(Town Hall Campus)
Dear ProspectiveCandidate,
MayItakethisopportunitytothankyoufortheinterestthatyouhaveshowninthepostof Assistant Headteacher. As the Executive Headteacher I am excited by the prospectof formingapartnershipofschoolsthatwillmakeusoneofthebiggestprimaryschoolsin the country. Currently we have Claycots (Britwell Campus), a four form entry locatedonMonksfield Way which in recent years has demonstrated exceptionalsuccess academicallyandconsistentlyfeaturesasoneofthehighestattainingschoolswithinthe Slougharea.Wehaverecently,onbehalfofSloughLA,assumedpossessionoftheold Town Hall where we have formed a four-form entry school meeting the needs ofthe Chalvey area. The demand for places within this area is high with births andinward migration giving us a diverse school community which is 80% EAL. Aspirationsfrom parents are high.
We require professionalsat the helm for Key Stage 2 (Town Hall) who have the vision, drive and motivation to createdepartments that are enriching, challenging and focused uponchildren’s outcomes. The Campus has over 500 children and will be growing in total to over 800 pupils in the next 3-4 years, requiring experienced and passionate Senior Leadersthatwillcontinuetopromotetheacademicsuccesswehavewhilstcontinuing to transform ourcurriculumandculturetoone thatdevelopsandinspireschildren,preparesthemforfutureeconomicprosperityandraisestheprofileoftheschoolasakeypartnerwithinthe Slough learning community andbeyond.
Anessentialpartoftherolewillbetohavetheautonomytodevelopand shapetheKey Stage 2 Team to a high standard meeting national expectations of KS2 practiceand working with other Senior Leaders to shape and work towards the agenda ofpreparedness for Key Stage 3 and longer term success.
The role of Assistant Headteacher will also bring with it the responsibility of servingwithin theTown Hall Campus SeniorLeadershipteam and wider leadership of the Claycots School Partnership.This willincludetheportfolioprojectofleadingoncurriculumenrichmentandpartnershipworkingtoensurethatthese keyareas become embedded within the psyche and values of the school. The position isan exceptional opportunity to lead a substantial team whilst also playing a key role inan expandingwiderorganisationthatwillgrowconsiderablybothinsizeandprofile.With it comesacommitmenttodevelopingtheAssistantHeadteacher throughanextensivepackage of CPD including Masters level sponsorship as well as a well-being package toensure that not only do we receive the best from the successful candidate but we also givethebest level of care and support to our valuedcolleagues.
Wearea‘values’ledorganisationthatderives allourthoughts,actionsandplansfrom the future based around these simple principles which we expect all members ofourschool community to adhereto.
Our values aresimple:
L- Lead Learning, LoveLearningI – Investigate andInnovate
V- Value ourcommunity and each other's backgrounds
E- Excellence throughexpectation.
My expectations on behalf of the Governing Body are verysimple:
“I believe that we should give our children the very best of experiences, learningand socialdevelopmenttopreparethemforlifesothattheycangrowto becomehappy productive 21stcenturycitizens”.
We are undergoing a rapid transition process to ensure that our curriculum, practices, organisationandpastoralsystemsarealignedwiththesevaluesandIamexcitedaboutthe prospect of an outstanding professional joining us on this journey. Futureplansinclude the developing of a wider Learning Trust which will expand with thosethat share similar values including the possibility of both Primary and SecondaryFree Schools,thebeginningofanextensiveportfolioofentrepreneurialledenterprisessuch asChildcare,Photography,OutdoorEducationandResidentialCentres,andCatering that will enable us to achieve our dreams by making us a financially robust andself- sustainingorganisation.
Istronglyrecommendthatyoutaketheopportunitytovisitandhaveadiscussionaboutthefuture.FortheapplicationprocesswewillrequireaLetterofApplication(no morethan2A4sides),a fullycompletedSloughLAApplicationform,EqualOpportunities form and no more than two A4 pieces of supplementary evidence matching theperson specification if sodesired.
WhatIcanpromisetothesuccessfulcandidateisasatisfyingyetchallengingcareer that will give genuine autonomy in the Assistant Headteacher’s role andexceptional continuing professional development. I look forward to meeting with you andshowing youthefantasticchildrenthatwehave atClaycotsSchoolanddiscussingthe ideasand experiencesthatyoumaybeabletobringtoourexcitingjourneytoexcellence!
Mr. GarethMorris
PG Cert BusinessAdministrationExecutiveHeadteacher Claycots SchoolPartnership
(Britwell and Town HallCampuses)
Line ofresponsibility
- The Assistant Headteacher(Key Stage 2) is directly responsible to the Associate Headteacher.
- S/he shall line manage and appraise the designated staff in leadership, main scale andsupport roles.
- S/he shall deputise for the Associate Headteacher (in her/his absence) and in all aspects ofher/hisrole.
- S/he shall make a positive contribution to the vision and leadership of the school helpingshape the school’s future and ensure that everyone is enabled to contribute effectively tothe progress and development of theschool.
- S/he shall assist the Associate Headteacher in ensuring the highest possible standards of education throughthepromotion of effective teaching and learning, a balanced curriculum, the provision of excellent pastoral careandsupport for students and a rich extra-curricular programme, which reflects the school’s developmentpriorities.
- S/he shall play a key role in promoting the aims, value and ethos of Claycots School Partnership andfacilitateeffective communications with all stakeholders.
- S/he shall lead and co-ordinate curriculum leaders in the development of learning programmes,teachingstrategies, schemes of work and in monitoring and evaluation to reflect school’s programme ofcontinuousimprovement.
- S/he will play a lead role in developing and implementing the school’s teaching and learning prioritiesthrougheffective assessment procedures, the development of personalised learning and ensuringcurriculumenrichment opportunities aremaximised.
- S/he will maintain a strong awareness of the school’s performance with regard to the quality of teachinginrelation to national guidelines and mentor Year Group Leaders, Phase Leaders and Curriculum Leaderstoensure high standards of teachingoverall.
- S/he shall lead and co-ordinate the construction of the relevant sections of the annual development planandself-evaluationprocess.
- S/he shall lead and co-ordinate the work of the Early Yearsteam
- S/he shall advise and work with the Associate Headteacher and the governing body on the formulation of itspoliciesand their implementation to meet the aims and development priorities of theschool.
- S/he shall assist the Associate Headteacher with the recruitment and development of excellent staff and inensuringhigh standards of discipline and morale throughout the schoolcommunity.
- S/he shall support the work of the designated committee of the governing body and provide adviceandguidance to the chair and Associate Headteacher.
- S/he shall ensure the shared development and operation of effective assessment, recording andreportingsystems, using the full potential of technology and data systems to set targets, monitor students’ progressandraise attainment across both sites. S/he shall ensure the effective operation of systems for qualityassuranceand appraisal and CPD. S/he shall ensure that staff are led, trained and managed to achieve challenginggoals.
- S/he shall assist Associate Headteacher in ensuring budgets are effectively managed and that the schooldeliversvalue for money. S/he shall ensure that child protection and safeguarding of students are given high priorityatalltimes.
Conditions ofemployment
- The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in thewrittenstatement of conditions of employment (the contract ofemployment).
- The post holder is required to support and encourage the school’s ethos and its objectives, policiesandprocedures as agreed by the governingbody.
- To uphold the school's policy in respect of child protection and safeguardingmatters.
- S/he shall be subject to all relevant statutory requirements as detailed in the most recent School Teachers’Payand ConditionsDocument.
- Attention is also drawn to the requirements for planning, preparation and assessment time under whichallteachers at a school with timetabled teaching commitments have a contractual entitlement to guaranteedPPAtime within the timetabled teachingday.
- The post holder may be required to perform any other reasonable tasks afterconsultation.
- Thisjobdescriptionallocatesdutiesandresponsibilitiesbutdoesnotdirecttheparticularamountoftimetobespent on carrying them out and no part of it may be soconstructed.
- This job description is not necessarily a comprehensive definition of the post. It will be reviewed at least onceayear and it may be subject to modification at any time after consultation with the postholder.
- All staff members are required to participate in the school’s appraisalscheme.
- Bachelorsdegree.
- Qualified teacherstatus.
- A continued commitment toownprofessional development.
- Senior Leadership of a samephaseschool/academy.
- Teaching experience withinthedesignated agerange.
- Of child-safeguarding issuesandsuccessful use of measures thatpromoteand ensure the safe-guarding ofchildren.
- Masters degree/furtherqualification
- Range of experiences acrosstheeducationsector
Application form
Leading in thecommunity
Knowledge and understandingof:
- Multi-agency work (including theteamaround the student), benefits andrisksof multi-agencyworking.
- Collaboration and partnershipworking(including school, home,communityand business partnerships).
- Wider curriculum beyond theschooland opportunities itprovidesparticularly skills based learninganddevelopment ofleadership.
- Establish and engage inpartnerships,including working withmulti-agencyteams.
- Consult, engage andcommunicatewith staff, pupils, parents and carerstoenhance pupil’slearning.
Leading in thecommunity
Knowledge and understandingof:
- The diversity of professionalculturesand ways ofworking.
- Diversity and communitycohesionissues.
- Collaborate and work within andacrossthe Chalveycommunity.
- Engage the community insystematicevaluation of the school's work andactonoutcomes.
- Take a leadership role within andacrossthe Chalveycommunity.
- Engage in cross phase workingandtransitionissues.
Knowledge and understandingof:
- Models of effective leadershipandorganisational structures.
- New technologies and theirpotentialimpact.
- Leading change, creativityandinnovation.
- Developments in education atlocal,national and globallevels.
- Ways of achieving stakeholder andcommunityengagement.
- Think strategically, analyticallyandcreatively.
- Deal with complexity anduncertainty.
- Anticipate, lead and managechange.
- Use research to support andchallengepractice.
- Inspire, challenge, motivateandempower others to attainchallengingoutcomes.
- Celebrate achievementandacknowledge excellence.
- Model the vision and values oftheschool.
- Build capacity andachievesustainability.
- Work strategically with governingbody.
Knowledge and understandingof:
- Strategic planning processes, toolsandtechniques.
- Demonstrate politicalacumen.
- Build a vision and communicateclearpurpose and sense of direction.
- Develop self-awareness,self-managementand self-confidence and useeffectively.
- Listen, reflect and communicateeffectively.
- Give feedback and provide supporttoimproveperformance.
- Hold people to account andchallengeunderperformance.
- Develop a culture of learningandcontinuous professionaldevelopment.
- Receive and act on feedback to buildonstrengths and improvepersonalperformance.
- Negotiate and manage conflict,providingappropriatesupport.
- Motivate, develop, empower andsustainindividuals andteams.
- High standards of personalandprofessional conduct.
- Foster an open, fair andequitableculture.
- Create a culture whichencouragesideasand contributions fromothers.
Key Dates in the Recruitment Process:
Advertisement for Assistant Headteacher(KS2) Post /TES/E-Teach
26th April 16
Closing Date and Shortlisting
Closing Date: Friday 13th May Midday / Shortlisting: Friday 13th May
Offer to Interview – As above
Interview Day
Thursday 19thMay 16 Location: Town Hall Campus
Claycots School Partnership Recruitment 2016- 17