as well as, the career opportunities and industry regulations. This course will incorporate different learning techniques and the students will be given a variety of opportunities to learn.
Topics Covered:
- Exploring SAE opportunities
- Record Book Keeping
- Characteristics of a successful employee
- Employment opportunities in Livestock Production
- Livestock Identification Techniques
- Proper handling and management practices
- Livestock Diseases and Treatment
- Anatomy and Physiology of Bovine, Porcine and Ovine
- Digestion- Ruminants vs. non-ruminants
- Formulation Rations
- Male Reproduction
- Female Reproduction
- Reproduction techniques
- Livestock offspring
- Economics of Livestock Production
- Problems facing the Livestock Production Industry
COURSE GRADING/ASSESSMENT:Grading is based on quizzes, projects, tests, and a semester exam. Some or all projects may be evaluated as part of a portfolio of work. A point system is used to weight assignments, as follows:
Daily: 20% ex. Quizzes, discussion, journals
Major: 40% ex. Test, projects, labs
Assessments: 40% ex. Certifications, cumulative projects, TEKS test
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL: A wide variety of instructor generated supplemental handouts are used. Relevant videos or parts of videos on computer related topics as well as other multimedia resources are occasionally used.
SUPPLIES (REQUIRED/RECOMMENDED): Students should use a loose-leafed notebook or folder in preference to a bound notebook because of the large number of supplemental handouts they receive.
TUTORIALS: Wednesday 2:30-3:10 pm
CELL PHONE POLICY: No Cell Phones. Cell phones will be taken up by the teacher and then taken to the AP’s office. No charging cell phones or laptops
MAKE-UP WORK POLICY: As a general rule, any project due during a period of planned absence must be done before the absence in order to get credit. Athletic events and family trips (among other things) are planned absences. When projects are due soon after a planned absence, the student is normally expected to have his work ready to turn in with the rest of the class. This may require the student to work ahead and to do parts of assignments before his departure in order to be ready fully to participate in the class on return. To this end, students may arrange to do work during lunch, after school hours, or during the seminar period before a planned absence. In all cases, a plan for dealing with a planned absence should be discussed with the instructor before the absence. This policy is intended to help students avoid getting hopelessly behind and becoming overwhelmed with make-up work.
Late Work Policy2015-16
1 Day Late / 5 points off2 Days Late / 5 points off
3 Days Late / 5 points off
4 Days Late / 5 points off
maximum points deducted / 20
*Note - Late work will not be accepted after the completion of a unit or during the last week of the six weeks.