October 6, 2014

Members Present:

Mark Hesler, Brian Williams, Dick Reinhold, Lydia Cumbee, Mary Grote, Ted Hoyle, Jeff Blodgett, Keith BatchelderThad Presby

Mary Grote recused herself as an abutter. Thad Presby recused himself due to vested interest in purchase of Airport.

Lydia Cumbee made a motion to appoint alternate members Jeff Blodgett and Keith Batchelder as voting members. Brian Williams seconded and the motion carried.

Others Present:

Alec Morris, Matt Cole, Nanette Avril

A regular meeting of the Franconia Planning Board was held on Monday, October 6, 2014 at the Franconia Town Hall. Mark Heslercalled the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

7:00 – Alec Morris – Minor Subdivision– 1172 Easton Road, Map 25, Lot 10.

Public meeting to accept the application was opened and Alec Morris reviewed map explaining how he wanted to do a minor subdivision to remove the tennis courts, parking lot and leech field associated with Franconia Inn across the street which would create a lot of 3.69 acres and reduce the airfield lot to 14 acres. They are all currently part of the same lot that the Franconia Airport is on which is currently being sold. The Planning Board advised Mr. Morris that he would be better off doing a LLA which would eliminate doing perk tests and more involved surveying that wasn’t necessary. The Board agreed that they would amend the application from a minor subdivision to a LLA and that Mr. Morris would do a voluntary merge of the lots. Lydia Cumbee made a motion to accept the amended application. Brian Williams seconded and the motion carried and the amended application was approved and the public meeting closed.

Public hearing opened and Mark Hesler, Planning Board Chair reviewed the checklist. Two issues came up that needed to be corrected. One of the abutter’s listed on the map needed to be changed from TTW, LLC to Phil Noonan. Mr. Noonan was properly notified as an abutter. Second the airport hangar structure needed to be removed from the current map. There being no other changes Lydia Cumbee made a motion to approve the LLA with the following two exceptions: 1) remove the airport hangar structure from the mapand 2) change abutter name from TTW, LLC to Phil Noonan. Keith Batchelder seconded and the motion carried for a approval of LLA.

7:20 – Matt Cole – Informal for Minor Subdivison

Matt Cole and his sister Victoria Cole own a large lot of land off Delage Farm Road and are looking at the possibility of splitting into 2 lots. There is currently no access to one of the proposed lots. The lot is currently non complaint and in order to divide it would need to meet requirements and would need to create more frontage. There is currently a bridge that was built for the town to access one lot only. There was discussion about frontage and access from Timber Lane which Mr Cole told the Planning Board t he has a deed to. The Board advised Mr. Cole to seek a legal opinion from an attorney and surveyor before moving forward on his plans and submitting any application to the Board.

Approval of Minutes

Sept. 8th Minutes:

Brian Williams made a motion to approve the September 8th minutes as written and Ted Hoyle seconded. The motion carried and the minutes were approved as written.

Lydia reported that she reviewed 2009 changes against current ordinance and the only difference was order, addition of duplex, change of uses added in Residential A.

There was discussion about whether the Board was moving forward with Cluster Developments.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 27th.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Knowlton
