Bedale and Villages Community Forum

Management Group

7.30pm on Thursday 17th November 2011

The Drawing Room, Bedale Hall



Yvonne Rose (Chair); Hazel Kirby; Juliet Pudney; Peter Cole; Harry Lillystone; Sue Latter; Mike Lowe BEM; Richard Corner; Lucy Williams; Cllr. Carl Les; Bob Pocklington; Sgnt. Dean Bradley; Carol Clark; Nicky Smith & Mike Barningham.


Chris Hall; John Knopp; Cllr. John Noone; Ellen Dunning & Mel McGeoch.

1.  Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

Yvonne welcomed Lucy Williams from ‘Bread Actually’ and Juliet Pudney, NYCC Library & Community Services, to the meeting.

2.  The ‘Bread Actually’ Community Bakery

Lucy provided members with an update on ‘Bread Actually’, the community bakery that had recently won first prize in the ‘Flavours of Hambleton’ outstanding achievement award. It was noted that Cockburn’s had also submitted a winning entry in the competition. The bakery has secured premises in the Fruit ‘n’ Veg shop and is open 5 days a week. A new range of products has been launched including gluten free bread. Lucy thanked members of the group for funding to purchase signage to promote the bakery and confirmed that a second sign is to be purchased once funds from the Group are released. Yvonne congratulated the Group on its success and reminded members that the bakery is to appear on a BBC2 documentary in the near future.

3.  The Future of Bedale Library

Juliet Pudney provided an update on the situation with regards to the future of Bedale Library and the opportunities available for volunteers to maintain and enhance the service beyond April 2012. Juliet reported that Bedale Library has been designated a Category 2 Library and it is proposed that though funding has been secured to keep the library open opening hours will be reduced from 25 to 20 hours per week as a result of a 20% reduction in staff. Juliet confirmed that volunteers are being sought to maximise the number of hours the library can open and that NYCC is looking to work alongside existing volunteer organisations to co-ordinate the volunteer ‘offer’. The target date for the launch of the revised service is the 1st June 2012.

It was noted that:

§  The number of volunteers required to support the library is not yet known and will depend on what duties volunteers are willing to undertake. At present the library is maintained by 2 professional library staff.

§  Though trained it is proposed that the volunteers will not be working at the same time as professional staff.

§  A draft volunteer ‘role description’ will be included in a report to be presented to the NYCC Executive Committee on the 22nd November. Further information about the proposals can be found on the County Council’s website under ‘Library Consultation’.

§  A 90 day consultation exercise is to be undertaken with existing staff prior to a staffing re-structure across North Yorkshire. Consultation is also underway with Unions.

§  Self-issue machines may be used during periods when paid staff are not present.

§  CRB checks will have to be carried out though it is not clear whether NYCC will cover the costs of such checks.

Action: The Forum’s Community Interest Focus Group to co-ordinate a meeting in the New Year to which potential volunteers and NYCC Officers/Library staff will be invited. Hazel to liaise with Mel McGeoch regarding volunteer training needs and the resources required to address issues such as the development of a business/project plan, training for steering group members, volunteer recruitment and management and legal and safeguarding issues.

4.  Minutes of the Last Meeting held Thursday 14th July 2011

Agreed as a true record thereof.

5.  Actions & Matters Arising:

§  Hambleton Venue Directory: Hazel confirmed that the Venue Directory is now complete and will be available online on the NDVSA and HDC website.

§  X-Niholo: Bob explained that issues regarding volunteer staff over the winter period have yet to be resolved. However the 8-strong volunteer team are still seeking to open a ‘drop in’ café.

§  Youth Unemployment: Yvonne invited members to suggest measures to improve youth employment across Bedale and the surrounding villages, such as the offer of work experience opportunities to help develop ‘lifeskills’.

§  Alzheimer’s Support: It is understood that negotiations are underway with Askham Bryan College with regards to the purchase of the building to provide a community facility. A Steering Group has been established to explore the options and a site visit undertaken at the Galtres Centre in Easingwold. It was noted that the PCT are considering broader issues, in particular the welfare of young people and the elderly/vulnerable.

§  A1 Signage It was noted that there has been support expressed by Welcome to Yorkshire with regards to an application for a departure in policy on motorway signage for Leeming Bar Services. It is understood that support was also forthcoming from HDC and that NYCC has no objections to such a departure. Cllr. Les expressed an interest in this issue and took no further part in the discussion. Bob proposed that given the importance of promoting local employment a letter of support for such a departure be written on behalf of the Bedale & Villages Community Forum. This proposal was seconded by Yvonne and endorsed unanimously by the Forum.

Action: Yvonne to write a letter in support of a proposed departure to the existing policy on motorway signage.

§  The Beckside Community Building Project

Mike confirmed that an Armed Forces Covenant grant of £159K had been awarded to project. Concerns were expressed that the project would not be eligible for Section 106 money under the strict definition of the term ‘Recreation and Open Space’, even though the project is a key priority of the Bedale & Villages Community Forum.

Action: Mike to write a letter to Cllr. Peter Wilkinson & Cllr. Neville Huxtable requesting that the policy relating to the allocation of Section 106 money is reviewed and includes community buildings. A copy of this letter to be sent to Cllr. Carl Les and Cllr. John Noone.

6.  Funding for Community Projects

Members considered and unanimously endorsed an application for a 10% contribution to a Yorventure funding application proposed by Nicky Smith for enhancements to the Exleby & Leeming Play Park to a maximum of £395. It was agreed that the remaining £2041 of the Strategic Forum’s grant be allocated to the Beckside Community Building Project.

7.  Focus Group Updates

§  Business and Tourism

Yvonne reported that plans for the BBQ Bash, the Christmas Fayre and the switching on of the Christmas lights will be discussed at the next meeting of the Group to be held on the 3rd December.

§  Environment

No recent meetings of the Group have been held.

§  Community Interest

Hazel expressed concerns over the lack of flexibility in the proposals for volunteer support for the library and suggested that the proposed ‘model’ may not work. Concerns were also expressed that lone working may not be attractive to volunteers. It was also suggested that volunteers do have valuable skills and whilst interest from volunteers has been expressed further details regarding specifics roles & responsibilities are required before volunteers will sign up. The next meeting of the Group will be held early in the New Year to gauge the willingness of volunteers to offer support.

§  Transport

Mike reported that the SUSTRANS-endorsed cycle link plans for both Bedale and Stokesley have been rejected in favour of sustainable ‘Park and Ride’ schemes. Carol and Mike met with Clare Booth at HDC to consider a proposed pedestrian bridge as part of the Aiskew to Bedale link and are awaiting further clarification as to optimal locations for the bridge. A quote for £16.5k has been given for the design, construction and installation for such a bridge. It was noted that HDC has funding available to improve pedestrian links to the Town Centre and to undertake improvements to Bedale Bridge. With regards to a proposed tunnel under the railway it was noted that detailed specifications from Network Rail are required (including data on the sub soil strata) along with approval from both the Board of the Wensleydale Railway and Network Rail.

8.  Finance Update

Mike presented a financial update on transactions since the last meeting held in July and confirmed that as at 16th November 2011 the Forum had £4895.43 in reserves. Of this £2k is committed to the Post Office Square project plus a further £400 for signage for the Bread Actually Community Bakery.

9.  Any Other Business

§  Support for the Bedale Christmas Fayre

A quote has been received for £2995 to provide an ice rink for one day (until 9pm) over the Christmas period. It is understood that as cash flow is an issue the scheme to provide such a rink needs to be underwritten. The rink will provide the principle attraction of the Christmas Fayre and it is hoped the attraction will become self financing in future years. Mike Lowe proposed that a grant for £500 be awarded and a further £500 be awarded to underwrite the event. Bob seconded this proposal that was endorsed unanimously by the rest of the Group.

Action: Carol to provide an update on the event at the next meeting of the Group.

§  Broadband Provision, Speed & Performance

Yvonne reported that to install Wi-Fi in Bedale High Street without a signal booster would cost approx. £500 + £7.50 per month. Such a wireless network would require a ‘log-in’ system and would initially provide unlimited use. Members agreed to the proposal that up to £500 be made available from the Forum’s reserves to install a wifi network along Bedale High Street subject to further discussion with CLANNET and the resolution of technical issues.

Action: Yvonne to establish with CLANNET whether the contract can be discontinued after 12 months and to determine the download speed offered by the network. Yvonne to establish whether such a network would lead to a competitive disadvantage to any local businesses offering a ‘pay as you go’ service.

§  Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Yvonne confirmed that at a meeting of Bedale Town Council to be held on the 28th November plans for the celebrations over the Jubilee weekend are to be considered. It has been suggested that events such a ‘picnic in the park’ and/or an art exhibition be held. It was also noted that Scruton Cricket Club are to host Jubilee celebrations.

§  The Future of Hambleton Area Forums/Partnerships

It was reported that the future of the Area Forums and Area Partnerships is under review in light of pressures to make further efficiency savings. Members were keen to take part in consultation at an early stage though it was agreed that the Bedale & Villages Community Forum submit a response once proposals have been worked up and the options put forward.

10.  Date for Meetings to be held in 2012

The dates for Forum meetings in 2012 have yet to be agreed. Action: Peter to circulate the dates for future meetings once confirmed.