Summary of Scientific Project Competition
The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Academic Year 2006 – 2007
Project Advisor
MissJirapa Yodphet
Science Department
Princess Chulabhorn’ College Phitsanulok
Maung District,PhitsanulokProvince
Summary of Scientific Project Competition
The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Academic Year 2006 – 2007
Project Advisor
MissJirapa Yodphet
Science Department
Princess Chulabhorn’ College Phitsanulok
Maung District,PhitsanulokProvince
Summary of Scientific Project Competition
The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Academic Year 2006 – 2007
Project Advisor
MissJirapa Yodphet
Science Department
Princess Chulabhorn’ College Phitsanulok
Maung District,PhitsanulokProvince
Summary of Scientific Project Competition
The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Academic Year 2006 – 2007
Project Advisor
MissJirapa Yodphet
Science Department
Princess Chulabhorn’ College Phitsanulok
Maung District,PhitsanulokProvince
Education Standards and Indicators of Basic Education
Standards of Student
Strand 1 Benchmark 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5
Strand 2 Benchmark2.1 – 2.5
Strand 4 Benchmark4.1 – 4.3
Strand 5 Benchmark 5.3
Strand 6 Benchmark 6.1 – 6.3
Strand 7 Benchmark 7.1, 7.2
Standards of Teacher
Strand 8 Benchmark 8.1 – 8.5
Strand 9 Benchmark 9.3
Standards of Director
Strand 12 Benchmark 12.2, 12.3
Strand 13 Benchmark 13.1, 13.2
This report composed for summarizing the scientific project competition of “The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids” of science department of Princess Chulabhorn’ College Phitsanulok. It included the competition invitation document, the competition information, the application form, project submitting writing, framework reporting, volume of report, the data of board, the result and awards of the competition.
This project was begun along the science course of Matthayom 4, 2006 and won the scientific project competition. In 2007, it was developed and won in the “Agri Festival” at Faculty of Agricultural Resources and Environment of
Naresuan University Phitsanulok, the “North OTOP” at Triamudomsuksa school of the North, the “Science Week” at NaresaunUniversity. Moreover, we won the project competition of Nation at WalailakUniversity, Nakornsrithammarat, October 20, 2007.
Miss Chirapa Yodphet
Project Advisor
October, 25th 2007
Title Page
Princess Chulabhorn’College Phitsanulok
Scientific Project Competition
Faculty of Agricultural Resources and Environment
NaresuanUniversity Scientific Project Competition
Triamudomsuksa of the North
Scientific Project Competition
Faculty of ScienceNaresuanUniversity
Scientific Project Competition
WalailakUniversity Nakhornsrithammarat
Scientific Project Competition
The Volume of Report
The First Competition
Princess Chulabhorn’College Phitsanulok
The Picture of the 8th Scientific Project Competition
February 15, 2007
At the Meeting Hall of Princess Chulabhorn’College Phitsanulok
Mr. Thongchai Pongprapan, The Director of Pricess Chulabhorn’ College Phitsanulok, states in the opening ceremony of scientific project competitionMrs. Sudkhaneung Khumket, The Head of Science Department,
Reports the objectives of the competition
The Picture of the 8th Scientific Project Competition
February 15, 2007
At the Meeting Hall of Princess Chulabhorn’College Phitsanulok
The students in Matthayom 1, 2, 3, 4 in the opening ceremony of scientific project competitionThe 2nd Competition
Faculty of Agricultural Resources and Environment
The 6th Academic Competition of Naresuan Agriculture
June 22, 2007
Faculty of Agricultural Resources and Environment
NaresuanUniversity Phitsanulok
The Result and Award of the Competition
Being the winner and getting the shield, certificate and 1,000 baht
1. Mr. Thananusak Hanlipong
2. Miss Yananan Boykratok
3. Miss Pilin Pongkaew
Advisor Miss Jirapa Yodphet
Smiling during waiting for the committees
Answering the committees and others
Being the winner and getting the shield, certificate and 1,000 baht
Being the second to the champion, we are very delighted.
It inspires us to fight the next obstacles.
Form the left: Miss Pilin Pongkaew, Mr. Thanusak Hanlipong, Miss Yananan Boykrathok, Miss Chirapa Yodphet
The 3rd Competition
Thriam U Dom Suksa Phitsanulok
The OTOP of the North Competition July 22, 2007
Thriamudomsuksa school of the North Phitsanulok
The Result and Award of the Competition
Being the winner in northern Thailand, and will represent the region for the nation competition
1. Mr. Thananusak Hanlipong
2. Miss Yananan Boykratok
3. Miss Pilin Pongkaew
Advisor Miss Jirapha Yodphet
Preparing the board of project
Waiting for the committees
Answering the committees and others
That’s very hardship to get the award
The 4Th Competition
Faculty of Science
The Science Week Competition August 18, 2007
Faculty of ScienceNaresuanUniversity
The Result and Award of the Competition
Being the winner in the field of Bio of the North and getting the shield, certificate and 3,000 baht, we’ll represent the region for the national competition at Walailak University Nakornsrithammarat on October 17 – 20, 2007.
1. Mr. Thananusak Hanlipong
2. Miss Yananan Boykratok
3. Miss Pilin Pongkaew
Advisor Miss Jirapha Yodphet
Being the winner in the field of Bio of the North and getting the shield, certificate and some money
The 5Th Competition
The 3rd stage of youth scientist of the national
October 17 – 20, 2007
WalailakUniversity, Nakornsrithammarat
The Result and Award of the Competition
Being the winner of the national competition with the field of Bio of the Nation and getting thePricess Sirindhorn confershield, certificate and 20,000 baht.
1. Mr. Thananusak Hanlipong
2. Miss Yananan Boykratok
3. Miss Pilin Pongkaew
Advisor Miss Chirapha Yodphet
Thank you TPA who supported us and provided us the ticket of Nok Air, One –Two – Go round trip of Bkk – Nakornsrithamarat – Bkk
Preparing the board of project
Practicing for the presentation to deduce our nervures before the interviewing
Answering the students teachers and others before the real interviewing
We are good to answer all the questions of the committees and everyone got and excellent grades.
After interviewing, we are certain to be once of the three
After interviewing, we are so happy.
Our next day will be the best, we are not expecting that we will be the winner of this competition.
Thank you very much for the committees !!
The Volume
of The Project
The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Mr. Thananusak Hanlipong
Miss YanananBoykratok
Miss Pilin Pongkaew
Princess Chulabhorn’s College Phitsanulok
Maung District,PhitsanulokProvince
This report is the part of Scientific Project of The Fourth Level of Secondary School
In the Scientific Project Competition of Thailand
Thailand Scientific Association in the patronage of the King
The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Mr. Thananusak Hanlipong
Miss Yananan Boykratok
Miss Pilin Pongkaew
Miss.Jirapa Yodphet
Special Advisor
Mr. Khachorn Thasuya
Princess Chulabhorn’s College Phitsanulok
Maung District,PhitsanulokProvince
Title Page
Chapter 1 Introduction1
The Problem or Question Being Addressed2
The fields of the study3
Technical terms3
Mentioned Variables4
The period of experiment 5
Chapter 2 Review literatures and related research6
General facts of chitin and chitosan6
General facts about how to produce chitin7
General facts about how to produce chitosan8
General facts about longans10
General facts about small field crab10
General facts about the bio- reaction between chitosan and fungus 11
Chapter 3Equipments and Methods13Processes 15 Equipments 16
Processes of the experiment16
Chapter 4 Experiment result23
Chapter 5 Conclusion and discussion40
Table Contents
No. Of TablePage
1 To display how the microorganisms stop growing in
the presence of E-door longan mixed with small field crab
chitosan solution and fungus food. 23
2To display the strength of smell emitted by the different
organic acids25
3 To display the color of the brown spots on the rind of the E-door
longan when in contact with the organic acids25
4 The results of comparing how citric acid and ascorbic acid
lengthen the freshness of E-door longan26
5 Comparison of small field crab chitosan and standard chitosan
ability to dissolve is different pH solutions.28
6The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan
with organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and
using the chitosan solution from the small field crab when left
at different temperatures as measured by the color of the meat. 29
7The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan
with organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and
using the chitosan solution from the small field crab when left
at different temperatures as measured by the sweetness. 30
8The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan
with organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and
using the chitosan solution from the small field crab when left
at different temperatures as measured by weight in grams.32
9The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan
with organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and
using the chitosan solution from the small field crab when left
at different temperatures as measured by pH. 34
10The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab
to extend the freshness of different types of longan.36
Graph Contents
No. of Graphs Page
1 Displaying how the microorganisms stop growing in the presence
of E-door longan mixed with small field crab chitosan solution and
fungus food.24
2 Comparison of ascorbic acid to citric acid’s ability to extend the
freshness of E-door longan as measured by weight26
3 Comparison of ascorbic acid and citric acid’s effect on the extension
freshness of E-door longan as measured by sweetness27
4 Comparison of ascorbic acid and citric acid’s effect on the extension
freshness of E-door longan as measured by pH27
5 The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan with
organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and using the
chitosan solution from the small field crab when left at different
temperatures as measured by the sweetness. 31
6 The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan with
organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and using the
chitosan solution from the small field crab when left at different
temperatures as measured by weight in grams.33
7 The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan with
organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and using the
chitosan solution from the small field crab when left at different
temperatures as measured by pH. 35
8 The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab to
extend the freshness of different types of longan as measured by the
weight in grams. 37
9 The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab to extend
the freshness of different types of longan as measured by sweetness. 38
10The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab to extend
the freshness of different types of longan as measured by the pH. 39
Picture Contents
Picture Page
1 chemical structure of chitin6
2 chemical of chitosan7
3 biological reaction between chitosan and microorganisms12
4 Plan of operation14
5 To display how the microorganisms stop growing in the presence of
E-door longan mixed with small field crab chitosan solution and fungus food. 24
6 The comparison of ascorbic acid to citric acid’s ability to extend the
freshness of E-door longan as measured by weight26
7 Comparison of ascorbic acid and citric acid’s effect on the extension
freshness of E-door longan as measured by sweetness27
8 Comparison of ascorbic acid and citric acid’s effect on the extension
freshness of E-door longan as measured by pH27
9 The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan with
organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and using the chitosan
solution from the small field crab when left at different temperatures as
measured by the sweetness. 31
10 The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan with
organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and using the chitosan
solution from the small field crab when left at different temperatures as
measured by weight in grams.33
11 The comparison of doing nothing, covering the E-door longan with
organic acid, using the standard chitosan solution, and using the chitosan
solution from the small field crab when left at different temperatures as
measured by pH.35
12 The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab to extend
the freshness of different types of longan as measured by the weight in grams.37
13 The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab to extend
the freshness of different types of longan as measured by sweetness.38
14 The ability of the chitosan solution with the small field crab to extend
the freshness of different types of longan as measured by the pH.39
15 Small field crab44
16 Crushing of Small field crab at level 544
17 Sifting of the crushed small field crab using sieve # 8044
18 Sifting of the crushed small field crab using sieve # 8044
19 Sodium Hydroxide45
20 Sodium Hydroxidemeasurement45
21 Adjustment of solution’s volume45
22 - 25 Hydrochloric acid solution preparation45
26 Small field crabcrushedmeasurement46
27 The crushed small field crabis poured into the solution46
28 The crushed small field crab is soaked in the solution at room
29 The crushed small field crabis soaked in the solution at 90oC46
30 The small field crabis crushed and then soaked in 5% concentrated
acid solution47
31 Acetyl group elimination by the stirrer47
32 Chitosan from Small field crab47
33 Standard chitosan (left) and chitosan from Small field crab (right)48
34 A comparison of the chitosan before and after the experimentation48
35 Longan microorganism grows in fungus food.48
36 Longan microorganism grows in fungus food mixed with chitosan
37 Chitosan solution from Small field crab49
38 Covering longan with chitosan solution49
39 Checking of the longan after covering it with the chitosan solution49
40 Fresh longan50
41 The 1st day of longan meat50
42 Longan covered with standard chitosan (left),
Longan covered with small field crab chitosan (right) 50
43 Longan meat at the 6th day nothing is added51
44 Longan meat at the 6th day as covered with chitosan from Small
field crab51
45 Longan meat at the 6th day as covered with standard chitosan51
46 The difference of longan meat at the 8th day52
47 Longan meat covered with chitosan from Small field crab at
the 10th day52
48 Longan meat covered with standard chitosan at the 10th day53
49 Longan meat covered with chitosan from Small field crab at
the 12th day53
50 Longan meat covered with standard chitosan at the 12yh day53
51 Longan meat covered with chitosan from Small field crab at
the 18th day54
52 Longan meat covered with standard chitosan at the 18th day54
53 Longan meat covered with chitosan from Small field crab at
the 22nd day54
54 Longan meat covered with standard chitosan at the 22nd day55
55 Extraction of longan juice using a dropper55
56 Testing of the longan juice’s sweetness55
57 Sweetness level of longan before covered with chitosan56
58 Sweetness level of longan left at the 6th day56
59 pH meter56
60 Temperature controller56
The Project of “The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids” completed by the supporting of Princess Chulabhorn’s College Phitsanulok, Miss. Jirapa Yodphet (The Advisor), Mr. Khachorn Thasuya (The Special Advisor), the scientific laboratory technicians, the members of Matthayomsuksa 5 and the parents. All of them give us the best suggestion and the most powerful inspiration.
Title:The Study to Prolong the Longan after Harvesting by Reducing Rotten
Disease with Enamelling Chitosan from Ricefield Crab Shell mix with Organic acids
Author: Mr. Thananusak Hanliphong
Miss. Yananan Boikrathok
Miss. Philin Pongkeaw
Major Adviser: Aj. Jirapa Yodphet
Adviser: Aj. Kajorn Tasuya
Princess Chulabhorn’s college, Meung District, Phitsanulok
The objective of this study is to investigate how to extend longans after harvesting
by using chitosan extracted from rice field crab shell. The sample longan are E-door species, collected from Wangthong District, Phitsanulok and Lamphun province. This study observed the comparison of using chitosan extracted from rice field crab shell with standard chitosan mixed organic acid for finding out what the best state to extend the freshness of longans is. From the result, it is found that the best state is using citric acid as a chitosan solvent,in suitable pH is 2.5. The chitosan solution in citric acid can stop the growth of micro organisms. Whereas it is used to enamel the skin of the longans, it will make the germ stops growing also. This process can stop or slow down the severity rotten disease made less sugar to be used. It keeps the sweetness of longans for a longer time and when the germ stopped growing and then there will be no metabolism which produced carbon dioxide(CO2) which makes the pH in longans in slower than before. Beside chitosan solution covering the skin of longans and reduce an evaporation of water also. We considered a relationship between the smell of the organic acid and an occurrence of brown color. The smell was not strong and effected on an occurrence of brown color of the cover of longans in low level. Theses acids are citric acid and ascorbic acid.
Citric acid at the same concentration in 5%, give the best result in bleaching color of the longans. There is skin color of longans measurement in the viciting value of the longans that have already passed the treatment by SO2.
When the chitosan solution from small crab shell was used to enamel the skin of the fresh longans, the effect is the ability to extend the life of longans at room temperature up to eighteen days whereas by nature, the longans can stay only two days. This process can decrease the temperature in the storage together withthe longans that is enameled with the solution can store only at 10๐C and can stay longer up to twenty eight days.