Oregon Charitable Foundations
Non Regional
Ann & Bill Swindells Charitable Trust
It is the intention of the Ann and Bill Swindells Charitable Trust to contribute to organizations whose principal mission is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Oregon and to assist and sustain the educational, cultural and scientific endeavors of the state.
Their intention is to do this by responding to proposals submitted by colleges and universities, arts, cultural, civic and social service organizations who seek to improve the health and welfare of Oregon citizens.
Bill Healy Foundation
The Foundation’s grants primarily support projects in the states of Oregon and Hawaii and focus on Environmental Conservation and/or The Well Being of Children. Project needs to meet both of these criteria and the applicant must have 501 (c) (3) IRS status. The web site states: “Children are our future. We have an opportunity and a responsibility to offer support, understanding, and guidance that gives them educated, informed and compassionate choices for a better quality and appreciation of life.”
Black United Fund Of Oregon
This fund is a philanthropic and community development institution committed to the social and economic development of Oregon's low-income communities. They assist a wide spectrum of Oregon’s low-income communities through grants, scholarships, training, and community development initiatives.
Grant proposals that focus on serving African American and other communities of color will be given priority consideration in the funding process.
Basic grants can be used for project costs, program costs, or operating support by organizations that are consistent with the Black United Fund's funding criteria. Priority consideration for a grant is given to organizations that have demonstrated an investment in disadvantaged communities by locating in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Organizations seeking funding should also have a history of, or program staff experienced in working with diverse populations.
Blanche Fischer Foundation
A private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organizations founded through a trust established by the late Blanche Fischer, a native of Long Creek, Oregon, BFF makes direct grants on behalf of individuals with physical disabilities. The aid may relate directly to the disability or may less directly foster independence. In accordance with the terms of Ms. Fischer's bequest, the foundation does not provide assistance for mental disability. To be considered for a BFF grant, an individual must:
have a disability of a physical nature;
reside in the state of Oregon; and
show financial need.
Collins Foundation
The Collins Foundation exists to improve, enrich, and give greater expression to the religious, educational, cultural, and scientific endeavors in the state of Oregon and to assist in improving the quality of life in the state.Grant requests are considered only from:
organizations that have established their tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are not "private foundations" as defined under section 509(a) of the Code, or have tax exemption as a governmental or other publicly-funded entity.
nonprofit organizations that have a legal presence in Oregon, and for projects that directly benefit the residents of Oregon.
Dental Foundation of Oregon
The Dental Foundation of Oregon makes grants to address their mission: "Improving oral health for Oregon's children." These grants aim to address the following funding objectives:
- To provide emergency dental care for children who are disadvantaged and do not have access to care. Projects that demonstrate local support, including volunteer time contributed by dentists and other health professionals, will receive preference.
- To prevent dental disease through support of programs that provide dental health education to the community and to assist children and low income families to access dental health care. Special attention will be given to projects that teach children and parents the benefits of preventative dental health care, i.e. dental hygiene, fluoride supplements and baby bottle tooth decay syndrome.
The Foundation distributes approximately $90,000 annually. Grant amounts do not normally exceed $5,000 each. The following forms provide details on DFO grant application requirements, guidelines, and application form.
- Grant Requirements and Guidelines
- Grant Application Packet
Ford Family Foundation
The Ford Family Foundation Grant Programs makes grants to public charities that predominately benefit small communities in rural Oregon and Siskiyou County, California. The Foundation Grant Programs work at many strategic levels in rural communities--from emergency needs to systemic change. Some strategies are proactive; some are reactive. Proactive Grants are initiated by the Foundation, occasionally using Request for Proposals (RFPs).
The Grant Programs section of the website describes reactive grants, also known as Responsive Grants (we respond to your good ideas), and how to apply.
The Proactive Grants section of the website gives you an opportunity to learn more about the grants that have been initiated by the Foundation in the form of Request for Proposals or targeted at an area of focus.
Hanna Andersson
Once a year in the spring, Hanna Andersson, a children’s clothing company, awards grants or gifts through their HannaHelps program to 501(c)(3) nonprofit programs that create sustainable improvements in the lives of vulnerable children ages birth to ten.
Their focus is on children who are at-risk due to poverty, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, homelessness, exposure to substance abuse, physical disabilities or mental health issues. The three criteria for grant and gift allocations are:
Building healthy lives for children
Promoting children's participation and empowerment
Supporting not-for-profit coalitions and public policy efforts that support children
The Herbert A. Templeton Foundation
This Foundation makes grants in the areas of education, social concerns, performing arts and humanities. There is a strong commitment to strengthening the quality of life for the total community with special emphasis on giving support to youth.
Jeld-Wen TraditionFoundation
Educational Grants Program: The Foundation supports innovative educational programs for K-12 school aged population based on partnerships and a vision for improving education in Oregon by engaging students in learning.
Eligible Organizations: The Foundation funds tax-exempt organizations, including K - 12 schools, both private and public, institutions of higher education and non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that offer educational activities and programs.
Types of Projects Funded: The Foundation supports projects that will advance K to 12 education/learning through innovative delivery mechanisms and partnership arrangements. Outreach efforts that help prepare kids for formal education and that involve partnerships are eligible projects.
Juan Young Trust
The Juan Young Trust was established under the will of Juan Young and funds grants
to 501 (c) (3) organizations that promote the health, education and welfare of children under 21 years old, in the state of Oregon. No grants are made outside Oregon.
Grants are generally limited to projects and programs conducted by qualified organizations within the state of Oregon, with emphasis on the Portland Area.
Jubitz Family Foundation
Goal: To enhance the communities in which we live by strengthening families, by respecting the natural environment, and by fostering peace.
Early childhood development and youth education, with an emphasis on children at-risk.
Environmental stewardship, with an emphasis on rivers and their watershed ecosystems.
Peacemaking activities, with an emphasis on teaching peace and conflict resolution.
Grantseekers who are first time applicants or those who have not been funded in the past must contact the Foundation’s Executive Director three months prior to the grant deadline in order to schedule a site visit. Grants will not be considered without a prior site visit. Grant Deadlines: The first week of April and the first week of October.
Meyer Memorial Trust
Meyer Memorial Trust has a number of grant programs designed to meet needs identified and brought to their attention by non profit organizations and community members. These include responsive, grassroots, emergency, and special grants.
Oregon Community Foundation
OCF donors are making a positive difference in communities throughout Oregon with grants and scholarships to support humanitarian, educational and cultural programs.Under Oregon! Ready to Learn, OCF makes investments totaling over $1 million per year in early childhood care and education. Focusing on early literacy, parent education, and child care quality and professional development, the initiative includes grants to community-based organizations, research, convening of forums, and scholarships for study and training in early childhood education.
OCF uses three principles when making grants:
To build an inclusive spirit of community encompassing all of Oregon's populations
To give priority to investments that resolve problems at their source
To bring private citizens together to address their needs and aspirations
PacifiCorp Foundation
The PacifiCorp Foundation supports the growth and vitality of the communities where PacifiCorp and its businesses have operations, employees, or interests.Grants generally are less than $10,000 with most between $2,000 and $5,000 and they are managed in four cycles:
- Education organizations (proposals due March 15)
- Civic, community and organizations not covered in other categories (due June 15)
- Culture and arts organizations(due September 15)
- Health, welfare and social serviceorganizations(due December 15)
Eligible candidates include educational and research institutions, both public and private, from early childhood through university level.
PGE Foundation
The Foundation seeks out and funds programsthat promote health, livability and educational opportunities and strives to:
Provide a broad range of grants that effectively meet the needs of Oregon's communities.
Support programs that encourage communities to work together.
Support nonprofit organizations that collaborate with each other.
Carefully research projects, track results and award grants that provide the greatest benefits to Oregon.
Collaborate with other foundations in statewide efforts.
Grants are funded in three categories: Education, Healthy families, Arts and culture.
Pioneer Trust Bank, N.A. Foundation
Application must be presented to the Foundation in writing, and should be as brief as appropriate to present necessary facts about the applicant and the project for which the grant is being sought. Please refer to the application instructions on the web page.
The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation
Principal funding categories are: Education, Health and Welfare, Religion, Science and Culture.
The Foundation makes discretionary and field-of-interest grants primarily to charitable, non-profit organizations located in, or directly benefiting residents of, Oregon and S.W. Washington.
Rather than submit a formal grant proposal with supporting materials, potential grantees may first wish to send a preliminary letter of inquiry A letter of inquiry should describe succinctly the background, programs, personnel and purposes of the organization and should briefly, but thoroughly, outline the project, including its strategy, costs and goals.
Swigert Foundation
The Swigert Foundation exists to improve and enrich cultural, medical, religious, educational, and civic endeavors primarily in the State of Oregon and Southwest Washington.
The Swigert Foundation grants funds to non-profit organizations. Grants are made generally in the $1,000 to $10,000 range. Among other things, they have funded grants for the purchase of specific items, operating expenses, matching grants and capital campaigns.
The Renaissance Foundationno website given
The purpose of The Renaissance Foundation (“TRF”) is to strive to make a significant difference in the lives of people in need, especially health and human services and education. TRF has no limits as to field of interest or geographic area.For information on submitting a grant request, please request our grant application guidelines using our contact form.
Trust Management Services, LLC (TMS)
Trust Management Services, LLC (TMS) was organized to contract with, assist and better prepare Charitable organizations to make sound funding decisions and maximize responsible giving in Oregon.
TMS funds non-profit organizations throughout Oregon, by Region. Six Regions comprise the 36 counties in Oregon. Three Regions are funded annually; each county is funded bi-annually.
TMS actively seeks grant applications with emphasis on Education, Community Service, Cultural, Youth Activities and Historical Preservation with funding to $10,000.
Grant applications for specific projects that will be completed in one year, have project budgets less than $50,000 and contain an educational factor will be viewed more favorably than other requests.
Walsh, Gary & WandaPrivate Foundation– no website given
Purpose and activities:Giving for children's education and services.
Fields of interest:Children, services; Crime/violence prevention, child abuse; Education, early childhood education; Education, special; Elementary school/education; Hospitals (general).
Geographic focus:California; Oregon; Washington
Contact: Gary L. Walsh, Pres.
48 River Rock Rd.
Sheridan, WY82801
Eastern Oregon - BakerCounty
Leon Adler Community Fund
Community Fund makes contributions to charitable organizations in arts and humanities, education, health, social and historical welfare, children and youth, civic and environmental causes and other fields. The Community Fund focus parallels the focus of Leo during his lifetime. That is, will the grant, if awarded, have a truly lasting impact on BakerCounty, its citizens and their community.
Portland Metro and WillametteValleyArea
Anne & Eli Shapira Charitable Foundation
The Anne & Eli Shapira Charitable Foundation supports organizations that provide direct resources to improve education and primarily the quality of life for disadvantaged families and individuals in the Portland metropolitan area.
Focus Areas
Provide strong family support including tutoring, mentoring and counseling services todisadvantaged families and individuals.
Improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged and/or disabled individuals.
Enhance the healthy development of individuals faced with disadvantages or disabilities that may hinder their quality of life.
Benton County Foundation
The Benton County Foundation (BCF) began in 1953 as a community foundation. Its mission: to establish endowments, manage the funds received, and distribute a portion of the earnings each year to benefit our youth and community.
While requests for grants for most purposes will be considered, preference is given to those programs benefiting the youth of Benton County, Oregon – those that encourage and support the development of talents and potential of our youth.
Hoover FamilyFoundation
The Hoover Family Foundation helps non profit, tax-exempt organizations in social service and education areas improve the quality of life for, and foster the self sufficiency of, the individuals whom they servein the Portland metropolitan area only.
The purpose of the funding is to provide direct services to individuals by supporting non-profit agencies efforts. These agencies also may need support to aid them in providing these services, or to improve their own functioning. Leveraging of the foundation's contributions through other community support to the grantee is highly encouraged.
Jackson Foundation
The Jackson Foundation’s purpose is to respond to requests deemed appropriate to "promote the welfare of the public of the City of Portland or the State of Oregon, or both." The Foundation considers projects located outside the Portland metropolitan area only if the project is of statewide appeal, rather than of local concern.
The income from the trust shall be distributed by the trustees for use within the State of Oregon for charitable, educational or eleemosynary purposes and for the advancement of public welfare. The trustees shall have wide discretion in the selection of the particular purposes for which said distribution shall be made and shall select beneficiaries as they shall deem to be most appropriate.
Spirit Mountain Community Fund
The Spirit Mountain Community Fund provides small grants ($10,000 or less with an operating budget less than $250,000) and large grants (operating budget over $250,000) to non-governmental charitable organizations (IRS recognized 501(c)3's) in 11 counties: Benton, Clackamas, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhill.Government agencies located only in Polk and Yamhill counties can apply for grants because they are located near The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Reservation.
If you are not sure your project will qualifyin one of our seven broadly designated project categories, please feel free to call ore-mailfor clarification or more information.
Grant Categories: Arts & Culture, Education, Health, Public Safety, Historic, Preservation, Environmental Preservation, Problem Gaming.
Stimson-Miller Foundation
The Foundation’s purpose is to carry on the charitable interests and concerns of the owners of StimsonLumber Company, in the greater Portland area and communities throughout the UnitedStates where Stimson conducts its business and areas where Company shareholdersreside or have charitable-giving interests.
The Foundation funds civic, cultural, educational, health and humanservices, and religious organizations where the funding is not in furtherance of religiousactivities. The Foundation accepts grant requests, though priority is given to initiativesthat originate with the owners of Stimson Lumber Company. Such shareholder-driveninitiatives must meet the standards of funding priority and merit required of all grantrequests approved. Preference is given to specific program support over generaloperational support and capital campaigns.
Wessinger Foundation
The Wessinger Foundation is a private family foundation committed to a legacy of grantmaking to serve broad charitable purposes.
The Foundation currently focuses its funding in the areas of Education, Arts & Culture, Health & Social Services, and Environment & Conservation.
The Board has a strong preference for organizations serving Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties
Southern & Southwest Oregon