Hysa Reagan Sixth Grade Social Studies

Phone: 257-2207 ext. 2873


Conference Period: 10:02-10:52

Daily Supplies:





*Library Book

* McGraw Hill World Cultures & Geography- Brand new textbooks that stay in the classroom. There is an online edition if/when there is homework. I will send home that information when I get it.

Course Outline:

1st six weeks: Geography Skills including maps, graphs, and charts

2nd six weeks: North America’s geography, history, and culture

3rd six weeks: South America’s geography, history, and culture

4th six weeks: Europe and Russia’s geography, history, and culture

5th six weeks: Africa’s geography, history, and culture

6th six weeks: Asia’s geography, history, and culture

Homework: It is very seldom that my students will have homework. Most assignments can be completed in the classroom. If class work is not completed after a period of time, the work will need to be finished at home. I am in my room everyday during lunch, except Friday, so any student is welcome to come work. I will also allow students to come in before school but it will have to be scheduled because of duty. I am usually in my room by 7:10.

Grading: Grades all count the same and tests/projects will be entered twice.

Late work will result in a 20 point deduction.

Projects: I assign several projects during the school year, and I always give plenty of class time to work on them. There should only be one time when the project is to be completed at home and that is for the family history assignment.. There are other instances when students want to cook or create items for extra credit when we have different assignments, and this is completed at home. Other than these times, all projects are done at school.

Rules and Expectations: My main rule is for our students to treat one another with respect. I also expect the students to treat me with the same respect in which I treat them. I want the children to come to class with a positive attitude and be prepared to learn. “Follow the Golden Rule”

Classroom Expectations are posted:

1. Turn in completed assignments on time.

2. Bring materials to class.

3. Sit in your seat unless you have permission to leave it.

4. Do what the teacher asks immediately.

5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


1. Eye contact and/or verbal warning.

2. Written warning to be signed by parent. (3 add to a detention)

3. Teacher/student conference.

4. Redirection to another seat or classroom.

5. Parent/Teacher/Student conference.

6. Office Referrals

These websites are very helpful in learning the states, countries, and capitals. There are different levels ranging from beginner to expert level. There are many more fun games for learning and practicing .

Helpful websites: www.sheppardsoftware.com, http://www.yourchildlearns.com/mappuzzle/us-puzzle.html, http://www.funbrain.com/where/

Parent Access to Grades :

If you would like to access your child’s grades online you will need to fill out a Skyward form. You will be able to look up assignments and grades. *** At times you will see an * in place of a grade. This does not take the place of a 0. This means that no grade has been entered for that assignment.


This is a study tool for our kids to practice using flash cards and games for upcoming quizzes and tests. Your child will go to www.quizlet.com and go to the search bar and type in hsreagan. This is my username. This will take them to anything I have on the site. We are listed as BTW Cougars. It’s very easy to use and your child does not need to enter any of their own personal information to practice. There is also an app for your phone and it is under “quizlet”.


This is a tool for teachers, students, and parents to keep up with reminders for paper work, tests, due dates, etc. You can access this through the website or phone app.

Electronic Devices: Students may bring electronic devices to Social Studies classes when we are working on research or projects. Students and parents must sign the Bring Your Own Device agreement before students may bring their devices.

I look forward to a great year. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Hysa Reagan

BT Wilson Social Studies