Franklin County Traffic Safety Board

911 Building, Bare Hill Road, Malone

September 24, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Today’s meeting was brought to order by Chairman Kevin Mulverhill at 10:15 a.m. In Attendance were as follows:; Kevin Mulverhill, Franklin County Sheriff/TSB Chairman; Dave Werner, TSB Vice-Chairman; Dean Fountain, TSB Consultant; J. Brian McKee, TSB Executive Secretary; Don Dabiew, Franklin County Legislator and Chairman of the Public Safety Committee; Kip Cassavaw, Franklin County Clerk; Ricky Provost, Emergency Services/911; Mary Goodman, Franklin County Transportation; Ron Phelix, TSB; Dick Bolster, Franklin County Emergency Services; Darrin Jock, Brushton Moira Central School District; Lindy Ellis, Saranac Lake TSB, M. Gayle Seymour.

Chairman Mulverhill introduced our guest: Darrin Jock, Transportation Director for the Brushton Moira Central School District.

There is not a quorum, so there will be no motions or votes today.

I. Approval of July 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes –

It was confirmed that everyone has had an opportunity to review the minutes. There were no additions or deletions. No quorum, no vote.

II. Old Business-

1. Ignition Interlock Update:

There is no update.

2. Amish:

Dean Fountain met with the Moira Town Board, did mention the Amish and explained what we do; they are in compliance. Dean will speak with Bishop. It was suggested that at the Highway Superintendents Meeting Dean speak on the Amish briefly re snow plows.

3. Web Site / Facebook:

Gayle Seymour advised everything is up-to-date. TSB receiving about 76 hits regularly on Facebook. Dean Fountain stated the grant money from Walmart will be used to advertise the snowmobile PSA on television.

4. Operation Red Nose:

Dean Fountain stated a local law firm to meet with him re: underwriting cost of evening. Dean stated Fuller Express a possibility as transporter. Mary Goodman said that Sue Patterson notified her that their event in Saranac Lake has been cut back. There will be more details to follow.

5. GTSC Budget/Duprey Letter:

Kevin Mulverhill advised Janet Duprey did letter but no changes. Dean advised we got cut $100.00 and did not receive increase.

6. FA Student Parking Presentation:

Dave Werner said the night was a total bust. Four people(students and parents) plus the driver’s ed instructor showed up. Unfortunately the school would not make it mandatory until it is adopted school policy. Principal did not put the information out soon enough and when done, it was not mandatory. Kevin Mulverhill said it was a start; it is movement in the right direction. Once they see program, then they will see the results. Keep working at it.

7. Mountain View 15 mph Speed Limit:

Dave Werner, Dean Fountain went to Mountain View three times. They met with Town Supervisor and Highway Supervisor again to address the curve, they showed what signs to use and suggested double chevrons; He agreed to take down 15 mph regulatory sign and put sign after Route 27 winding road sign and advisory 15 mph. Discussion about speed bumps that can be lifted in winter. Discussion about speed and accidents on this curve.

8. Car Seat Trailer Registration:

Dean Fountain stated this has not been worked out yet.

9. Updated Member List:

Dave Werner’s term is up 12/31/14. He needs to advise if he is going to continue. Gayle Seymour advised to do letter to Sue Tupia and Sue Wilson Scott to see if they will want to continue on the board. Need to send invitation to Becky Preve, who has taken Sue’s job over.

III. New Business:

1. Committee Reports

i. Off Road Initiative - Update

Dean Fountain said we need to set up snowmobile enforcement for this winter and to run PSA.

ii. Programs & PSA

Dave Werner stated we will have a guest at October 29th meeting. It will be Aaron Docteur from NYS DOT, Region 7. He is in charge of all signalized intersections.

iii. Victim Impact Panel Report

Mary Goodman stated the last Victim Impact Panel was held on Wednesday, September 17th at 6:30 pm in the Kitchen Conference at the Court House. There were two speakers. There were 44 individuals who showed up. The next meeting will be December 11, 2014 in the Pine Room at Paul Smith’s College. Discussion of possible speakers.

iv. Events

Dean Fountain advised he of the following events:

8/28/14 – Citizens Advocate Safety Day – huge event

9/20/14 – Safety check and car seat clinic in Tupper Lake. Brian Goetz covered with NYSP and Adirondack Medical Center.

10/23/14 – Dean Fountain went to Paul Smith’s for distracted driver presentation

10/6/14 – at 1:00; there will be ribbon cutting ceremony for the Complete Streets program at St. Joseph’s School in Malone

10/8/14 – NYSP and Sue Patterson, MVPD and SLVP to do enforcement day related to complete streets, speed enforcement around schools from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

10/9/14 – Driver’s Ed –Distracted Driver

10/20 – conference

Dave Werner did two presentations at Driver’s Ed

Lindy Ellis spoke of summer youth program in Saranac Lake. Successful program on bike safety done. Perhaps in the future maybe a presentation to prepare them for being motor vehicle drivers.

v. Guests, Media, and Legislation

Dave stated he had nothing further to add.

2. Bicycle & Pedestrian Fatalities:

Lindy Ellis did a presentation on U.S. bicycle and pedestrian fatalities bikes and trying to decrease these rates by initiating some road safety measures and education. Suggestions of putting fog line closer, NY DOT and pedestrian action safety clinics. We should encourage enforcement of motor vehicle laws relative to bikes and operators. Information from New York City out of 145 bike pedestrian fatalities with cars, only one sober car driver. How can we improve education and enforcement? In Saranac Lake, DPW adding sharrows. Suggestions of notifying bike and cars on how to share space. Training DOT on painting e.g. buffer zones; design guidelines. Dave Werner suggested having Emmett McDevitt to speak at Highway Supervisors meeting to discuss signs and painting of chevrons. Lengthy discussion re: how to write ticket for bike violation, number of personal injury bike/car accidents.

3. Duane Street (Rec Park):

Kevin Mulverhill notified TSB that a resident of Duane Street had contacted him regarding speed on Duane Street near the rec park. Dean Fountain stated it was mainly trucks speeding on that road. MVPD Chief Premo will have officers check the speeding. Discussion ensued about what the speed should be, speed buffer zone. Dave Werner to speak with John Hutchins and DOT and get study of CR 25. Dean Fountain suggested that maybe the speed trailer could be set up there before winter.

4. Town of Moira Speeders:

Cindy Gale, Town Supervisor, concerned about speed between Brushton and Moira. Dean Fountain met with her and board recently and advised speeding issue should be addressed by NYSP not Traffic Safety Board. Dean explained we will try and get speed trailer out there, signage okay. Darrin Jock spoke of speed near school and consideration of possible buffer zone. Lengthy discussion. DOT to do study, NYSP to check for enforcement.

Also discussion about high rate of speed on Route 374 in Chateaugay. NYSP to check for enforcement.

5. Nomination of Officers:

Kevin Mulverhill advised it is time to consider new officers for 2015. We need Chairman, Vice-Chairman (2), and Executive Secretary. He advised he is not running for Chairman again.

6. Other

Conference – Statewide Traffic Safety Symposium from 10/19/14 – 10/22/14 in Lake Placid. October 1st is last date to register and pay without penalty. Gayle will email all board members to see who wants to go; most people going on Monday, 10/20.

Ron Phelex stated he got stopped with a Maine plates on a trailer. Dave Werner spoke to Kip Cassavaw who stated that many people are registering trailers in Maine and New Hampshire because it is cheaper, but it is illegal. The issue is enforcement. DMV changing issues on a regular basis. Kip advised that as of the present date, it is illegal to operate a trailer with out of state plates if you are a resident of New York State.

IV. Stop DWI Report

Copies of reports available for viewing

V. Traffic Safety Report – Financial Report

Dean Fountain advised we are at end of year and all our money gone. October is the start of a new year.

VI. Round Table

Dean Fountain advised that of all the tickets issued from the last cellphone sting, all received a reduced disposition to no point violation or a 2 point non-moving traffic violation. Lengthy discussion followed. Brian McKee recommended doing a letter to the local court expressing TSB concern. He will also speak to District Attorney.

Ricky Provost spoke of Mt. View issue and what about removable speed bumps that can be taken out in the winter; the fatal accident in on Route 11 in Brushton, signage may be an issue but vehicles travelling at a high rate of speed.

Dave Werner to speak with DOT about speed zone on Gale Road.

TSB is not taking a position regarding truck restrictions on Main Street in Malone.

VII. Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Franklin County Traffic Safety Board will take place on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at the Emergency Services/911 Building in Malone.

Adjourn Meeting

No motion as no quorum. Today’s meeting adjourned at 11:45a.m.

Respectfully submitted by M. Gayle Seymour