Visiting Staff Handbook


Inspiring beyond measure

The Astrea values are:

  • Responsibility and leadership
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Aspiration and development
  • Enjoyment and innovation
  • Collaboration and inclusion

The Astrea values are interwoven into the whole school ethos through the environment and curriculum. Assemblies, newsletters and policies will reflect these values increasingly over the coming year.


Jonathan Moody Principal, DSL

Marija BratcherAssistant Principal,DSL, FS2 class Maths/English/RWI (FS, KS1), Teaching and Learning, assessment, Pupil Premium, paediatric first aid trained

Jo TempertonAssistant Principal,DSL, Y6 class teacher (KS2 lead; outcomes, teaching and learning, assessment, Maths/English (KS2))

Ruth VealPupil development, behaviour and welfare


Lucy SykesClass Teacher Y4/5, music

Luke KellyClass Teacher Y4/5, ICT, PE

Natalie SixsmithClass Teacher Y3, RE, PHSCE, P4C

Nicola WindmillClass Teacher Y2,

Robyn PriestnallClass Teacher Y1, Art, DT, paediatric

first aider

Lisa WilliamsHLTA, Y6, Learning Mentor

Victoria BarrassHLTA, FS2, First aider

Jo OldfieldTA, Y4/5

James CopleyTA, Y4/5, SMSA, first aider

Beverley BeardshawTA, Y3, SMSA

Margo RussellTA, Y2

Lesley BurdTA, Y1/FS2, SMSA, breakfast club

Paula HannamBusiness Manager

Laura BardellOffice staff

Michael LapinSenior SMSA, first aider

Victoria CordinglySMSA, first aider

Samantha NearySMSA, first aider

Emma Shaw SMSA, first aider

Mark SmithSite Manager


Our school uniform from September 2017 will comprise:

  • Bottle green sweatshirt / Bottle green cardigan
  • White or yellow polo shirt or white shirt/ blouse
  • Grey trousers/ skirt/pinafore dress
  • Grey/ black or white socks or tights
  • Black shoes (no trainers and no heels)

Summer variations

  • Grey shorts
  • Green/yellow Checked Dress


No jewellery except for watches and plain studs. Only one set ofear-rings will be allowed. No other piercing will be allowed.


No make-up or nail polish is allowed. Children coming to school wearing make up will be asked to remove it and parents will be contacted.


Pupils are expected to bring kit to change into for PE. It is not appropriate for pupils to

wear the kit they wear for PE during other lessons.

  • White T shirt (logo or non logo)
  • Black shorts
  • Black or grey tracksuit if possible. Dark coloured if not.
  • Watches and ear studs should be removed for PE lessons.
  • Pupils will not be allowed to wear any outdoor clothing within the school building, they will be asked to remove coats, jackets, hoodies, etc, and place them in a school bag prior to entry to school building.


All staff will greet their class at their designated door each morning. FS2 and Y1 use the external door attached to the classrooms, Y2 and Y3 use the external door between classrooms, Y4/5 and 6 use the external door on the main corridor. These doors must be opened by no later than 8.40 and class teachers must supervise their classes in. For children in FS2 or Y1 parents are welcome to enter the class with their child to help them settle or speak to staff. Parents of Y2 – 6 children hand their childover at the door, as necessary.

There should be four staff on duty each break; 2 on each playground (KS1 and KS2). At the end of break, a whistle will be blown/bell rung. Children should stop playing at this point and stand still on the playground. On the second whistle/bell children walk to their designated places on the playgrounds where the class teacher collects them. Children should not be going to the toilets at this point.

In the event of wet playtimes children should be left in classrooms with a variety of things to do. The staff on duty will patrol all the classrooms. Each member of staff will have a designated area on the rota. They should be present in this area throughout break. The person designated for the entrance area may relieve other staff for comfort breaks during the course of the break.

Only cups with lids are permitted in areas outside of the staff zone. All duty staff should go out on duty first and take it in turns for comfort breaks. TAs may take teaching staff drinks in cups with lids to classrooms after break.


The children are directly passed into the care of the SMSAs. A rota system is in operation for serving the meals and for supervision in the different zones.

Children are collected at the end of lunchtime (12.50) by their class teacher from the designated areas (as playtime).

Registration should take place promptly and the register needs to be sent to the office by 1pm.


For health and safety reasons all staff should sign in on the Visitor Entry system in reception on arrival at school. If leaving the premises at any stage during the school day please remember to sign out and sign in again on return. Visitors and contractors will also use this system. The system will be used to monitor late arrivals amongst the children and those leaving the premises early.


Each morningregisters are completed on paper (folders kept in classrooms) and lunch choices are completed on ‘parent pay’. All sandwich boxes are placed in the designated trolleys in or by the classrooms.

Registers are a legal requirement and must be marked accurately and promptly. Teachers mark and total attendance registers every morning and afternoon.


Assemblies are held each day at 10:15am (in the hall) for every class, except FS2 in the early part of the school year.

The children will always be asked to enter and leave the assembly quietly. Music will be playing, which the children will be encouraged to listen to and appreciate in terms of type, mood, composer/performer etc.

Staff are expected to help with supervision in assemblies and ensure their classes arrive on time, entering in the expected way and leave in the expected way. There will also be regular opportunities for singing and visitors to lead assemblies.


A timetable for PE is available in the staffroom.

Children are also expected to take part in outdoor games throughout the year. Track suits may be worn for outdoor lessons. Trainers which are for PE lessons only should be worn in these sessions.

Children without kit will be expected to participate in the lesson by borrowing school kit, or in other ways such as making notes, observing, providing feedback etc. If no PE kit is available on three consecutive sessions a standard letter is to be sent home.

Large apparatus should be set out and put away by the children under the supervision of the teacher.


Minor accidents can be dealt with by a trained member of school staff.


If a child is too ill to remain in school, authorisation to send the child home must be obtained from the Principle or AssistantPrinciples, and parents must be contacted to collect the child. In the event of a child needing to be taken home, two adults must accompany the child. If they are travelling by car, the person must have the necessary insurance and the second adult must sit in the rear of the car with the child. A booster seat must be used if appropriate. Children waiting to be collected are to remain either in a quiet area of the classroom or in reception.

If there is a possibility that a child is being abused, the Head Teacher must be informed immediately and Social Services may be involved.


The Trust advises that no teacher should give any medication to children because of the obvious dangers of wrong dosage/timings or overdosing. Because of the potential dangers to other children, neither should children bring medication to school. Medicine should only be sent when absolutely necessary. A ‘Medication form’ should be completed and the medicine should be clearly marked with the child’s name. The medicine should then be handed to a member of school staff and it will be stored in safely in the school office or the fridge upstairs if necessary.

There are a limited number of exceptions to this, for instance as in the case of Asthma relieving medication, (and similar), which needs to be readily available, or in the case of school excursions. In such cases or in case of any doubt please discuss the circumstances with the class teacher or Principle.


Children must be supervised at all times. Any teacher needing to leave their classroom whilst the children are present must request a TA to supervise for a few minutes. If it is going to be longer than this, they should inform the office so that the Principle or an available teacher can be found to cover.


A fire practice will be held at least once each term. Instructions for evacuating the building are posted in every room. All children are taken to the nearest safe exits and are expected to line up in their classes on the KS2 playground as far away from the building as possible, facing away from the building, so that a register can be taken. The Admin staff will take the registers outside. An emergency evacuation may be necessary in exceptional circumstances. Staff will be informed by word of mouth and all occupants will then leave the building via the usual safe exits. (See Terrorism Policy).


Matches may NOT be kept in the classroom under any circumstances. As this school operates a no smoking policy, smokers are requested not to bring matches onto the premises. If they do so, please leave them with the Principle out of the way of children.


Equipment which may pose a danger to children, ie glue guns, staplers and guillotines should be stored at all times in safe places away from small fingers!


The front door has a key fob entry. Never leave open the front doors or fire doors to classroom when going out for PE or for assembly.

Some store rooms are locked to secure the contents. The keys are available and out of the reach of children.

It is the responsibility of the staff to approach unknown adults within the school building and to challenge strangers on the site. Backup from another member of staff should be requested in order not to compromise personal safety.


At Edenthorpe Hall we are rightly proud of our wonderful ethos where everyone is valued and ‘everyone can make a difference’ so that we work together to be the best. Positive praise and reward are central to its success and delivery through school.

Positive Behaviour

The Astrea Principles underpin our code of conduct to promote the positive ethos in school. Social and academic achievements are celebrated within class and school wide. Certificates, work assemblies, displays and special events are offered as rewards for positive behaviour too. We never underestimate the power of a well-timed and appropriate piece of encouragement and praise. Smiles are awarded in the following ways:

  • Displaying one of the Astrea Principles;
  • Consistent effort in learning; work or conduct;
  • Not appearing on the ‘red traffic light’ all week
  • Consistently pleasant, polite and well mannered;
  • Success in any area of the school (this could be shown in marking and feedback);
  • Homework;
  • Reading at home 5 times in a week (as shown in reading diaries);
  • Times Table Rockstars;
  • Improvement in Maths basic skills tests;
  • Consistently noticed in assemblies for excellent listening, making contributions and movement in/out of the hall;
  • Ignoring inappropriate behaviour and maintaining a good role model to others;
  • 100% attendance for the week.


The aim is to make each child aware of his or her actions and their consequence in relation to society in general and his/her school friends in particular. Anti-social behaviour is totally unacceptable and will not be allowed.


We are very concerned for each child’s well-being and cannot and will not tolerate bullying or racism. If there are any instances where a child is being upset in this way, please make sure that the SLT are informed immediately so that help and advice can be given and problems solved before the issue becomes even more serious. We do have strategies in school aimed at eradicating any issues.


Mobile phones should not be used under any circumstances in classrooms without prior permission from their line manager or to summon help if needed.

Staff should not use phones or laptops or iPads during their PPA or release time to access social media sites. This is still directed work time.

Mobile phones should be turned off or to silent during staff meetings and training days and shouldn’t be used during the course of these events.


Edenthorpe Hall logs any incidents related to safeguarding, pastoral care or behavioural issues on the electronic monitoring system – CPOMS. This will be difficult for visiting staff. Please alert another member of staff and/or log the incident on paper/electronically via email, etc.