Minutes of the Additional Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm on Monday 26 January 2015
/ / Cllrs Mrs Blackmore in the Chair, Mrs Spear, Spear, Mrs Shapland, Lucas Mrs Chugg, Lord and Mrs Parsons.Miss T Weaver (Parish Clerk)
277/2014/15 / Apologies / Received from Cllr Gilbert, Mrs Chesters, Bonds and Mrs Smith.
278/2014/15 / Items not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council / The Chairman on behalf of the Council sent its condolences to Cllr Mrs Chugg following the recent passing of a close family member.
The Chairman announced that the photographs of his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, following his visit to Braunton post the 2012 floods were now on display in the Council Chamber and Parish Hall.
The Chairman reminded members that there would be a meeting with the Museum of British Surfing Director and Trustees on Wednesday 28 January 2015 at 4:00pm at the Yard.
At the request of the Chairman Cllr Mrs Shapland informed members that the Post Office are currently consulting on the proposed move and modernisation of the Wrafton Post Office. The consultation ends 2 February 2015, Cllr Mrs Shapland would like to request an extension to enable the Council to consider the consultation at its meeting on 9 February.
279/2014/15 / Declarations of Interest / There were none.
280/2014/15 / Finance / The cheques on the schedule were approved and drawn in the sum of £19,767.13.
281/2014/15. Planning
(a) 58571 Erection of 4 dwellings (amended location plan & new certificate) at land adjacent Westmead Close, Braunton. Grid Ref:248286.6; 136716.97
Applicant: RGP Architects Ltd
Comment: Braunton Parish Council note the amended the location plan and new certificate but wish its previous objections to remain.
RECOMMENDS refusal on the following grounds: -
• Concerns regarding loss of mature and well established trees
• Concerns regarding potential flooding due to surface water runoff and insufficient capability of existing drains and sewers.
• Negative effect on existing amenity area
• Negative impact on amenities at Westmead House
• There are written statements from local residents that the site has been used as an open space amenity area for many years.
(b) 58664 Erection of conservatory at Brambles, Sharlands Lane, Braunton.
Applicant: Mr W Roff
Comment: RECOMMEND approval.
(c) 58641 Erection of first floor extension at Brambles, Ash Road, Braunton.
Applicant: Mr Brian Bale
Comment: RECOMMEND approval.
(d) 58640 Erection of garage & associated works at Burmur & Margherita, Barton Lane, Braunton.
Applicant: Mr James Ramsey
Comment: RECOMMEND approval.
(e) 58601 Rendering & painting of external elevations at Skir House, Butts Path, Braunton.
Applicant: Mrs Melissa Cockrill
Comment: RECOMMEND approval.
(f) 58510 Extension & alterations to dwelling at 26 Curve Acre, Braunton.
Applicant: Mr G James
Comment: RECOMMEND approval.
(g) 58624 Extension to dwelling & erection of replacement garage at 6 Cavie Road, Braunton.
Applicant: Mr Simon Fleischman
Comment: RECOMMEND approval.
(h) 58133 Outline application for 3 No. dwellings (amended plans) at land off Whitestone Lane, Knowle, Braunton EX33 2ND Grid ref: 249409; 138716
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Pine
Comment: Braunton Parish Council RECOMMENDS refusal on the following grounds: -
· outside of the development boundary, as set out in existing and emerging Local Plan.
· the site has inadequate drainage and is within flood zone 1.
· still inadequate access to the highway including access to the A361.
· there is a brown field site (KNW1) available within the vicinity, which should be development instead of the proposed green field.
Certificate of lawfulness
(i) Letter dated 23rd December 2014 from Mr Blatchford, Head of Contentious, North Devon Council regarding the following application was received.
LS/TB13287 Application for a lawful development certificate for existing siting of one mobile home at Stoneybridge, Knowle, Braunton EX33 1HR
Comment: The Council were unable to make a definitive response due to inadequate information provided by North Devon Council, request that location map and name of applicant be provided.
(j) Receive appeal against the decision of the local Planning Authority to refuse planning permission for the following application 10 Second Field Lane.
58028 Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 57344 to allow amended design.
Applicant: Mr Matthew Vale
Permission for Development
57319 Extension & internal alterations to dwelling (further amended plans) at Spring Haven, Boode Road, Braunton.
58299 Application for consent to works to trees covered by a tree preservation order in respect of removal of 1 Beech & 3 Horse chestnut trees and crown lifting & selective reduction of branches of 1 Beech tree at Tatra Lodge, 17 Seven Acres Park, Braunton.
58585 Variation of condition 3 (use permission) attached to planning permission 54633 to allow for holiday unit to be used separately at Chesil Cliff House road from Hobbs House to Broadlys, Croyde, Braunton.
58491 Extension to dwelling & erection of garage/workshop at Rockfield 1 Ash Road, Braunton.
58508 Variation of condition 3 (occupancy restriction) attached to planning permission 58158 to allow use as self contained holiday unit as well as ancillary to existing dwelling at The Old Presebytery, Frog Lane, Braunton.
58458 Extension to dwelling at 6 Caen Field, Braunton.
58502 Installation of cable route for solar farm connection at Luscott Barton Lane to Luscott Barton, Ashford, Barnstaple.
58582 Extension to dwelling at White Gables 2 Fairlynch Lane, Braunton.
58594 Erection of shed to front of dwelling at 6 Linden Close, Braunton.
58460 Erection of two 50KW wind turbines (height 34.2m, height to hub 24.6m blade diameter 19.2m) at Winsham Cross, Winsham, Braunton.
282/2014/15 / Height Restriction Barrier Caen Street Car Park / The Council considered a report by the Clerk regarding the cost to install new signage making motorist aware of bicycles on the roof of their of vehicles.RESOLVED: That two new signs be ordered at a cost of £55 each.
The meeting closed at 8:07 p.m.
...... The Chairman